Saturday 28 April 2007

A Bit of Spare Time

Yesterday a whole lot of pressure was lifted off me after I sat my last test, and for the first time in a while I had some free time to do whatever I liked!

Chemistry and biosci lectures were so boring in the morning, or maybe I just didn't get enough sleep the night before and was compensating for it during the lecture...I actually slept in in the morning, and woke up half an hour late! I only had about twenty minutes to prepare myself before I had to rush off to catch the bus. Fortunately I managed to catch the later bus which got me into the city in just enough time.

After my two boring lectures I caught the bus over to Tamaki to study for my population health test. I had an hour to sit it but because I missed out on breakfast, my stomach was making heaps of noise in the library and so I went outside to simultaneously eat and study, before going off into the lecture theatre for the test.

The test wasn't too bad, well the first half wasn't as it was just multichoice questions. The short answer questions weren't too bad either, but it would've been better if we had more than just fifty minutes to complete the test! We were expected to write a bout a page for each of the four questions!

I managed to finish just in time and so instead of collecting my assignment I rushed to the bus so I wouldn't get stuck in the Tamaki graveyard for another hour.

Once I was back in the city I felt FREE!!! Now I just had to think of how to spend my freedom! I decided I'd first collect my test papers before I walk past the place where Shrikkanth, David and Shen usually sit to see if they're there (but they weren't) and then when I ran out of ideas I decided to check out the music school. Just before that though I went to have a talk to Julie over at AUT for a little bit. Apparently Phoebe's cousin saw me! Funny that, because I thought I saw her cousin on the bus in the morning, but turns out it wasn't her so thank goodness I didn't say hi!

After meeting Julie I went over to the music school. Unfortunately the lunchtime concert was cancelled due to an illness, but that didn't matter as I was half an hour late for it had it taken place anyway. I went in to check out the music and play around with photocopy machine. I needed some more music for my recorder classes, but sadly the music school didn't have too many recorder ensemble music.

A while later I decided I'd go check out the Auckland Public Library. Outside the library on the footpath was this tiny house, about the size of a doll's house with a man crouched inside it playing a mini piano. I have no idea what point it was trying to make or what the purpose of it was, but I'm guessing it was some sort of artwork

Anyway boy is that library huge! They now have free internet there too, and as I had guessed, all the computers were occupied. After checking out the sheet music section, I found the 'news section' where they had the newspapers and a large screen with BBC World playing continuously. What a dream!

I soon decided it was time to head back to uni after reading the newspapers for a couple of hours. When I walked through the Information Commons I came across Aneesya who told me Kat was upstairs, and so I went upstairs, and for the first time I've been at uni this year, realised there were two more levels to the Kate Edgar Information Commons! I never knew there was a third and fourth level! I'll probably be visiting those levels more often from now on! Anyway I found Kat and talked to her for a while, catching up with her which was good. Soon Aneesya and Kat had to leave so I thought it was about time I got home, even though I didn't feel like going home! I know it's bad of me...I should be getting home!

Well I did get home eventually, just in time for Friends!

One thing I don't really understand is how all those people who hang around the quad and in Shadow's can manage to do so and have a life, when here I am, pretty much living in the library! I've got this daily schedule I've created for myself where I spend the first two hours of my three hour period between lectures where I study, and then I spend the last hour eating lunch at the park, or if I eat faster, only half an hour, before I go back to the library to do a bit more study. I would try catch up with friends but by the time I do, it would've already taken up quite a bit of time! There must be a more efficient way of using my time. Maybe that's how other people can fit in studies and a social life!

Thursday 26 April 2007

Watta Gumbie

Not too long after I splattered bovine blood all over me in biosci lab last Tuesday, today I had chemistry lab, which I enjoy a whole lot more! It didn't start off too well, as I lent my assignment sheet to this guy to photocopy before the lab session, and I couldn't find him before the lab to get it back so I could study it! I also spent a couple of hours hanging out with Julie for lunch and so I ended up going into this lab session the least prepared out of them all.

We were focusing on kinetics and rates of reactions so we had to mix chemicals and time how long it took for the blue colour to appear. Unfortunately a few reactions took over twenty minutes to occur! My partner and I ended up deciding to time multiple reactions at the same time. I went over to pour some AgNO3 into the test tube when


When trying to pour the AgNO3 into the test tube with the automatic dispenser, I missed the test tube, got it on my hands, my labcoat and my phone! As I was cleaning up and stains started to appear on my labcoat I checked with my supervisor as to what effect AgNO3 would have on my skin. He told me my skin will turn black (or a dark colour) for a few days till my skin cells die, so I might have a black hand in a few days! More importantly phone!! That cost me a bit and I don't want to have to buy another phone! He told me it should be OK...or something about something showing up in a month...I should've been listening! Anyway it's still working now so hopefully it stays that way!

After that, my partner started teasing me about my proven incompetence in the lab, but that's OK, all good fun with dangerous chemicals!

Time was soon running out and we had to get our assignments finished, so it was pretty hectic towards the end of the session. You would think a three hour lab session sounds very long, but in the lab it passes by so fast!

My partner, the other two who we 'hang out' with in the lab at the bench next to us and I managed to finish just in time, and we handed our assignments in. We left the lab when the girl came out a little later and started to break down. I went over to try ask what was wrong and if everything was OK, and she told me she was fine and told me to go ahead.


I asked her if she wanted to hear a joke...I know stupid me! I tried this too with Charlene when she was upset and not feeling too well after drinking too much at Julie and Lisa's party, but it didn't work with her either! Anyway she told me she was fine and so I didn't get to tell my joke! OK a reminder to myself...telling (or offering to tell) lame jokes won't make people feel better!

I felt a little bad after I had left that I hadn't sat down with her and just talk to her when she felt better, but I txtd her a little later to see how she was doing and she said she was feeling better so that's good!

Wednesday 25 April 2007


Yesterday was a very strange day.

