Wednesday 25 October 2006

Fun and Games

This week has been nothing special. I've made it to school on time every day. Oh yeah we didn't have to go to school on Monday! That was cool but I didn't do much. I tried studying physics but fell asleep again.

Yesterday was the last day of my Chinese writing assessment. I was trying to get it all finished during my Chinese period before lunch, but then I had the Japanese teacher come into the classroom and say there was a telephone call for me! It was the office lady letting me know I had a guest waiting at the office for me. I have been in charge of getting a group of students (predominantly Junior Council students with a few prefects) to help run games for primary school students at their travel thingy launch tomorrow. The guests were going to train us during form period and last period yesterday. I met up with the guests in the office and let them know of our arranged time and then went back to Chinese class where my Chinese teacher was pleased to see me back! I ended up working right throughout lunch and into a little bit of form period. I had to go to the training during last period and then after school I had to go back to finish it off.

The training was pretty fun. It was a long time since I had last played little kids games such as Seaweed (Octopus) and Battleship ('Captain's Coming!'...'Scrub the Deck!!'). I get to run games of Battleship with junior students at the primary school tomorow. Fingers crossed the weather will be good or else we'll have to look after the kids inside while they watch TV or colour in!

I was working during statistics today when the dean came in and dragged out all the students in my class who had attended the training yesterday afternoon. She then questioned us on our whereabouts during last period yesterday and told us she didn't want us missing out on class and blablabla. I had to sort things out with Mr Coughlan to make sure we DEFINITELY had permission to attend the real thing tomorrow morning!

I've been hearing weird things lately, like today I heard that people were warning others that I was zooming in on them and taking photos of them! The other day someone asked me this weird question I won't say what!

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