Monday 31 July 2006

Heaps of Yay

This weekend hasn't been too flash, just the ordinary teach music learn music watch the rugby go to church. I was meant to have a new student yesterday morning but she never showed up for the second weekend in a row! Last weekend they slept in but were adament they'd turn up this weekend. Oh well that made my teaching easier.

On Friday lunch the new principal got lunch for all of us prefects which was cool of him. He's not really bad and can be cool. It'll probably be a while after he asserts his authority on the school and so on and so on.

It was also mufti day on Friday. I was thinking about dressing up in a costume or something like that but maybe next time? I wasn't prepared! I just wore the same clothes I had been wearing all week, couldn't be bothered looking good (because I never do anyway).

We got our camera back from Dick Smith after it got repaired!!! Yay!! Watch out I can take photos again! (No don't! I need people to take photos of!) People have been teasing me all week about whether I'm going to take photos or not and I've had to tell them that the camera is being repaired!

I caught up with Zippo for the first time in a while. Even though she lives right next to me I hardly see her. Yay she got a job! Speaking of neighbours, we just got new neighbours (we have six neighbouring houses!). Today when we got home and came back up the driveway, we saw two girls sitting on the driveway - they're white and they're about...12 years old? So nope not for me.

Congratulations to:

- these two! (I haven't said anything!) Unlike a certain person this is true!
- Diane and Tim on their 6 month anniversary! Go them!
- me (shouldn't really be congratulating myself but anyway) for finding my wallet with my soon-to-be expired and hardly used AA card (tomorrow actually), soon-to-be-outdated coins worth $2.50 and yeah thats about it

Thursday 27 July 2006

The Pain

Yesterday was a really hectic day. Not only was it the school's open evening, but I had to get my braces! There was a meeting for all tour guides during first period yesterday morning. Luckily I had a free 1st period so I wasn't missing out on anything. After the meeting was over I then met the principal with Heather to get our speeches double-checked. After that we both worked on the prefects display, and ended up working right through the next two periods!

My appointment at Middlemore Hospital to get my braces on was at 1pm and I was going to leave school at 12 but because I had to get some stuff sorted for open day at home, the deputy principal changed my leaving pass so I could leave half an hour early which was good...meant I could miss the chemistry quiz! :D

I got home, had some time to eat and burn a DVD before having to rush off to hospital. Even though I arrived late, there was a bit of a hold-up because of a newborn baby. Eventually it was my turn and I sat in the dentist's chair while the dental surgeon (this Chinese man) did all sorts of things with all these gadgets (one was called a 'gun') that went whiizzzzzzzz and sssssssssssssissssssss... He told me to close my eyes while he attached the stuff and put these things in my mouth to keep it open. It was entertaining listening him talk to his staff though.

"Could you pass me the *(&*&( Diane?"
"My name's Denise"
"Oh sorry about that! I'm sure I called you Denise in the morning though didn't I?"
"Yip you did. Don't worry, I've been called heaps of things. My nickname's Deedee."

and later on...

"I'm not wearing my glasses"
"That's a bit of worry!"

I ended up choosing navy blue braces with the help of the dentist who told me that most guys chose that colour.

After an hour it was all done. I was given some wax to put on my teeth if it got a little dry and told to take my time to brush and not to eat lollies. I asked about ice-cream and soft drinks and they said it should be OK as long as I don't have too much.

I managed to get home half an hour before open day, grab my stuff and go on to school. When I got to school I was given a really large group to take around (I think about 15 people/5 families?) and it was a little difficult as some families were slower than others, and I kept having to hold the group up to wait for one to catch up, or run between rooms making sure they all knew where they were going. Interestingly three of the parents I showed around were ex-students (including one former head-girl!) who said not much had changed at our school since they had been there! Then they saw a teacher through a window:

"Oh my gosh!!! Mr Bradley!!!!"

My group was cut in half when some had to leave for the intermediate school choir festival, and after an hour I finished one tour! Since I couldn't eat with my braces, I went straight on with my next tour, but only got half way through that before having to go back to the hall for the principal's address and Heather and my speech to the parents. I was afraid we'd have to speak to an empty hall, but remarkably it was near-full! The speeches went well with the principal having a lot to say! Afterwards I went to get my dinner, which I couldn't eat, so I grabbed what I could so I could take home to feed my family :D

Overall the open evening went well with a good turnout!

