Friday 13 October 2006

Black Friday

I didn't notice it was Black Friday till 3rd period in stats class today!

I spent most of the day today having cultural group (and a few other) photos taken. All in all I had ten group photos taken - orchestra, chamber group, prefects, studio show 1 + 2, junior council, crazy costume day, choir, advanced debating team and international languages week group. For each group we had two good photos, one with flash and one without, and the last photo was the funny photo. I did my best to do weird stuff like pretend to eat my tie, some girls' hair, play my cello upside down, do some sort of gangster sign (Annette taught me that!) and pretend to kiss a girl. I haven't seen the photos yet but I'll probably look like a dork in those!

After having to drop off some notes and teasing the Korean Christian Group while they were posing for a photograph outside (no not really just standing, staring and smiling at them ;) ) I joined Alex, David, Pita, Sarena, Estee and Amy in their card game for the first time! Amy taught me how to play poker in an amazingly straight-forward way that I was able to get it in just a few minutes! I still remember (correct me if I'm wrong!) straight is if you get the cards the same, flush is if you get a run, straight-flush is if its a run with all the cards in the same suit, and if it's a full house then its a run + a straight? Afterwards I tried teaching Amy blackjack (she probably knew how to play already!)

OK bad stuff that happened? Not a lot, although when I was talking to some girls and just talking about weights (I was planning something...) they asked me how heavy I was and I told them I was 60kg (yeah I know I'm light for my age!) and they said they thought I looked heavier than I weighed! Hmm....not too sure what that means....I just said it was my jacket!  I was also accused by them of being addicted to girls because that's all I could think of when all I asked one of them was if she saw my neighbour at Taste of Chaos last week, who looked like an Asian girl with black hair! I must have annoyed them or something...

It was also really hot towards the end of and after school. What a tiring end to the first week back at school!

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