Tuesday 6 November 2007


Yesterday I got a phone call from someone from Farmers. Several weeks after submitting my job application to them, they finally got back to me. They lett me know that they had already completed their recruitment process for Christmas casuals and so didn't have any positions left, but were willing to forward my application to Westgate Farmers, where they hadn't started recruitment yet. I had to turn them down on that though as Westgate would be a little too far away for me if I didn't have a ride.

Tonight I got another phone call. This time it was from the lady from Jester's. She rang to tell me that they had employed someone else for the job. She said the reason I missed out was that I wasn't able to work on Sundays. Apparently though, the new owner of Jester's was really impressed with me and would like to offer me a job some time later when a few others left after she had taken over. So we'll have to see if I'm still unemployed then!

Today I had to travel all the way to Middlemore Hospital for my orthodontist appointment. FINALLY I'd have that wire poking me in the mouth removed! First of all I'd have to navigate my own way there by train. Catching the first train to Newmarket/Britomart was no problem. The ticket guy told me I'd have to either get off at Newmarket or Britomart to catch the next train on the Southern line. He recommended I get off at Britomart as the conditions would be better there. However, when I saw a train on the opposite side of the Newmarket platform, after asking another ticket guy if that train was going to Middlemore (to which he said 'yeah'), stupid me got off the train and went to the other train. I asked the ticket lady if the train was going to Middlemore and she said the next one would be. Thinking the next train would be coming soon, I sat down and waited. I didn't realise it would take another twenty minutes for the next train to come! I finally caught that train and got to Middlemore. I thought I'd arrive late, but I managed to get there ten

I was a little worried what the orthodontist would think about my wire moving around, but they weren't too fussed about it. This time I chose light blue rubber rings for my braces. I didn't know that they would be using purple wire though! Now I've got a combination of purple and baby blue in my mouth! The orthodontist had to ask me

"So Calum...do you have a girlfrie

Her hands were still in my mouth so I sorta replied with


My orthodontist also always seems to be interested in whether I've gotten a job yet. This time I was able to tell her that I got rejected by Farmers and still awaiting a reply from a pie shop!

On the way back I was watching this movie Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind on my phone and I have to say it's probably the first movie I've seen Jim Carrey doing 'serious' acting in! It's an interesting movie where this guy and a girl aren't doing so well in a relationship and decide to erase each other from their minds. It all goes wrong though and so on and so on and so on.

The train got into Britomart and I went outside to ask one of the ticket guys if the train was going on to Henderson but was told another train would be. It was then that I realised I had forgotten my umbrella! I dashed inside the train checking the area where I sat only to find my umbrella gone. Oh well...

I finally got into Henderson and on my way home I decided to go into Toy World to visit Zippo (my neighbour) who works there. She's now third-in-charge there now! It was pretty cool catching up as we haven't seen each other in a while. She has got a pretty cool job working around toys, and so we were just wandering around pushing buttons on toys and playing with stuff. I asked her about my hair (she likes to give me constructive criticism on my hair) and whether she liked it as long as it is at the moment or if I should cut it. She told me:

"Yeah you should cut it. It looks *#(U$&*&" (can't exactly remember which word she used to describe it)

I asked what if I straighten my hair and she said:

"That'd only make you look more like a geek"

OK I'm getting my hair cut then!

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