Sunday 4 November 2007

Bye-bye First Year!

I finally finished my first year of uni on Thursday, marking it with an exam in the morning and one in the afternoon! Once again I spent the days prior to the exam at the Henderson Library, trying to cram as much into my brain. I even spent Halloween in the library! That night was the night before my exam and I caught up with Joanne who came by the library and saw me through the window. Angie also texted me, telling me how she was having to look after her sister and her sister's friends as they went trick o' treating! We might be BCom buddies if I decide to switch next year! That's something I still have to think about over the holidays.

Thursday came along, and I had to get into the city early so I could catch the 8.30 bus to Tamaki. I got in slightly early but only JUST managed to get on the bus, ending up having to stand right beside the driver at the front. Usually there is more than one Tamaki bus and so I asked the driver if there'd be another bus coming, but he told me he wasn't sure and that I better stay on board. As the bus left there were still well over thirty (probably heaps more!) Health Science students standing there hoping for the next bus!

The bus got to the Tamaki campus about fifteen minutes before our exam, and I caught up with Henry. We were waiting and waiting to see what would happen, and if another bus would turn up. 9.15 rolled on by, and still the bus hadn't come and we were still waiting outside. Finally the second load of Health Science students arrived and so our first exam for the day - Population Health 102, got delayed!

Population Health turned out to be a killer. I'm sure I wrote a lot of generalised stuff that made absolutely no sense. After the exam, I went to the Resource Centre to collect my essay on differences in cardiovascular disease statistics between ethnicities in New Zealand. I wasn't too surprised to find the marking schedule filled with comments butchering my essay (it sounded like it was a female marker for some reason...not being sexist or anything!). I got told I didn't put the idea that Maori didn't have control over their health in the right way...

Henry, Kevin and I then spent the next hour (we missed the earliest bus because of the exam delay) having lunch in the cafeteria. I went to the toilet and while washing my hands, turned to the guy next to me doing the same thing and, thinking he was someone I knew, asked him how the exam went. He started talking to me and that's when I realised I had no idea who this guy was! Well it wasn't too bad in the end. At least we got to know each other a little the toilet!

Us guys decided we'd try get to the bus stop fifteen minutes earlier just in case there was only one bus back, but when we got there we found the bus completely full! Originally one of Henry's friends had offered to drive us back into the city, but then some guy said another bus would come in five minutes time so we ended up catching that one.

As soon as I got back into the city it was all study study study for Health Psychology! I was nowhere near confident, knowing I was probably going to fail this exam. When I got into the exam room and looked at the paper it didn't look as bad as I thought it would be. For a start, we only had to choose three out of five questions for each of sections B, C and D to answer instead of four out of six as we were told at our tutorials. Time seemed to go really slowly during that exam though. Almost three quarters of the people in the exam room left early. I just decided to stay till the end or else I'd feel guilty afterwards.

Once the exam was over I went over to discuss it with my friends as well as farewell them and do group hugs and the whole shebang. Kevin, with nothing better to do, decided to join me, who missed his bus and equally had nothing better to do. We ended up wandering along Queen St. As we took the shortcut through Albert Park, Kevin caught up with a couple of friends. One of the girls, Anna, instantly asked me if I was a half-cast! Wow someone got it right!

I finally redeemed my voucher at Starbucks for a free green tea latte which didn't taste too bad, although its green, slimy appearance does it no favours. That's probably why Starbucks were giving away vouchers for free green tea lattes! We also went over to Wendy's for a feed, sitting at the same place where we ate the last time we went to Wendy's! It must be turning into a tradition! We then wandered around that massive arcade, where they seem to have simulation games for nearly everything - from Japanese drums, to dancing, to drums, to guitars, to tambourine playing, to pottery-making! We only had a look around before we had to head back to uni so that Kevin could get a ride home from his dad.

And that was the last day of uni for me in 2007. Bye-bye first year Health Science!

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