Saturday 16 February 2008

Putting it On

So once again the alcohol issue popped up, this time at youth group last night. We were all asked for our opinions on it, and so Hamish, Aonghas and I just kept quiet. We knew we had a differing opinion to everyone else. We just had to ensure Hamish didn't say anything or else he'd ramble on about the evils of it! I've sorta mellowed a bit and while I won't consume it myself I've been holding back from trying to stop others making their own choices. After we split into separate boys and girls groups we had further discussion on alcohol and soccer. It turns out our group leader was probably the worst out of all of us! Before he became a Christian he used to get drunk and go on pub crawls! Wild!

We went to this careers expo at the ASB Showgrounds today, not knowing what to expect and how it would compare to the Coke Careers Expo. Now that I'm studying pharmacy it wasn't of as much importance to me as it would have been last year, but we thought we'd go so that Hamish could have a look around for more information.

What was good about this expo was that there weren't school kids running all around the place, in fact it wasn't that crowded! This is probably the reason why most stands had free giveaways such as pens, lollies and other things! We even got this free car seat cover from the Super Cheap Autos stand!

We seemed to be some of the youngest people wandering around, so whenever we came to a stand and the people at the stand came to talk to us, they would ask us if we were still at school!

After a couple hours we were about to leave the showgrounds when this other guy redirected us to this other expo in the other building - an investment expo! We walked in there and felt completely out of place as there were all these professionals in suits with displays and charts and things we couldn't understand! We quickly got in, got out and left.

We had dinner at Esther and Julia's house later tonight, with a few of her other 'best' students, Janet, Gannin, and a couple of others who I didn't know. We all had a bit of food and chat which was cool. Julia is going to Avondale College this year instead of Rutherford, but we won't hold that against her!

I've been doing more and more driving practice in the past few days because I really need it, but I can never seem to get anyone to take me driving! Having driving lessons with the driving instructor is freaky as she's always telling me off for driving around corners too fast! Who needs to drive anyway? I can just walk! But I'm not one to give up (most of the time), I will get the hang of this one day!

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