Thursday 19 October 2006

Not Again

Yesterday morning I came to school late after the bell! I had physics first period and had made a promise to myself that I would attend EVERY SINGLE CLASS this term. So now I had to decide...should I go to the office and get a late detention, or break this promise and skip physics. Well...I decided on the latter. Shame on me I know! I just really wanted my longest run of not having a late detention for the whole year to continue till the end of this year!

I was on my way to the transition room yesterday when I came across this group of juniors including the girls who had asked me for their socks. They asked me if they could sell my socks on E-Bay when I became famous (IF I ever become famous!) and poked me a bit before the guy asked if he could have a hug (a MANLY hug!)

Tonight is the sports dinner which I'll be attending. I'm not getting any award while Aonghas will be getting something for squash. He'll probably sit at the squash table. As for me I don't really know who else will be going or who I'll be sitting with. Hopefully I don't end up a loner!

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