Monday 24 July 2006

All for Charity

Today a few of us prefects and some 2007 prefects went to Alexandra Park to help unpack heaps of books and stack them on shelves for this Children's Variety Book Fair. Chen, Zahir and I were working on the same table, rearranging books within the banana boxes they came in. We were working so fast, having done over 5 fully loaded tables of boxes! As we were going along someone (can't remember who) came over and told us were supposed to put the books in different boxes! So we had wasted over an hour rearranging these books! I hope they still give our school some money! (They said they'd give our school some money to buy blazers for prefects next year, don't ask me how that works!) Us guys decided to take a break before correcting our huge mistake, so we crossed the road to the Noodle Box to have a feed while Lindsey, Evan and the girls started to fix the books we had done. I'm so sorry guys!
We had some chips at the place. When we came back though everyone was leaving! That was our hard day's work anyway. It felt good helping out a bit, and it was also good to see others getting stuck in, when on most occasions you get people making excuses for why they can't make it to something outside of school hours or complaining about how they have to spend their time doing stuff..

I found out one of my bestest friends is going to study veterinary science down in Palmerston North earlier than I expected next year, which means I've got to catch up with her in the holidays before she leaves! I haven't seen her in a while so we've got a few things we have to do when we meet again: 1) Bear hug 2) (apple) Pie eating contest 3)...

I also had a bit of a mishap with another of my bestestest buddies when I accidentally forgot to sign out and she thought I was ignoring her but we sorted that out SO SORRY ABOUT THAT!

Later tonight I went over to my cousin Greg's house who was able to print out some stuff for me in colour. Our printer is only black and white and when our new colour printer ran out of black and white ink (and we didn't bother refilling it) the nozzles got clogged and meant we'd have to pay money to buy something extra to unclog it, so it's kinda useless to us now.

We talked a bit about how school has been going and stuff, and we're going to try see if we can get something between Rutherford and Henderson High going! Obviously Rutherford will reign but it'd be good to prove it to him ;)

Saturday 22 July 2006

Interesting Week


No Hyun I meant our fish :P Our second to last surviving goldfish died yesterday (six months after the last), leaving the only survivor to be Rydia! When trying to determine the cause, one stood out: our new water filter. We're not too sure if we had put it in a place where it was pumping too much water that it's force killed the fish. Or...the goldfish was just old...

I haven't updated all week mainly because of my HISTORY ASSESSMENT which took me all week to finish and had me end up staying up till 4.30 yesterday morning trying to complete it. I had to do this tourist guide on a NZ historical site.

Anyway this week we met our new principal Mr Moore from Westlake. Sure he's a bit different to Mr Edmeades, and is more strict (tucking in shirts, socks up, please and thank you, blablabla) but that's what our school needs! People have also been criticising him for making the whole school learn the school song Me Hui Hui but it wasn't actually his idea! Anyway I was surprised when he had a meeting with prefects yesterday and he asked if anyone had questions. I said I did, and he said

"Yes Calum?"

I was just like woah cool he knows my name! Yeah! Anyway he's made quite a few changes to the school already within the first week and it'll be interesting to see if there'll be any effects along down the line.

I thought I had completed my physics assignment a week earlier when I finished it before school started, and I was so eager to prove to everyone that I was back on track with physics since I had missed out on attending heaps of classes, until today I realised I had misread the units of the values in the question! I'm always doing stupid things like that.

Last night I went to this church ball in Te Atatu Peninsula where Aonghas and I played french music on the accordion as people walked in for the first hour. It was going well for a while till one of my bass notes got stuck and we had to end up playing three pieces each and then swapping accordions.
We played ten minutes extra (free of charge!) and afterwards went in to enjoy the ball. Aonghas had a partner and all his friends came (a lot of year 11s), whereas for me there were only a couple year 13s, and half of them left halfway through! I caught up with a few old friends like Sam, Andrew and Matthew.
I did a bit of dancing with Yvia and her friends. Yvia taught me some dance moves which I'll try see if I can remember! I was a horrible dancer! Lucky I didn't drop her!
Most of the night though I was a bit of a loner since there weren't that many people I was close to, and what made it worse was them playing songs like LOVE is in the air! There was good food though, like that nice cheese with biscuits, and punch. I also talked a little to Christine who reassured me that having braces would be fine. We're gonna be METAL BUDDIES! (we both wear glasses...well she does occasionally and we'll both have braces!)

Now that history is complete, all I have to do this weekend is get the prefects display for open day sorted, write a report for the Smales Farm thing, complete all my scholarship application forms (from the words of Mrs Taylor: Bring them on Monday Calum, and don't be late like you usually are!"), write a report for Mr Coughlan on our reflection of the first half of the year, a profile of myself for the principal, a speech for open evening and huff help out with this charity event on Sunday to try earn some money for the school!

Sunday 16 July 2006

Boy in Town

On Friday I got to go in to the city with Hamish for the first time without my parents! Yeah I know heaps of people my age have been doing that since they were how old but for me I've never really had any need to go into the city. However, that day I had to go in for my industry visit to AJ Park, this Intellectual Property law firm.

