Sunday 22 October 2006

Rutherford Day


Yesterday was Rutherford Day. We had two periods in the morning before interval and then the assembly with our guest speaker Mr Barber. We were running late for school again. I really wanted to have a shower in the morning (because I was going to be on stage for the assembly!) and I had woken up late so I had a quick less than 10 minute shower (a record for me I think) and then rush off to school. Fortunately I got to school in time for the practice assembly in the morning where the school had to rehearse the school song for the last time.

I was supposed to finish off my Chinese assessment in 2nd period but I had orchestra rehearsal, so I went to see the Chinese teacher during first period to tell her. The Chinese teacher asked if Nikki and Jacqueline wouldn't be able to come to class either (I think she thought we had prefect/head boy duties) and I told her they wouldn't be able to either, and so she said she'd kill us on Tuesday. I had to try ask Nikki and Jacqueline to wag Chinese for me, and they were pretty happy Nikki gave me a hug (the first from a girl in several months - the two previous days I had gotten two 'manly' hugs from random guys around school who had asked me for one). After a while of doing nothing and getting bored of it, they decided to go back to class.

I was later told that my thank-you speech was to be a little more substantial than first thought, and so I quickly wrote my speech during interval and didn't even finish it by the time the assembly started! The assembly went well faster than I expected it to. The orchestra started off by performing Pomp and Circumstance as the guests walked up the aisle. Afterwards Mr Moore gave his speech and tripped up as he stepped off the podium! The jazz band then performed and were extremely good! Then Mr Barber gave his speech. Mr Barber is a top neurologist at Auckland City Hospital and spoke of how he played rugby league as well as be the first violinist of the school orchestra! It was great to see what an ex-Rutherford student can achieve!

I had to thank him afterwards and hopefully didn't stuff up! Afterwards we went into the old library for some snacks and a drink before go to watch Mr Edmeades open the new Information Commons. It may have been raining but it didn't dampen the excitement! The Information Commons was impressive! The computers were all state-of-the-art, the seminar rooms had smartboards and projectors hanging from the ceilings. I just wish I could use the building but I don't think it'll be open for long before exams start!

Lunch afterwards was yum. I talked to a few people around the place including Mr Edmeades and Mr Smale (from Smales Farm). He came to our school in a Mercedes! Snazzy!

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