Wednesday 13 February 2008

Running Around

Happy 18th Birthday Chen (for yesterday)!!!

I took advantage of going over to Chen's to drop off a birthday present for him by driving the way there. We got him this self-help book...not that he needs it or anything! It's just that it came down to a humorous book and a self-help book and with my mum she believes in getting people things that they could actually use. So we ended up going with the self-help book 'Don't Sweat the Small Stuff'.

We had a bit of a chat inside for a little while before we decided we better go, and went driving around the area where he lives. It was pretty deserted and so I practised all those things like three-point turns and reversing around corners and other things I can't do! We were driving for a while before I noticed the front 'L' plate had disappeared! My dad looked around inside the car before coming to the conclusion that it flew out the window! We drove all the way to West City to buy a new plate. We were about to get out of the car when I spotted it under the seat! That saved us $2!

Aonghas has been reviving the Valentine's Day rose sale/delivery at his school with the prefects group. Our prefects group first did it a couple years ago but then last year they didn't have enough time to get it organised. This year after [gently] encouraging Aonghas to get things going he got round to organising selling those plastic roses for Valentine's Day and so far they're doing extremely well! Most people have bought roses themselves. I think they've sold over 300 roses so far for $2 each, and have at least another 100 to deliver tomorrow on Valentine's Day. My mum and I have been helping him search all over Henderson to buy all the plastic red roses on sale (not to eliminate competition of course!) but we think most of the shops have nearly run out! We're trying to claim that we deserve a bit of a the profit for labour and consultancy fees because as you know, everyone needs consultants! ;)

While walking around West City today looking for the roses I came across Liam, this guy who was in my year back in Rutherford! We had a catch-up for a little while - he's going to be a qualified electrician soon! Not too long after I caught Angie at work and she gave us a free sample of the new ice-cream her shop is selling! As we were walking back to the car I thought I might catch up with my ex-neighbour Zippo, as I saw her just leave West City earlier in the day and texted her, asking if it was her and she said it was. She told me to come by her shop and say 'hi', so I did! The shop was closed though, but luckily she was still at the counter so I waited around for a while till she finished and came outside to have a chat with her.

Ain't it neat catching up with old friends?

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