Saturday 17 November 2007

Preparation for the Big Two One

It's now about 3.30am and I'm still up late for the second night in a row trying to scan hundreds of photos from years ago when my brothers and I were young and small for a video Aonghas and I are putting together for Hamish's 21st birthday party, which will just be a small get-together of family and a few friends. It's all been a little rushed, as my mum's still up baking the cake and other food too!

We're holding Hamish's 21st birthday party at our cousins' place as our house is a bit too messy and cramped to be able to fit that many people in it. As my dad says,

"You can swing a cat in your cousins' kitchen, but you can only swing a flea in ours"

Going through all the baby photos and videos has helped me see what I looked like back then as I can't seem to remember much of my early childhood! Back then I certainly looked more Asian, with a round head. Actually I was a pretty fat baby! I might put up a few photos...although I should probably save them for my 21st ;) I was watching baby videos of me and I can't believe how high-pitched my voice was back then! I got to see my very first steps which was cool, as well as the tantrums I threw at my birthday party! (That part is a bit embarrassing! At one of my birthday parties I was singing Happy birthday to HAMISH, happy birthday to HAMISH, happy birthday to HAMISH, happy birthday to HAMISH, happy birthday to HAMISH. Hamish then jumped in front of me and blew out the birthday candles on my cake and I thew a hissy!)

I looked a lot better as a kid though, as my cross-bite didn't stand out as much as it did before, my skin was better and I didn't have to wear glasses! What it has motivated me to do is to join a gym and get working on my body which I have neglected for too long! I really haven't made much of an effort to improve my look, such as I hardly put on gel and just chuck on whatever clothes are available, not bothering what they are, but maybe it's about time I put a little more effort in...

Aonghas is going to sit his full license test on Sunday. I'm not too shamed about my little brother getting his full license before I've even gotten my restricted license as he'll be able to drive me around places! :D OK well maybe I'm a little ashamed that I still have to drive around with a parent sitting next to me shouting at me not to drive too fast or to turn the corner too sharply. I'm aiming to try go for my restricted by the end of these holidays though!

Recently I've been doing a bit of thinking in the shower (as you do, although my friend says that's why people sing, so they don't think too much!) and in all my spare time and have made some realisations, but I'll leave that for another post as I better get off to bed or else I might fall asleep while trying to teach my students in the morning!

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