Friday 1 February 2008

A Catch-Up of Sorts

Yesterday Hamish had a job interview in the city, and so I went in with him too as I was going to catch up with my really good friend Diane, who I haven't seen in over half a year. Aonghas dropped Hamish off before taking me to uni. We went to buy his course guide for the computer science paper he'll be taking this year before he left to go to school.

I was an hour early so I decided to try look for cream eggs to buy Diane as I know she really likes them! I walked all the way to The Warehouse to check it out but couldn't find anything! I was walking up Queen St looking for other shops selling them when she texted me telling me she was just about to arrive in the city! We met up outside Imax and then walked down Queen St all the way to The Warehouse. We spent a little while looking for toys for Diane to buy to give to these children of the farmers who own the farm she has been working at (what a very bad sentence!). After a while of browsing, as well as looking for a Spongebob t-shirt (for Diane but with no success), she finally decided on two soft toys, one of them a dancing hippo and the other one this baby that glows and plays lullaby music when you squeeze it.

Once we were done, we then walked all the way to Foodtown to do some shopping. Diane wanted to buy some...stuff but we ended up walking around the store at least five times, picking up a drink along the way before she finally decided to buy the stuff. We then walked back to Queen St, drinking our cans of 'V'.

I have to say this day was really badly planned in that she only asked me to hang out the night before and I hadn't even had any time to think of what to do or buy her something! We ended up walking back up Queen St all the way to Nando's and Imax before deciding we'd have lunch at Burger King. Because she had paid for my drink, this time I took her Eftpos card off her and paid for her lunch! I caught up with Tim, this guy from Rutherford at Burger King too which was cool.

After lunch we didn't really know what to do, as Diane had pretty much done everything there was to be done in the city. I did try suggesting having a little walk around the Viaduct but she didn't want to get sunburnt, and I suggested showing her around Albert Park (which is a really nice park...during the day!) and maybe around uni, but she wasn't too keen on walking, even despite me offering to carry her! I then tried to get her down to the arcade to challenge her at one of those dancing game things, but she wussed out! So we went back upstairs, and wandered around checking out clothes shops. That meant being the only guy in women's clothes shops at times! I even went into this clothes shop and watched as Diane tried on this thing and the saleswomen talking clothes with her! One commented on how the other's were 'fake'...Diane ended up buying the clothes.

My last offer was to take her to the bungy thing next to Sky City since she had never tried that before, but she chickened out of that too! So Diane took me to this little cafe to try some dessert. I tried this ....Timi..something (I was trying hard to memorise the name of it!) which tasted interesting. We talked for a while before she decided to catch the bus home, but not before giving me a hug and slapping me on the head, which I just realised is an imitation of the emoticon she has (one of one MSN person slapping another!!). Wow, and last time she brushed me off when I tried giving her a hug! So it was good hanging out with her. I probably won't see her again till the Easter holidays if she's not that busy that is. It was a bit of a shame we didn't really do much though, hopefully she didn't get too bored!

Oh and as for Hamish's job interview, no news yet...

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