Tuesday 31 October 2006

In the Real World

I've been meaning to post in the last few days but didn't get round to doing it. So anyway here we go. On Friday night I went with Heather to watch the Junior Production 'Aladdin' which was fantastic!! I was so proud to see these junior students doing their stuff on stage and they all certainly have bright futures ahead of them on stage! The Junior Council even got a mention in the programme as having approached the drama department about putting on a junior production! Yay!! Congratulations to Ryan on directing yet another great play! At first I was a little unsure about what to expect, as I hadn't seen any set on stage during school, and I heard there was no 'A Whole New World', which is one of THE BEST Disney songs out there! Heather and I originally planned on doing our own rendition of the song during the break between Act I and Act II to fill the void, but I guess after watching Act I there was no need to!

Saturday was the start of the last free texting weekend EVER! It's so sad as I've had so many good free txtn memories, from the time when my friends comforted me when my nana died, to the time when I told a girl I liked her! Rumour has it that Vodafone will be announcing the new deal this Wednesday, with another rumour of 2000 texts for $9.95-$10 going around? I think I need to get a job so I can afford to text!

I watched Love Actually on Saturday night and wasn't that such a lovely movie! Awwwww at that little boy who fell in love! I never knew Christmas is the time when you're supposed to tell the truth to people! Maybe I should try it! 24 which screened afterwards was at its usual best. I don't get TV3's logic in screening it at such a late hour, but then again I've never been a fan of TV3! Anyway the big twist in the plot left me confuzzled, dazed, and utterly shocked! I can't wait for next week's episode now!

Anyway back to the real world the Anderson accordion trio might be getting a new member! Jessica, my fierce fierce accordion rival who I have been losing to lately might join us to form an accordion quartet after her mum approached me while waiting for my accordion lesson. This will be cool as there is a lot of accordon quartet music that us three boys haven't been able to do anything with.

Sunday was a sad sad day being the last ever day of free weekend texting. I watched NZ Idol that night in the hope of Indira becoming the NZ Idol. Yeah I know I'll get slagged off for watching Idol but I thought the final was a whole lot better with an orchestra, a proper set and a much larger venue at St James! My reason for wanting Indira to win NZ Idol was more of a personal thing, as not only was she from out west but she is an ACCORDIONIST!! I remember back when I was a youngin and used to watch her and her sister play accordion solos and duets and represent West Auckland at the North Shore dominated accordion championships. They were also members of the championship winning West Auckland Accordion Orchestra in 1997, the year before I joined and destroyed the orchestra (believe me when I say destroy I mean destroy...I lost the championship for the orchestra by forgetting we had already repeated the last section of the music and doing the repeat one more time while the rest of the orchestra had stopped! The orchestra members were adament we lost the championship by one point because of the other orchestra's conductor's cowboy hat but I'm not so sure...after that, most of the members decided it was time to move on to other things!) Anyway hopefully Matt will go further than the two previous idols and we'll have to wait and see if TVNZ decide to do a fourth series!

Back to the real world again...so yeah free texting ended, with drum roll...Melissa being the last person I texted! You should feel very special Melissa!

That night I suddenly remembered I had a history essay due the following day and hadn't even started! I planned on typing it in bed but I fell asleep, so I decided I'd gamble on my cello lesson taking up all of history period so I wouldn't have to go and hand in my essay. Fortunately on Monday the cello lesson took up all of history period so I didn't have to go and hand my essay in! Phew! I've spent all night typing it up so I'll almost definitely hand it in tomorrow.

We got our reports at the end of school today. Mine was soso. Most of the comments were constructive.
Statistics teacher was something along the lines of...
"Calum would be the first to admit that there have been quite a few distractions which have caused him to not be prepared for the exams as well as he should have been. However with plenty of practice and revision he should gain results to be proud of in the externals"
Physics teacher -
"Calum has a good understanding of the content of the course but has difficulty applying them in an exam situation"
That was a pretty good comment since I haven't been turning up to quite a few physics classes this year! Of course the periods absent box was blank...

My Chinese teacher only gave me a 3 for 'Works Purposefully'! I thought I did work in Chinese class but obviously not. I must've been talking in class too much or something.

Anyway Halloween today, let's see how it turns out! It's going to be a screamer! (OK well I hope so or I'll be disappointed!)

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