Wednesday 20 February 2008

A Performance Saved

Happy Birthday Amy and Szelin for Yesterday!!

I was starting to fret yesterday as I was to perform my accordion to some retirement home today and I still hadn't figured out which one! I went into the city earlier in the day to try get my student allowance stuff sorted at the Studylink office at uni. Not only is it so frustrating trying to send in documents for them but their staff seem to treat you like ignoramuses! Oh, I drove all the way there! Yay!! I then went on to Middlemore to get my braces changed, discovering that my orthodontist has two other patients who have gotten into pharmacy! The girl sitting in the dentist chair next to mine was in a Rutherford College uniform too!

Anyway I got back home with my dad on my back, trying to get me to somehow figure out where I was supposed to perform. I was about to give up and just hope the guy would ring me the next day after waiting a few minutes for me. He went one better though, he rang me last night to confirm details! Thanks sir!!! It turns out the retirement home I had a feeling it would be in turned out to be the one!

So I spent all of last night and this morning frantically trying to practise all these pieces, hoping I would be able to fill up half an hour. That's when my wrist started straining! I was starting to wonder whether I should pull out at the last minute due to an injury, but I decided not to and instead fulfilled my obligation to play that half hour of music!

The audience wasn't as bad as I had expected! At other rest homes the audience is usually sleeping or dribbling, but this one was active! They started dancing and clapping to my music and trying to sing to some of the pieces (despite my music having all these modified bits!!). I made a few screw-ups here and there, like during my rendition of Figaro by Rossini where it goes


I tried to do a gliss which is where you run your fingers up the keyboard to the note you want to get to, but instead my hand slipped off the keyboard! I just looked at a few of the ladies who noticed and smiled at them who sorta laughed back. I also announced the wrong name for a piece I was going to play, but fortunately corrected myself before confusing anyone.

The half hour sure went by fast! It certainly didn't feel that long!

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