I had lunch with Alice in the Information Commons, talking about her love for all things Sony. That takes the total number of Sony lovers I have come across so far to - TWO. Anyway that wasn't too bad. She introduced me to a few of her Mt Roskill Grammar friends, and told me one of them who I sorta kinda met through Diane (she's her friend too) was in the Information Commons at the same time! I didn't recognise her though as I've never met her in real life!

I walked with Alice down to the library basement and waited outside the lecture theatre with her till her statistics lecture started, when Elizabeth, this girl who used to go to Rangeview with me and also attended the Music Centre teacher training day came over and said hi to me. Now here's the first funny thing. She and Alice knew each other! Wow what a small world we live in!

Once they went into their statistics lecture I went to try do a bit of study before my population health lecture. We had a guest lecturer who was speaking on ecosystems, relating them to health or something like that. She was funny, making these dry jokes. There was one she tried cracking, to do with Buddhism and university but I can't quite remember.

Anyway straight after the lecture I had a biosci lab session, in which we were dealing with cow blood to study osmosis. We got to play with these automatic pipettes which were cool! We had to wear gloves and everything to protect ourselves, and stupid me opened this little container, splashing drops of blood on my labcoat! I wasn't too sure if I needed to wash my labcoat and so I asked the tutor, and he told me that we can't actually get sick from the cow blood and that they just wanted us to practise good habits, so thank goodness for that!

We got to take home our models of a 5-week old human embryo that we made during the last lab session which was cool. I was playing with it when I got home! I caught up with a new friend I had made at uni before heading off to the library to find out some of my test results that were just released today.

My test marks are sorta OK. I guess they're not as bad as I had anticipated them to be, especially for me who dislikes and is no good at science.

I was walking down Queen St on my way to the bus when I came across this bike chained to a sign with a missing front wheel and pedals! I never knew how desperate some people could be, unless it was a really fancy bike!

Now here's the most disturbing thing to happen to me that day:

I was sitting at the bus stop when this old Indian guy came over to me and asked

"Hey can you give me directions to Show Girls?"

I pointed him the direction Show Girls was from where we were (I only know where it is because I've walked past it, not to it or into it!). He continued to ask me questions about it checking he had things right, when he asked another question which caught me off-guard.

"Do you know if there are any other sex shops nearby?"

Now I was totally disturbed and uncomfortable! I hope I don't look like the type of guy who frequents those sorts of places! Well I told him I knew of none in this area and pointed out to him where Show Girls was, this time telling him I was adament it was down that road, and he finally got on his way, hopefully for some evening entertainment...

Monday 23 April 2007

We're All Here!

Sunday School resumed at church yesterday, and finally the Sunday School gang was back together again! Jennifer, Angie and me were all there for the first time in how many weeks! It was funny when the roll was passed around. There were at least six empty boxes (one for each week) next to Angie's name! At least they were here which was the main thing!

The church service finished early and so we were just standing outside the room waiting for the teacher to come when we ended up taking photos of each other, which is cool because I don't have any photos together with them!

I was originally supposed to go to this accordion performers' thing yesterday, but in the end I couldn't be bothered and wanted to instead stay home and do some biosci! Yay for me!

Anyway uni's starting today again. Oh to get used to early mornings, three hour lab sessions and living in the library again :S

A Little About Myself

Drawn by the attraction of finding out what sort of girlfriend I am looking for, I did this quiz through a link on Alice's blog. Here is what came out of it:

Your view on yourself:

Other people find you very interesting, but you are really hiding your true self. Your friends love you because you are a good listener. They'll probably still love you if you learn to be yourself with them.

The type of girlfriend/boyfriend you are looking for:

You are not looking merely for a girl/boyfriend - you are looking for your life partner. Perhaps you should be more open-minded about who you spend time with. The person you are looking for might hide their charm under their exterior.

Your readiness to commit to a relationship:

You are ready to commit as soon as you meet the right person. And you believe you will pretty much know as soon as you might that person.

The seriousness of your love:

Your have very sensible tactics when approaching the opposite sex. In many ways people find your straightforwardness attractive, so you will find yourself with plenty of dates.

Your views on education

Education is very important in life. You want to study hard and learn as much as you can.

The right job for you:

You're a practical person and will choose a secure job with a steady income. Knowing what you like to do is important. Find a regular job doing just that and you'll be set for life.

How do you view success:

You are afraid of failure and scared to have a go at the career you would like to have in case you don't succeed. Don't give up when you haven't yet even started! Be courageous.

What are you most afraid of:

You are afraid of having no one to rely on in times of trouble. You don't ever want to be unable to take care of yourself. Independence is important to you.

Who is your true self:

You are mature, reasonable, honest and give good advice. People ask for your comments on all sorts of different issues. Sometimes you might find yourself in a dilemma when trapped with a problem, which your heart rather than your head needs to solve.


That does sorta sound like me!!!

