Thursday 26 October 2006

No Schoolwork!!

This morning I went along with the Junior Councillors and a few prefects over to Rutherford Primary to run games for the little primary school kids. I got to play the game Battleship with the senior kids. I had to call out words like BOW! STERN! CAPTAIN'S COMING! SEAGULLS! IN THE LIFEBOATS! CAPTAIN'S SON/DAUGHTER!! It went really well with the kids getting into it. It was just a shame I had two girls trip over hoops that had been left lying on the ground (where you had to jump into when I shouted out SHARKS!!!). The first girl was more serious. She was crying in pain and had to be helped up. I think she sprained her knee. The second girl was only temporarily injured before rejoining the group.

It was cool that later in the day when some primary school kids walked by they saw me and called out

"Hey you're the battleship guy!!!"

Once it was interval we all got a free ice block before having to go back to school. Apparently the reason why some of us prefects got in trouble the day before was because our statistics teacher was unhappy! It turns out she has been the only one who has been unhappy about our absence from school! Fortunately after statistics I had a free period, and then lunch.

Spacifix came during lunch. I only got to watch for a little while before I had to go off to the prefects meeting with AUT. I didn't get to catch up with Stephen but I caught up with one of the other guys who remembered me from earlier in the year when they came to our school to perform.

The prefects meeting with AUT was cool. We caught up with Rebecca after a while. She brought along a student who filmed us head students so that they could put it in their promotional video for next year. Rebecca also then wanted to know what had been going on and got to Evan and asked him if he had a girlfriend, but when he said no, she looked to me and said

"No wait! Calum's got a girlfriend!"

Haha yeah right! We got told we might get invited back next year to run some workshops or sessions with next year's prefects at their camp which will be cool!

Oh yeah by the way all the best to all those students going for head boy and head girl!! Let the bickering and cat fighting begin!

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