Tuesday 27 November 2007

That Didn't Last Long

Just when I was starting to look forward to starting work, I got a phone call from the potential new owner of Jesters' tonight who told me she had trouble changing the ownership of the shop to her, and so she decided against buying the business. Therefore she wasn't able to offer me a job anymore! Now as well as trying to complete this Year 13 Leavers' DVD before Monday with Aonghas, I've got to try apply for jobs before all these high school students take them all (which they probably already have)!

I've been spending the last couple of days back at Rutherford College which isn't a good sign. I stress, and I mean it STRESS that I've been going back for business and not for pleasure!!! Mrs Thorogood, this English teacher at the school asked me if I had created the 'RutherThugs' Bebo page, some profile dedicated to the year 13 students. She had a bet going on with other teachers for $10 that it was me because whoever established it was so formal. I told her that I wasn't that obsessed with the school! Sorry to disappoint you Mrs T!

It's been really tough getting this DVD sorted by Monday. It was originally dead in the water but in the last week Aonghas and I decided we'd try get it sorted and so we've been having to try hunt students and staff to film there around school, having to get around exams and everything. For the first couple of days the staff have been easy to find, and easy to get them to talk to the camera. For some reason though the PE teachers haven't been as open and laid-back as we first thought they would! The students though haven't been as willing as the staff to make fools of themselves in front of the camera. Today was different though. It was the other way round today! We couldn't stop some of the students singing for us, while some of the staff blew us off!

I've had to sign in (just like any other visitor) before I do any filming around school and so now I've got several of those visitor stickers. I probably should just save one and reuse it. I've come in to the office several times now though that I'm sure I'm annoying the office staff! Now they just tell me to go straight ahead which makes things a bit easier. I'll probably still have to go back to school on Thursday and Friday to do a bit more filming before Aonghas and I pull off a few all-nighters to get it done by Monday. Hopefully it's worth it in the end, but if it isn't then I haven't really lost much. I wasn't going to do anything useful this week anyway! Oh yeah...besides trying to find a job...

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