Sunday 22 April 2007

A Little Blunder

These past few days I've been staying up really late and waking up really late for some reason! Must be that America's Cup! I've been having a competition with my friend Diane to see who can wake up the earliest but so far it's 3-0 to her.. Anyway finally there was sailing yesterday, and then Team New Zealand loses! Actually New Zealand has lost quite a bit this weekend haven't they? Hammered in the cricket, smashed in league and embarrassed in sailing! Oh well the race got exciting towards the end anyway. Doesn't look like there'll be any racing tonight though.
I've been feeding off my Easter rabbit over the past few nights. It went from beheaded rabbit to rabbit with no head or body, so now it's like my regular nightly fix of chocolate! Gotta have it!
Once again I burnt another bun in the toaster on Friday. My mum went out shopping in the morning and I was hungry. The bun was stale and so I chucked it in the toaster. I soon forgot about it, and when it suddenly came back in my mind, I rushed to the kitchen only to find it all burnt! I was about to remove it and get rid of the evidence and smell before my mum came home but guess who just pulled into the drive? My mum!! My dad came over asking me what the smell was but I tried telling him to keep it cool and pretend nothing had happened. Unfortunately that didn't work. My mum came into the door and instantly knew that something had been burning!
We later went to yum cha that day. It's our family custom to go do yum cha each holidays. That day we were a bit late to get there and so there wasn't much food left. We were one of the last people to leave the place! We ended up wandering down the streets of Onehunga checking out the cheap stuff. Most of the clothes were XXL size though!
We decided to check out the new parts of Sylvia Park. Man Sylvia Park is the complete opposite to Onehunga! Everything there was quite expensive! Aonghas and I went over to the Vodafone shops where we could try out all the cellphones. We ended up trying to send as much stuff from their phones to ours through bluetooth.
The Dicksmith Powerhouse is massive there as well, instantly the largest Dick Smith I've seen so far! Aonghas was playing around with the car stereo systems on display and accidently pressed a button that switched to radio which was on FULL BLAST! It sounded like something exploded! Somehow he managed to flick back though! I just quickly walked off pretending I didn't know that guy!
We soon had to return home because Aonghas was going to Spookers for a friend's birthday party.
On Saturday all I really had was accordion lessons. I spent quite a bit of time before the lesson just talking to Jessica (arch-rival in accordion!!). When I went in for my accordion lesson my teacher asked me about which pieces I had submitted for the competitions. When I told him, he had this puzzled face. I then discovered that I had entered the wrong class for the accordion competitions! I suppose at least I don't have to compete against Jessica now but I'll have to compete in the class I've been competing in for the past two years and haven't won! Hopefully this time I'll be lucky!

Friday 20 April 2007

Random Rant

I haven't commented on the outside world for a long time so I might just ease into a little bit of it in this post:

First of all, the stupid toaster burnt my buns again tonight! I left them for a little while and when I got back they were all black! I was preparing for a quick and covert operation to remove them from the toaster and chuck them outside as fast as possible to avoid letting the smell travel around the house, but just as I was about to start my mum appeared from nowhere (she was supposed to be in bed sleeping!) and asked me if I had burnt something again!


I've been following the America's Cup this week, or trying to anyway, but the lack of wind resulting in a lack of...actually no action is pretty frustrating! However, I must say TVNZ and ONE Sport have done a good job at filling time (besides screening replays of past yacht races!). Tonight they had a little tutorial on yacht racing, and also interviewed the guys behind the Virtual Eye which was interesting. I wouldn't mind watching most of the race with the Virtual Eye! Hopefully racing won't be delayed for the fourth day in a row, but it doesn't look promising!


Speaking of TVNZ, it's a little sad hearing of the job cuts going on at TVNZ. To close down offices in Wanganui, Wellington and Queenstown sounds quite severe, especially with several veteran reporters tipped to lose their jobs. I don't know how they'll get on with running their new 24 hour news channel, but let's hope management know what they're doing.

It's a bit worrying the show new Head of News and Current Affairs of TVNZ Anthony Flannery has been in charge of back over in Australia has been lagging behind its competition and doesn't even rank in the top 20 television programmes. Equally worrying is the claim that he has a 'tabloidy' style to news. It's about time we have some serious news and current affairs on television, regardless of how many tweenies tune in to watch it!


It's about time Argentina get included in the Tri-Nations! (that's if they do get included at all!) For me rugby has been getting boring, which is probably due to sooo many games being played throughout the year that I just can't be bothered watching anymore, as well as delayed rugby being screened on Prime. I wonder whether Argentina's inclusion in the Tri-Nations has anything to do with Sky TV's drop in Super 14 viewers. Maybe...just maybe...the number of viewers drops so much that Sky no longer wants to bid as high as previously, allowing a free-to-air broadcaster to get back in the bidding and bring back live rugby to free-to-air! But...I highly doubt it..


Is Labour really starting to lose it? I know that I support Labour, but recently it just seems as though they're acting as true commies. Countless polls and surveys have indicated that the majority are against the Anti-Smacking Bill (I know this isn't its real name but I can't remember what it's real name is...Section 50 something...?), yet Labour continues to pursue it.

When I asked the people at the Young Labour stand earlier this year during Orientation Week about this issue, they told me that parents would not be prosecuted for smacking their kids and it was similar to how J-walking is illegal, yet no one gets prosecuted for doing it. The question then is what is the point? Of course parents will no longer be able to assault their child and use the law in their defence but what is wrong with Mr Burrows' Amendment? What is so bad about adopting it? Is it just a matter of Labour not wanting to let National 'win' on this?


Aren't the Virginia Tech University shootings tragic? Amazing how initial reports claimed the shooter was a Chinese, and then later confirmed as a South Korean (thank goodness! Don't want to make us Chinese look bad! nah jokes!)

I came across a couple of the victims' MySpace pages tonight which were filled with farewell messages and messages of regret from friends (if you want to see for yourselves click here, here or here). Many wished they had let the victims know how much they loved them when they could've. It's a bit sad how we don't get round to letting friends and loved ones know how much they mean to us until we don't have them, and that we just take them for granted, assuming they will always be around. The sad thing though is that we or they won't always be around, so to all you guys, I LOVE YOU :D

(That is my pathetic attempt at trying to sound meaningful!)

Gees I'm too scared to return to uni on Monday now! I definitely won't be taking my seat anywhere near doors!


While watching the gap-filling, waiting for America's Cup racing to eventually start, those adult matchmaker adverts appeared, which made me realise that HOLY COW I'm 18! I was thinking as an experiment...just how many matches could I find with one of these services? No I'm not desperate! As an experiment! But I guess it would be unfair on the other desperate people to discover (sorry I take that back not all people who use those services are desperate!), if they so happen to consider me as a match, to realise they were part of an experiment...


Wooo yay for me coming up to three years since being dumped by the last girl I was with...for a day...yeah that one was tragic...I think...

OK I'm going nowhere with this post so enough ranting by me!

