Monday 4 February 2008

Another Festival

It was the last combined Sunday School class at church yesterday so it as a little different with us getting into teams and playing some games. Hamish, Aonghas, a couple of other boys and I formed one team. The first game we played was the members of each team had to sacrifice as much as they had on themselves and put it all into a box. The team who had the heaviest box won. While members of other teams were carrying bags with them, none of us in our team had bags, except for one of the boys, who also had a box of trading cards! We all took off our shoes and put in our phones and my belt though, and we managed to win the first game by 3 grams!

The last game was where each team had to come up with the most number of sins mentioned in the Bible in two minutes. Once time was up, each team read their list out, and if any other team had the same sin on their list then we'd all have to cross it out! While other teams had three or five words, we managed twelve! :D Our list featured some very dodgy words though (I have no idea how we came up with them!) like bestiality, incest, fornication, polygamy...There were a few of the younger kids who were asking what bestiality meant but most of the older people weren't too keen on telling them! After the games were over we overhears someone pondering..

"With words like those I wonder what goes on in their minds!"

Our team ended up winning getting a maximum 20 points for coming first in both games. All the other teams were tied for second with 16 points! We finished Sunday School with some snacks and drinks which was nice.

As soon as it was over though, our parents came to pick us up and we rushed all the way to the TelstraClear Pacific Events Centre in Manukau City where the Chinese New Year Festival, this time being run by WTV, was held.

This was the first time we had been to this event, let alone the venue, and so we were interested in what it was like, and also how it compared to the Chinese New Year Festival held earlier this year. In the main hall there were all these stalls around the place. It wasn't as big as the other festival, and you could definitely feel ASB's presence there with activities and posters plastered with the ASB logo everywhere (they were the main sponsor of this event). At about 2.30pm there was a performance in the theatre. It started off with a pretty cool Japanese dance by some children, but then after that there was some Chinese rock band and a few random games on stage. There were these four guys who played Korean drums though which was pretty cool!

After a while we got a little restless so we went out and checked the food stalls outside. The festival was nearly over so our mum went around looking to buy some heavily discounted food, and came back with quite a lot!

While we didn't have much time to spend at this festival, overall it was smaller than the ACCC's Chinese New Year Festival at the ASB Showgrounds and possibly not as good, but that's subjective!

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