Sunday 1 October 2006

Struggling to Stay Awake

The church service this morning was interesting, despite the not-so-interesting sermon. It was about love, go figure! Anyway Aonghas was dozing off beside me swaying from side to side while I was tapping his foot trying to keep him awake and from falling on me. I managed to keep myself awake for most of the time by thinking about things and looking around to see if I could recognise anyone at the service. There was hardly anyone there at the beginning! Must've been the start of day-light saving!

Anyway we were three quarters the way through the sermon, when I was starting to doze off a little bit as well, when someone from behind dropped their bible on the ground and made a really big thud which made us all jump and wake up! I had a suspicion as to who did it, and turns out I was right! Angie dropped her bible as she was about to fall asleep during the sermon as well!

After church we all went to West City to have fish and chips for lunch (since we missed out at church) and then just browse the shops. I checked out that redeveloped area by West City just beside Burger King, and was impressed with the classical music being played on the loudspeakers! I guess it's supposed to make the atmosphere more pleasant, or at least calm the gangsters who hang around there!

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