Thursday 19 April 2007

Zoo Dooo

On Tuesday not too long after Julie and Lisa's birthday party I was invited to go to the zoo with Gwen, Chen, Zahir, Alex, Natasha and Yeeping (is that how you spell her name?). Because it was Gwen's birthday not too long ago I decided to get her a birthday present. This meant I spent most of my time awake the day before (I woke up nearly at midday after the party the night before!) wandering around West City once again searching for a birthday present! Aonghas and I found a shop selling some cool interesting stuff and we decided we'd buy something from there just in case. Aonghas soon left me to go off to a BOT meeting, and so I wandered around for a bit more but by the time the shopping centre closed, I left with only a birthday card! I was pondering and pondering what to do all night, and with a little bit of help I only just managed to find a birthday present on Tuesday morning! In the end I got Gwen a Winnie the Pooh soft toy and a little 'Grow your own lover' - you put this little guy in water and he grows 600% his size! He's not meant to replace her boyfriend but only to give her something to love a little closer to home ;)

Anyway Chen came round to pick me up and we both got to Gwen's house where we caught up with the others. We then walked down to the bus stop. While we were waiting this lady from the post shop across the road came along with the electoral roll enrolment forms asking Chen and Zahir to enrol. After a bit of persuasion they ended up filling out the forms. As soon as the girls came by I called out to them and the lady got straight onto them! Gwen ended up filling one out while Alex managed to fend her off!

The bus soon came and we all got on and sat at the back. Along the way Gwen, Chen and I were just talking about uni, school and the future. It wasn't too long before we arrived at Western Springs and got off. The weather wasn't too bad by that time. It had been raining the day before and earlier in the morning it was slightly gloomy, but it cleared up just for us! We paid for our tickets and went in and I managed to get a picture with some lady dressed in a lion suit! Not too soon after we met Mr White, the computers teacher at Rutherford College, and I managed to get a picture together with him too! Yes I know you usually take pictures with REAL animals when you're at the zoo, but how often would I see things...those people again?

We first went into this dark room where kiwis were on display. We couldn't see each other in there so we had to resort to touching. At the other end we came across a few lizards or geckos or whatever they were! We then walked along this platform, checking out the giraffes, zebras and ostriches. We hung around there checking them out, waiting for the giraffe feeding to begin. We walked off a little to check out a few more animals before coming back to find a long line stretching right along the platform! We queued up at the end. I think we must've been the only teenagers out of the many parents and little kids there! While waiting in line we checked out some chickens and chicks in the grassy area on the other side of the platform while dodging wasps. Soon the line started moving and we got to the feeding platform! We were each given a bit of fruit to feed the giraffe with. I was a little afraid of getting too close to the giraffe and so it extended it's long tongue to grab the apple off me! Guess who happened to be the volunteer there? Erica, my old accordion orchestra conductor! I had a brief chat to her (wow she recognised who I was!)

We then walked past an OUT OF ORDER ant (or termite) hill, checked out some antelope (or were they sprinboks? I don't know my animals do I?) and a rhino before we got to this little cafeteria that was at the centre of this crossroad where there were several different paths leading to different places. We decided to take one path, which lead us past the Hippo River with no hippo in it. Fortunately the cheetah enclosure had a few cheetahs! We came back to the cafeteria to have a bit of lunch and watch the elephant.

As soon as we were done we were off! We passed a gorilla or chimp or some sort of animal closely related to us, before going to the watery place where there were a few otters and a penguin, but not one of those cool emperor penguins though. The path led us down to this hut where you could see underwater through this huge glass window. This thing kept swimming buy like a torpedo!

When we exited the watery place we came across the meerkat enclosure. Meerkats are cool, and what was even cooler was the film crew that were filming them and the kids checking out the meerkats! I heard one of the little kids ask if they could be on TV, and the cameraman told them that they could if they could look as though they were checking out the meerkats, so I decided to join in! Hey I've never been on TV before!

We then came across a little farm where there were chickens and sheep before taking a short break at Darwin's Cafe. I thought the signage of that place was great! They had all these evolution pictures on the toilet signs, and on the walls were those types of pictures that change depending on the angle you look at them.

After that break we went through the Australian Outback enclosure where we saw some kangaroos and this big lazy thing lying on the ground. Gwen and that thing had a staring contest, I think the thing won. We then went past all these avaries with birds in them. They weren't as exciting. We did see some bats and tortoises which are so cool! I once had a tortoise named Douglas...I got him in a Kinder Surprise...and then somehow lost him somewhere...

Anyway we went down to check out the aquarium with all the fish and prawn. It's amazing. I've only seen cooked prawn but never live prawn!

We then entered this sort of bird sanctuary. They have two doors which you must enter, but you can only open one door at a time. This meant you had to wait for everyone to go in or come out before you could proceed through the next door. We wandered along the track, not having great success at spotting anything moving, until we got to the end of the track where there was a large bird sitting on a sign. Zahir tried to touch it but it kept trying to bite him!

When we got out of there Zahir found a zookeeper, went up to her and asked if there were any giant moas at the zoo! She told him they were all extinct and he asked if they'd be getting any soon! Gwen and I walked around the corner so we could disassociate ourselves from him! ;)

By now we thought we had seen everything, till we realised we hadn't seen the rainforests, or should I say the NewstalkZB Rainforest! Actually it's unbelievable how much sponsorship there is going on at the zoo. Nearly everything is sponsored by one thing or another. We first checked out the spiders which are larger than any spider I've seen before! We then proceeded into the rainforest where we saw all these different types of monkeys, or animals that look like monkeys. There was this cool little white one that came right up to Gwen and me, allowing me to get a good shot of it!

By now we really thought we had seen everything! We decided we'd wait for the next Zoo Safari ride half an hour later. While we were sitting there waiting, we realised we hadn't checked out the kidzone! So we went over to the building on a slight slope to check out the rabbits, rats, mice, sheep and Gwen's favourite horny....ram?? (no it was horny! It had these two curled horns on its head!)

As soon as Zahir discovered one of the passengers of the last ride just walked by him, we realised the safari ride must have returned, so we went back to the stop only to discover it was full again and that was the last ride! By now it was just about 4pm, and we decided to go over to Western Springs to hang out, with a stop at the souvenir shop along the way. There was this sticker booth outside the shop with about ten Asian tourists gathered around it trying to cram inside!

