Sunday 25 November 2007


On Friday my mum, Hamish and I went to this Progressive Enterprises (owner of Foodtown, Countdown and Woolworths) open day where they were interviewing all these people for jobs at their supermarkets. We were going to try get Hamish to get a job interview and with some luck, a job. There were all these people sitting and waiting in one of the conference rooms at Lincoln Green Hotel while in the adjacent room interviews were being conducted. Hamish finally managed to get his application form completed, and was given a little slip of paper saying he was number 93.

We ended up waiting there for over an hour and a half until it was Hamish's interview. During that time, my mum and I had been trying to prep him by giving him advice on how to answer possible questions, and to make sure he doesn't sound like a robot but sounds genuine and actually try to SMILE!

Hamish went in for his interview with some lady from Countdown which seemed to last about five minutes. We didn't hear any of it, but when Hamish came out it sounded as though he managed to answer all the questions asked (even though he probably over-glorified Countdown!). He was a little concerned that his interview was too short though! Oh well at least he got a bit of interview experience!

Later that night us Anderson brothers had to go to church for some carol rehearsal with a fellowship group. It was the first time we were there so we mainly listened to the group singing instead of playing music. It lasted for at least three hours, and by the time we got out it was 10pm! The Muse concert was going on at the Trusts Stadium across the road, so we thought we'd go and check it out...from the outside. We're a bit cheap. The last concert we went to was the Bee Gees when they performed at Western Springs, and even then our whole family just sat outside the fence all night listening to their music for free!

We didn't get too close to the stadium as we would probably look a little dodgy to the security guards. I've got a YouTube video of me enjoying the concert up. I had it up before but I got someone calling me a LOSER! haha so I decided I better remove my name just in case someone who actually knows me watches that!

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