Sunday 4 November 2007

When No one Knows Your Name

After my regular Saturday morning recorder teaching, I went to the library with my brothers this time to sleep while they had to study (hehehe) before going to West City to watch the Trash to Fashion Schools Show, in which a few of the Rutherford students were participating, including Christine Stucki! We tried getting there ten minutes early, but as usual a large audience had already crowded around the stage, so we were relegated to watching it from behind taller people. Aonghas found his friends and so he watched it from the other side of the stage while I was trying to film the show from the other side. It was a little tiring holding up my arm to get a shot above this tall woman's head. I just hope people weren't getting the wrong impression of me filming the thing as well, especially with schoolgirls on stage! (For the record I was filming it for Aonghas for his school video work!)

Later last night just before the big fireworks display was about to start at the Trusts Stadium, my brothers and I all jumped in the car and our dad dropped us off by the gate. We were expecting to pay $5 each to get in, but instead they charged us $5 for three people! There was a bit of a delay before the fireworks got started as the firemen had to wet the athletics track to prevent it from getting damaged by the fireworks.

The fireworks was great, lasting for over twenty minutes and creating heaps of noise and light. A bit of ash did fall on me though and I got blinded a few times by the laser light, but all good all good! I'm as blind as before so no harm done (or so I think...)! We were making our way back up the steps to the gate when we came across a few people from Rutherford. The really weird thing is how some people who used to talk to you last year at school just seem to ignore you now probably just because you don't go to school with them anymore!  That didn't wreck the evening though as it was a good way to celebrate/commemorate/mark Guy Fawkes Day.


What a fascinating Labour Party Conference...well from the outside anyway! I wonder how hard it was for the police standing in the line facing the protesters not to laugh at their antics. While we don't have all the information, the people arrested were supposedly found to be in possession of illegal firearms. Even if having terrorism charges laid against them isn't justified, releasing them despite being in possession of illegal firearms isn't justified either. Doesn't it seem as though the protesters seem to be over-reacting just a teeny weeny bit, and maybe jumping the gun a teeny weeny bit?

However, a swing at someone's head with a megaphone isn't physical assault? That Labour party delegate probably needs to have a look at that tape again a few more times...

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