On our way to Western Springs though the weather took a turn for the worst. We ended up ditching the idea and instead crossed the road to wait for the next bus back to Te Atatu Peninsula.

As soon as we got back, Yeeping first got off the bus to go home, while the rest of us went to Gwen's house where we played cards. Chen received a long distance phone call from Michael, this Australian guy who used to go to Rutherford but went back to Australia, and at 6pm we tuned in to watch the news about the Virginia shootings. I've never seen teenagers so fixated on the news before! It's amazing!

My mum and Aonghas arrived just after six to pick Chen, Zahir and me up. Because Hamish was also in the car we had to fit four guys in the back which was really squashed! It turned out to be a good day anyway, getting to hang out with the cool guys from Rutherford one more time before the holidays ended and getting to check out all those animals at the same time. The last time I went to the zoo was probably about ten years ago!

Monday 16 April 2007

Good Clean Fun (On my side!)

I was invited to Julie's 19th birthday party, and originally I was a little apprehensive about going as I didn't know too many of Julie's friends and wasn't too sure if I was going to be a loner for the whole night, but it turned out I knew quite a few of the people there and got to know quite a few I hadn't really known too well before!

In the morning I went to the church service which was a special one as it was celebrating this guy becoming a new minister. There were all these representatives from churches around Auckland, and they even had two ministers give sermons/speeches! We ended up having lunch which was slightly different as well in that the guests got to sit at the reserved tables with tablecloths! Us usual people just sat at the other tables. While the usual lunch was rice with vegetables and tofu, there was a bit of sweet stuff for us all, like apple crumble and other cakes (for free!)

After church we went to West City to pay Aonghas a visit and drop off his lunch. He had to work for most of the day. He gave me in return the little card he bought for my phone earlier in the morning with my dad all the way at Sylvia Park Dick Smith (there was only one left!). After that my mum and I went shopping for Lisa and Julie's birthday presents. That took a few hours as I had no idea what to get them! I'm really really bad at buying birthday gifts for people as it takes me years to choose! I was texting Gwen and Phoebe who were giving me some advice, and in the end bought this lucky pig hanging thingy for Lisa and a scarf from Cotton On for Julie (and it's black!!)

I finally got home at about 5pm, thinking there'd be a few hours for me to get ready before Julie's party at 7.30pm. Gwen texted, telling me she was going at 5pm as that's what her invitation said, and so I thought maybe Lisa and Julie were having their parties at different times. Not so! A little while later I had a look at my invitation and it actually said 5pm onwards! So I started rushing around trying to get things ready! I had my BYO water bottle and the presents wrapped, now finally off to the party!

I got there to find all the group of girls from transition and the village + Zahir, such as Gwen, Alex, Phoebe, Alana, Rhea, Lisa, Julie, Jenna, Christine, and a few more. They were sitting around just talking, and so I gave my presents to Julie (who I didn't see the first time I came around!) and went over and talked with Zahir and Gwen for a while. The barbecue was going and it wasn't long till we started eating.

After a while, Zahir got into a conversation with Christine, Gwen went over to the table to eat (and drink) while all the others were drinking and talking to each other, so I was kinda left alone, dreading that the whole night might end up like that! That's when I decided that if I wanted to have a good time, I'd have to get to it! I went over and started a conversation with Jenna, which was cool because I haven't talked to Jenna much before. Rhea was sitting beside her and I ended up catching up with her, before I got talking with Phoebe and this new girl  Ana from Te Puke (yes the kiwifruit place! We had a looong talk about kiwifruit!)

Gwen came back and I started telling her stuff I shouldn't and since she wanted some privacy we ended up going round to the front of the house to talk on the driveway. Soon everyone started coming around to the front and hanging out! The whole group then decided to walk down to the park and hang out at the playground. I heard someone ask if I was drunk! Now that was weird! When everyone started getting restless we all walked back. By now Gwen was probably onto her third drink, and being the concerned friends we were, I managed to con Gwen into letting me look after her drink while she slid down the slide (or was it the flying fox?) before making a run for it and passing it up to Zahir who was sitting on top of the monkey bars. Gwen tried jumping up for it but soon gave up and Zahir left the beer at the playground until Ana made a dash for it! As soon as I saw this I started running but she beat me to it, so Gwen clung even tighter to her drink!

When we got back we hung out at the back for a bit more. I managed to talk to Phoebe for a bit which was cool as I haven't caught up with her in a while! She and Ana tried to get me to tell them who I like but when I told them I needed to think about it they wandered off and nobody saw them for a little while! I texted them to make sure they were OK, but didn't get any reply until they actually got back! At least they were safe! I caught up with Rory, who was a year ahead of me at Rutherford. He's now doing an electrical apprenticeship. We started discussing men's rights and everything with Zahir before Charlene came along and listened to us rant on about how men deserve equal rights! That's when Zahir started filling the Sprite bottle with water from the hose, and put it back on the table disguising it as Sprite! I can't remember if anyone actually fell for it! I think someone did!

After a few words with some other people, I tried getting Gwen to get a drink of juice or lemonade or something, so while she was pouring her drink I grabbed her beer and made a run for it again! Although people were egging me on to pour it out, I felt bad about it so once again I passed it to Zahir (yeah so he can get the blame! ;) ) but then somehow Natasha got hold of it and Gwen got her drink back!!

People started leaving and so everyone were saying their goodbyes. I was told by someone that I was fun to be around with! Woah that's a first - I'm like one of the most boring people out there! Anyway soon there were only a few of us left. Charlene was starting to get sick and dipsy (or is it tipsy?) and fell over, which was a little freaky, considering she fell on me! Apparently she didn't eat before drinking, which in the alcoholic's guide to drinking is a big no-no. She was really upset about something. I tried my best to tell a really lame joke but that didn't really work. Because of my inexperience in dealing with such things I stood to one side and watched with Jenna and Phoebe, who later took on a more dominant role. Charlene soon got into the spewing stages and saying funny things (I won't say here!!!) before she fell asleep...or passed out? I don't really know. Julie in the meantime was really tipsy and walking all over the place! She tripped over some slippers and then when stepping outside fell over again! That's when her mum got mad and her older brother carried her inside to bed. At about that time my parents came to pick me up.

