Wednesday 4 October 2006

Redoing Work

I've been meaning to focus solely on studying this week. I have done more than last week so far, focusing mostly on chemistry and stats. I really should be revising physics! However, I've been working on redeveloping the student website with a content management system so that next year's students (and the year after and year after) can add, delete and customise content by themselves. It'll at least be better than what the site has been like at the moment, which has always been a drag having to edit so many pages and upload them etc.

Anyway I shouldn't be focusing on that! I keep forgetting I've got NCEA exams coming up! Part of me can't wait for school to start up again, to keep me on track (oops that reminds me history homework to get done), and also because quite a lot will be going on in what little time of term four we have left, like the junior production and the other production!

I've been trying to come up with some sort of nickname for myself to put on my leaver's hoodie. I think they're going to put it on the back. I really want to put something that will give me memories in a few years time. Unfortunately it hasn't been that easy coming up with anything! Someone suggested Camera Anderson (but that's too long), while another friend suggested Calumino because she's always calling me that (Calumino is like the feminine version of Calum, like how Agnes is to Aonghas), and someone else suggested arched eyebrows and head boy. And...that's about it. No one can really think of anything. I guess I don't really have a unique identity!

Speaking of cameras though, watch out for term four! Intense photo-taking to come as we draw nearer to the end of school!!

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