Monday 9 October 2006

On and Off


You come back to school and discover all these new things! I heard about couples who had broken up, and people who were now together! Awww that's nice of those people who are getting together!

Classes went surprisingly fast today, that is apart from chemistry. Nothing can go slower than chemistry, especially when you're in that commerce classroom that is so small and plain! Mr Breckall asked me two questions in class, which caught me offguard and I wasn't able to answer them even though they were really simple ones!

Our string quartet teacher wasn't here today so that gave me slightly more time to try figure out what to put on my leavers hoodie. I asked a few people and more people are starting to say Mr Anderson. These two girls who think I slightly look like Keanu Reeves (haha yeah right I think they said from the forehead up!) recognised the connection when they suggested Mr Anderson to me! Someone else suggested Calumbian!

Turns out we don't have to hand in our forms till Wednesday so I've got more time to think about it.

It was the first time I wore this new schoolbag to school, as my old one was falling to pieces. Apparently it's Puma, but I'm not sure if it's a girls bag or not, as it looks a bit like a handbag! Fortunately I was told it didn't look like one, and that it's OK for me to wear it, even if it is a girl's bag!

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