Overall I ended up quite a bit of fun, and all I needed were three bottles of water! I know alcohol is still bad but over time I've kinda learnt not to take a radical and in-you-face confrontational approach to it, as that won't help anything. Plus, it's a person's own decision whether they want to drink or not, despite the health effects. I've come to realise that maybe it's better (or maybe more productive) just to ensure people drink safely and don't harm themselves too much while at it!

I really enjoyed hanging out with all those people again. I've missed them heaps, but now in a week's time I've got to go back to uni and focus on studying again, being around all these different people again!

Black Friday

Black Friday was actually a couple days ago on Friday, but yeah it was weird! I didn't really have much bad luck except for this strange coincidence. I had this nightmare that it was a rainy night, and I heard the cat crying outside, so I went to open the door to let her in, when this man barged in pointing a gun at me! That's when I woke up and realised it was a dream!

Here's the weird thing - my neighbour txtd me the next morning telling me she had a dream that her house was broken into! (Oh yeah there was a bit more...she and her sister ran over to our house but we kicked them out and yeah) I was hoping this wasn't a sign of anything to come!

Fortunately nothing too bad happened for the rest of that day!

Thursday 12 April 2007

Rich Te Atatu Peninsula?

While I was surfing the net, I came across these houses for sale (what a weird thing to be looking at while surfing the net you may say!):


Location:24 Danica Esplanade, Te Atatu Peninsula
Te Atatu Peninsula
Waitakere City
Rooms:5 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms
Property type:House
Floor area: 389m2
Land area:649m2
Price: Asking price $1,960,000
Agency reference #:TET11408
Parking:1 x Double Garage
In the area:Gas in Street Shops 3 minutes Transport 3 minutes
Situated on one of the most desirable streets along the waterfront in the popular Te Atatu Peninsula, this is one of the most luxuriously appointed properties I have seen. Prestigious in every respect, featuring 5 double bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, open-plan kitchen/dining, 2 living areas plus office/study. This grandiose property comes complete with almost every modern convenience available. Air conditioning, under-floor heating, smart house automated electrical system, video surveillance and audio system. Winner of the Master Builder Gold Award in 2004, this outstanding residence is indeed fit for royalty. Call to experience more TODAY! Land area: 649m2 Building area: 389m2 Nearest shops: Woolworths Nearest primary school: Rutherford Primary School Nearest intermediate school: Te Atatu Intermediate School Nearest high school: Rutherford College North-western motorway (All within 1km radius)

- Trade Me

That is amazing! A $1.9 milllion house so close Te Atatu Peninsula! I know someone who lives down that same road as well. Their house must also cost quite a bit! It's astounding that houses within the same area as well are selling at >$800,000! I can remember those days when the normal house would just cost about $300,000!

 I've definitely got to say the most attractive bit about this house though has got to be the nearest high school aye!

Who Let Those DOGS Out?!

I had my greatest fear (or one of those near the top besides confronting someone with a gun or other dangerous weapon) when delivering newspapers on Tuesday -DOGS. Not since delivering newspapers down Phoebe's road have I had to worry for my safety while on the job!

I was walking down the road delivering newspapers when I thought I saw these two dogs wandering along on the footpath! I saw this guy near them walking so I thought maybe they're his dogs, but when the man walked past me, he was without any dogs! I kept on delivering, hoping I was just seeing things, but nope there were those dogs! They had wandered into someone's backyard, sniffing stuff, but fortunately they didn't see me so I quickly pretended like I never saw them and got out of sight.

I was pretty relieved not to see the dogs again as I walked down the other side of the road back home, but guess who (or what) just happens to cross the street? The two dogs! With a newspaper in hand, I went over all the knowledge I had of how to deal with dogs so they don't confront you:
- Don't run
- Don't panic
- Pretend you don't see them
- If all else fails poke them in the eyes

I had these two dogs on either side of me, hot on my trail with me! Luckily this car pulled out of a driveway and caught their attention. At that moment I powerwalked my way back inside and shut the door as fast as I could!

Monday 9 April 2007

Loathing Clothes

Aonghas had to go to work today, so my mum and I came by sometime during lunch to drop off some food for him, and we ended up checking out the clothes that were on sale. He works at Cotton On by the way. So yeah here I was trying to work out if I was looking at a girl's top or a guy's top or what and my mum made me go into the changing rooms to try out some shorts which ended up too short! The worst thing is coming out of the changing room door and having to call your mum over, who's checking out some other clothes on the other side of the shop!

Aonghas also needed to buy some clothes for work (he's only allowed to wear Cotton On clothes while working, I suppose for obvious reasons) but as he was going by on clothing advice passed on by his friend, he wanted me to try out some clothes for him while he was working. Apparently the new fashion is some striped vest with a polo shirt (or some sort of shirt) underneath. Anyway I was thrown a couple variations of those vests and a white polo t-shirt and was sent to the changing rooms, and came out with this really really tight and short-sleeved t-shirt on with some vest that made me look like one of those nerds! Maybe I just don't suit cool clothes!

Thank goodness my mum chooses and buys clothes for me! I don't have that many clothes that I actually wear, so when I go to uni I wear clothes in a cycle. It really doesn't feel that much different to wearing a school uniform! I'd probably prefer wearing a school uniform, but then again you're just one in several thousand people at university and no one is really going to notice you or pay that much attention to you so it doesn't really matter! I'm not too sure what I'll do in terms of clothes once I have to move out though...maybe that's what a girlfriend is for!

