Wednesday 27 February 2008

Weekend Washout

The weekend was a complete washout. The Starlight Symphony was cancelled on Saturday and eventually held on the next day, while the weather didn't make going to the Lantern Festival as appealing as before, so it meant a whole weekend stuck at home.

The night before I had youth group where we had this mini scavenger hunt around inside the building (slightly adjusted due to the weather). We split into teams and went around looking for the each clue left in different places. There was a full glass of water sitting on top of one of our clues and I accidentally knocked it over and spilled it all over the table! Someone also stole one of our clues which meant we couldn't complete the hunt and we ended up losing!

I did have my first recorder classes on Saturday morning though which were a bit nerve-wracking at first. See, it's not just students who are nervous on the first day of class! This year I have a class half an hour earlier than last year at 8.30am, which is quite early for me! I tried getting there earlier only to find the main gate still closed with a bench which looked as though it had been ripped out of the ground leaning up against it. Because it was raining heavily and I still haven't been issued a key for my classroom I had to teach my student in the foyer of another classroom till the music school supervisor came! My second class was a mix of some old students and some new students who turn out to be from my church! I didn't actually teach them anything because I didn't know what level they were at, but I've promised them I will officially start teaching them this Saturday!

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