Hamish and I caught the motorway bus, which was fun! I just practised my Chinese speech while waiting to get there. We got off outside of Aotea Square and I originally thought Hamish was going to show me where the Quay Tower was, but instead he was about to walk off to university to buy his coursebooks! He told me the Quay Tower was down the other side of Queen St! So I had to walk all the way down Queen St in 15 minutes! On the way there, there were about three firetrucks (one with a cherry pick) surrounding this office building with onlookers all crowded around. I couldn't see any smoke or fire, and no time to anyway as I had to rush to the Quay Tower! I didn't want to be late as I didn't really know what to expect, and wanted to make a good impression by being early at least!

I finally made it to the Quay Tower and went up to level 14. I was greeted by the receptionist and asked to have a seat. There was already this Asian girl there reading some magazines so I assume she was the other girl from Westlake. I just sat down opposite her and grabbed a newspaper and started waving it, trying to cool myself (I was wearing 5 layers of clothing yesterday, expecting a cold day!) We didn't say much till I asked her if we were meant to bring anything and then we started a conversation before the guy from AJ Park invited us in.

We went into their boardroom and the guy went through the whole patent/copyrighting/trademarking process with us. After that we went on a tour around the level meeting the different patent attorneys. They were all really friendly and they all had their own offices or cubicles. Some had boxes of counterfeit goods!

After the tour we went down to the cafe at ground level and had a coffee. I told them I had only drunk coffee once or twice before and so I just got the same as what Jade (the Westlake girl) got. After that we went back up. It was only then that I realised I left my folder under my chair at the cafe! So I went all the way back down to retrieve it, but it wasn't there! I asked the lady at the counter and she told me security had it. That was lucky!

After a bit more explaining and learning we finished a bit earlier than we were supposed to. Since I was supposed to meet Hamish at Britomart by 5pm but Jade was going to catch her bus outside the Town Hall and there was half an hour left, I just decided to walk with her back up Queen St, and so we got to know each other a bit more. I've been working on my conversation skills! hahaha Once she caught her bus I walked back down Queen St again (three times in one day!) and met Hamish at 5.01pm which wasn't bad timing!

Our bus was going to leave at 5.15pm so I had time to go to the toilet. Now the toilet is no ordinary toilet, it's one of those automatic ones! As soon as you push the button the electric doors slide shut and music starts playing. While I was dealing with nature, there was the music playing in the background... what the world needs now, is love, sweet love...That was really cool!

I can't wait till uni now, getting to go into the city everyday and walk around and do stuff with all that freedom!

Friday 14 July 2006

Why Asian Guys Get Less White Chicks

If you want to know why, check out this video!

No Driving!

Lately Aonghas (my younger brother) has been driving all around the place with my parents on his learners license and has gotten a lot better (so they say!) while my mum criticised me for not driving much because I'm not that interested. I told her that I never get the chance to, and she said that's because I never ask! So today after doing a bit of work in the library, my mum came to pick me up and I asked her if I could drive her home, and she says to me

"NO! I don't want to die!"

I'm honestly not that bad! My parents just think I drive too erratically and too rough! Well we got home and I begged my mum if I could just reverse it maybe 5-6 metres and then go forwards a teeny weeny bit to park it again, and she reluctantly agreed to let me. So there she was holding on to the car making sure I didn't drive too fast (this just makes it worse because I don't want to squash her!) and as I reversed slightly she tells me I'm going too fast!

We then get a phone call from someone and so I sit there in the car waiting a few minutes while she answers the phone. Finally she's off and I'm about to go. I've reversed enough so I'm about to go forwards and then there's another phone call! So after she's off the phone again I'm about to go forwards to park the car in the right place, but my mum's not happy because she's afraid I might hit my dad's car, so she tells me to get out and she parks it herself!

While my mum doesn't trust me driving a few metres at least my dad has let me drive to Avondale and back, and even managed to fit through a tight gap! (although he thinks that was luck and not skill!)

I asked someone if a guy driving an automatic and not a manual makes you a poof, and he replies

"No it just means you're incompetent"

I found out that I actually sat my learners test in July last year but only got it in December, so it took me half a year to pass my eyesight test, and I think it might just take even longer for me to get my restricted...

Tomorrow I'm going into the city with Hamish. He's going to buy his university books while I'm going in for my Smales Farm technology careers thing industry visit at this interllectual property law firm AJ Park. I don't really know what to expect. I have to spend three hours there, and there are only two students going - me and this Asian girl from Westlake. I don't think quite a lot will go on in an office building so I guess we'll just be watching some people doing paperwork and typing on computers...Hopefully the girl will be a bit more entertaining!


A recently published book features the Top Ten Best Oneliners (don't ask me whether they're the most successful, or most used or what?) and number one is...