Speaking of girlfriends, in the past week/weekend I've had a few parents (of daughters strangely) ask my mum if Calum has a girlfriend yet and my mum replies no and then starts on her spiel about how Calum probably isn't ready for one and isn't suited for it and so on and probably needs to focus on studies and everything...OK she's not exactly helping my cause too much!

Church Birthday

Yesterday marked our church's 30th Anniversary celebrations so the Sunday morning was a little different. We arrived at church and had to park all the way at the back of the car park, which is probably a first as it's never been that full! When we walked inside, the hall was all full so we had to sit in the foyer and watch through the window! The rows of people stretched all the way back into the large room where there's a basketball court and everything (they have sliding walls). Hey and look who was there as well...Angie! She must've found out that we didn't have Sunday School!

Anyway we all sat a little further back from them. There were performances from our church choir, and then the sermon. I managed to stay awake throughout the whole thing, but that was only because I was singing to myself in my know like I'M NOT AFRAID TO KEEP ON LIVING blablabla amongst other things as well... Some other people didn't manage to stay...zzzz...! That was funny I saw her head bobbing up and down, and then after a while her head just stayed down for a while!

Finally the sermon was over, and then we got to hear two other choirs from two other churches perform. I don't know whether it was just the girl screaming in the nearby microphone or if it was just a feel-good feeling all round, but I got the shivers from listening to them!

Next along came the kids who sang a few songs, and then all the baptisms. They have this part of the stage floor which is removable and is covering this little bath thing for baptisms. They did a few baptisms, and we sang some songs, they awarded certificates, then made announcements and then the service was over! We then all went outside the church for a massive group photo. I'm not too sure if the photographer was able to fit it all in! We all then went back inside to have lunch - we were each given a box of 'sandwiches and other little delicacies' as they call it!

Happy 30th Anniversary Auckland Christian Mandarin Church!

Sneaking Suspicion

I got to sleep in yesterday! I had to go over to North Shore for accordion lessons though, and that's where I found out that I'd be having dinner with the relatives later that evening! In between music lessons and dinner with the relatives I was going to attempt to buy a phone...

I got back home and found the neighbours had put up a fence in under a day! (It got damaged by the bad weather) Anyway Aonghas and I quickly delivered the newspaper (yep Western Leader makes you deliver newspapers that you can't deliver on holidays on other days!) in under half an hour and then walked down to West City. We first stopped by at that cellphone shop down the main street that was having a special discount sale because it was their anniversary. I told the lady I was looking at the N70 and the K800i and she showed them to me. I noticed the phones were slightly more expensive than some other Asian shops I had been looking at, yet this Indian lady was telling me they would cut $150 off the price just for me! I asked them about the little cards that go in the phone as well and they said they would give me a special discount on the price as well and sell a 512mb card to me for $80. Aonghas and I weren't too sure this was a great deal, so we told them we'd go discuss it with our parents (OK well we would...sometime...). The Indian lady tried to get me to buy it right there on the spot, telling me it was a good deal and wouldn't be at the same price come Monday, and that I didn't have much time to buy it! I told her I might come back soon!

Aonghas and I then went over to Dick Smith to compare prices and...use their internet on the display computers to do a bit of price checking, and discovered that even Dick Smith were selling the cards for less than those people, and Dick Smith are usually over-priced! The phone was about $35 more expensive than some other shops but I was thinking that since this shop was in Henderson and had longer warranty maybe I might as well get it, so Aonghas and I both deposited money from the machine (yeah I know I'm borrowing off Aonghas again!). We went over to Cotton On with the intention of buying some clothes but then Aonghas couldn't decide and time was running out so we decided to head straight to the cellphone shop.

Aonghas told me to try haggle the lady to bring the price down, but I have no idea how to do that and kinda felt a little bad at the prospect of doing that, so I was going to try get Aonghas to do it for me, but he didn't want to either so we decided to just pay the full price. We walked in, the lady saw us and immediately came over to us. When I told her I wanted to buy the phone, she told me they were all sold out! She could order one for me on Monday though, but then if I had to wait that long, I might as well buy one from the cheaper store! They then tried convincing me to buy the N70 and they'd throw in a card with it for the same price, but we both knew that was a rip-off! When they saw that I was not too keen, they tried encouraging me to spend another $100 and buy the N73! I told them I didn't have enough money and apologised to them, and as soon as we started for the door the lady just gave up on us and ditched us.

We spent the night at our relatives place for dinner with the other relatives as well. The dinner was held partly due to the fact that my cousin Greg is off to Australia to play softball for the next five months! Anyway it was really good seeing them, all those Hendo High people (we love taking digs at them!)

Saturday 7 April 2007

Doing Nothing


Not too sure how Gwen spent her birthday but I spent my good Friday just relaxing and doing ab so lutely nothing! OK well maybe a bit of music practice, chatting and watching mindless television.

My txt2000 expired towards the end of the week conveniently (helped me concentrate on exams oh yeah!) and somehow my credit went below $10 AGAIN so I wasn't able to renew my texts! Unfortunately despite a late splurge of text-sending right on ...and just slightly past midnight... which ended up costing me a dollar (I spent 20c on you guys, hope you're all happy!) I wasn't able to use up all my texts. Well I probably won't be topping up for a little while as I'm trying to use it as motivation for me to buy my own phone and finally use my own number! Aonghas has been pushing me more and more lately so he can have the current phone and the number to himself. I can't really decide which phone to get though, but I've narrowed it down to the K800i and the N70 (the N73's slightly bit more expensive but I don't think I want to spend too much on a phone!) Let's see if I can make a decision by the end of this weekend!

Commercial-free TV, a television watcher's dream! We had double episodes of The Simpsons, an actual FULL HOUR of the news, James and the Giant Peach in record time, boy oh boy I say this every year but don't you just wish TV was like this every day? At least TVNZ's two new digital channels will be, so that's something to look forward to!

Thursday 5 April 2007

It's All Over...With a Slight Hitch!

I've finally finished all my tests...for this week at least! The last test didn't go without a slight hiccup though!

I slept in this morning after staying up late to chat to a friend I don't talk to that often, and after not being able to get ready in time to catch the bus I finally chose one and got to the bus stop before it arrived! I got into the city by midday, borrowed a couple of books from the Info Commons before heading off to the library where I briefly met up with my friend Jarrod.

I studied frantically for a few hours before I had a quick look at the time on the phone and realised it was 1.59pm! My books were overdue by ten minutes! I ran back to the Info Commons to find that they fine people 5c for every minute a book is overdue, so I was fined.... 55c! I was about to pay by coins when the lady said I could only do it by EFTPOS, so I decided I'd pay later.

I went back to study for a few more hours before having a short break at Albert Park to have a feed. I caught up with Ellyce, Estee and Pita for a quick chat. After a bit more studying I caught up with Heather and Mohammad and went off to the Engineering Building, where our population health test would be held.

I was amazed at how badly lit the inside of the engineering building was! We were standing in the foyer in half-darkness as we waited to be let into the lecture theatre! We then found out the test would be delayed by about half an hour for some reason! So we hung out in the foyer waiting, with me getting nervous about forgetting the mnenomics that I had come up with an hour ago!

When we were finally allowed into the theatre we all grabbed our seats, and then the Indian lady stood at the lecturn to give us instructions. This is where the craziness started! First she started giving us instructions on which sheets we had to put our student ID and full names on, and just as people were about to fill out the forms, she announced


Quite a few people groaned and moaned in shock pretty loudly! So anyway we started on our tests, before the Indian lady started talking again, giving us further instructions on what we should do! People started telling her to SHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!

The test was multichoice question test so it wasn't so bad. The Indian lady soon announced we had 15 minutes left. I answered the questions in half an hour so I spent the second half hour double-checking my answers. Suddenly the Indian lady announced we had ONE MINUTE LEFT! That's quite useful to know! Not too sure how much you can do in a minute!

Finally time was up, and the papers were collected. We were then made to wait for about ten minutes as they counted the papers. Tired and frustrated students were busting to get out the door and go but they weren't allowed to! When we were finally allowed out everyone just swarmed out the doors! Our class rep was standing there promising he would bring up tonight's events at the next POPLHLTH111 meeting! Go him!

I had to catch the late bus home but fortunately this other guy I've met at uni Michael who used to go to Green Bay High was catching the same bus with me so that was good! I ended up buying a bag of corn chips from the nearby Star Mart. Now I don't usually waste my money, especially when it's a blatant rip-off, but I just felt like treating myself! Tests are over, holidays's weird, as only during test week have I started to think that maybe uni isn't THAT bad...especially when you start to get to know people around the place!

Wednesday 4 April 2007

Writing on the Walls

I got my chemistry test mark back already (wow I know after only three days!) and it turns out it wasn't too bad! As for Biosci tonight that's another matter. Everyone came out of it moaning and groaning on about how bad it was (me included). It's funny though as tonight I found the test a place a good place/time to meet some new people!

What was also funny was at our population health lecture over at Tamaki today which was only about half full. The lecturer commented on how most of us were probably studying for the population health test tomorrow! Yeah right! It's so obvious everyone was focusing on Biosci! Even while I was studying Biosci in the library these people walking by commented on how nearly everyone was studying it! Our population health tutor told us if she saw any Biosci anything she would chuck it out the window and chuck the person out the window together with it!

So I've only got one more test to go. I don't have any lectures tomorrow so I'll be able to spend aaaall day studying for population health!!

Anyway enough of test talk this is what I saw tagged on one of the walls of the library toilet door. NB foreigners be aware, this may cause offence and gross others out:

Don't pi$$ on the floor! F**ken foreigners!

Pi$$ in my mouth mmmmmm........

Yeah save it for his mouth

Tuesday 3 April 2007

On That Note...

One test down, two more to go! I spent nearly all day studying for chemistry! I went over to the Information Commons originally just to have something to eat with my friends Alice and Kevin till Alice had to go to her lecture, but then Kevin and I just ended up staying there for the rest of the day studying. The Information Commons is different to the library in that there are tables for study groups, and you're allowed to talk loud, eat, and everything whereas the library is just silent!

Kevin and I were sitting at this table when these two other girls came over and sat at the opposite end of the table. One girl started rambling on to her friend about how her boyfriend never makes the first move and is always expecting her to make suggestions and how she was f'ing annoyed at her f'ing boyfriend and if only he could have an f'n clue. Apparently he bought her roses but roses are SOOO just a cheap easy way out that doesn't show you've put much effort into it, especially when they're cheap roses despite all being the same length, but even if he would've suggested a walk on the beach or go out for dinner or a movie or something...

OK you get the picture! She concluded that guys are stupid f*ks. As I continued working through a past chemistry paper I just had a little grin on my face, and the girl saw it and said

"Oh you've been listening?"

And I just told her...

"Don't mind me!"

I know I shouldn't have been eavesdropping but how could I have not heard it! Anyway I will think twice before I buy flowers for a girl next time and I will make the first moves! By the way I'm still single if anyone's.....;);)

The chemistry test was at 6.30pm at night yeah reeeeally late, but fortunately it was for only an hour. The format of the test was the same as every other year, maybe slightly easier, but I won't say anything just in case I jynx it!

It's funny that this week lecture theatres are only just about half full as everyone is probably staying home to study! We have this new lecturer for population health who everyone thinks is dead boooooring and reminds them of high school. Yesterday he told some people who were talking to stop and

"If you want to do the lecture then be my guest. I don't mind if I don't do this lecture you know..."

Fortunately I was in the overflow theatre with the videolink so I just went off to sleep!

As the semester break approaches I've been doing a bit of thinking about what to do with my future (as if I haven't done enough of that already!), and I've come to the conclusion that...I really don't know! I'm not too sure if I want to continue all year doing health science and instead switch to law in the second semester so I don't waste too much of my scholarship, or whether I should just change to some other type of science, or what!

Anyway I've got a biosci test tomorrow night for two hours oh yay and so I better get some more studying done!