Was your father a thief? Because he stole the stars from the sky and put them in your eyes.

Other chat-up lines that feature in the Top Ten include

"Didn't it hurt when you fell from heaven?"

"You must be tired because you've been running through my mind all day."

and at Number 10:

"The only things your eyes haven't told me is your name."


YouTube is so fun! It's amazing that you can just watch videos of ordinary people do ordinary stuff on the other side of the world! I watched this video of this Korean guy in the States preparing for his big date with his girlfriend, and these American teens mucking about in class.

One of the most interesting was this sorta-documentary/comedy made on Why Asian Guys Can't Score White Chicks. If you want to find out why, check out the video here.

Is it really true in order to score girls you've got to be an a$$?

Wednesday 12 July 2006

Insignificant Little Things

I've now finished my chemistry homework, just got to start and complete my history assessment and my physics assignment. Yip I'm still in physics class despite not having turned up to classes that often last term! I will come to EVERY SINGLE physics class this term though! I think my dean's on my tail a bit about that...

I've been finding 5c coins all over the place recently! In the last week of school I found 6 5c coins around school to make myself a total of wait for it...30c! (I feel bad I'm stealing someone else's 5c coins) and lately these holidays I've been finding loose coins around the house as well as on the streets! Yay!! Too bad it'll all be worthless next month. I was listening to talkback as you do, and they were talking about old pre-1930s coins and how much they'd be worth, which got me thinking, I wonder how long it will be before 5c coins are worth more than 5c? Maybe I should save a few?

My dad's been accidentally repainting the bathroom walls (after my mum told him to repaint the ceiling and not the walls since she's going to tile them one day) and so there's been this strong smell of paint around the house tonight. I think that's what has been giving me a headache...

I tried talking my friend out of something this evening but nothing I said really seemed to make much of a difference. Don't think anything I say does to anyone! Maybe I just don't give out the best advice lol


This was in the news a little while back so some will have already heard of this but for those who haven't, check this out. It's this high-pitched sound (don't worry it ain't painful and it won't damage your ears!) that only people under 20 years old can hear. Try it with your parents. My dad couldn't hear it while my brothers and I could! Apparently this high pitched sound has been used as a way of getting rid of youths from shops while not disturbing the older customers, while some teens have adopted it as their ringtone so that they (and not their teachers) can hear it in class. Of course we already have vibration and the off button, but this I suppose gives people another option.

Tuesday 11 July 2006

Money Saving

My friends went to the movies today and ...well I think I was kinda invited (still have my doubts). Anyway they went to see Pirates of the Carribean II, and so they had originally asked me to ask my parents if I was allowed to go last night, but I didn't have the courage because my mama was a teeny bit annoyed with me since I had been on the computer for most of the day.

Anyway this morning she was a lot happier, what with ITALY'S WIN and everything, I tried asking her, and got the response I was expecting. No Calum. Crash and burn...

OK so usually when teens go to the movies they don't really care what they see (as in blockbuster movie or not) and then they see it, whereas with my parents it must be cheap or else you're going to have to have a very convincing argument as to why you should go see that movie! Let's movies cost $12.50 for a secondary student, and on most days cost between $11.50-$12.50, while Tuesdays only cost $8.50. Cheap Tuesdays swing in our favour. Unfortunately today was a Monday, and it was a blockbuster movie, so $4 couldn't be spared. We're a pretty cheap family.

This morning we were just watching Good Morning where they had that movie reviewer guy who doubles as Women's Day editor, and coincidentally he was reviewing Pirates of the Carribean II, going on about how there was nothing new about this movie, giving it a 6/10. My mum saw this and told me that it probably wouldn't be worth watching anyway!

So yeah, just trying to study all day, catching up on schoolwork and stuff. Knowing what my parents are like, I probably won't be invited out by friends again, eventually drift apart from them and lose them. Byebye social life... but hey there's a bright side to every story. At least my family saved $12.50! :)

Monday 10 July 2006

Just a Joke

(Excuse the poor Photoshop skills but) Joon and his 'girlfriend'

I'd like to take back what I just posted about a friend getting together with a friend. It was only JOON JOKING WITH ME AGAIN! Apparently the girl in the photo he showed me is some famous girl. So there were some things pointing towards it not being true:
-He didn't mention it to me earlier on the phone
-He told me not to tell anyone just yet
-He wasn't even excited about it
-The girl even looked a bit too young for him

Stupid me should've recognised this a lot earlier! That's it! No more believing him! I've put a picture of his 'girlfriend' for all of those who want to see hehehe there you go Joon! ;)

Sunday 9 July 2006

Happy Days...for Some

I spent nearly half the day at church today, since they asked us to stay for this half hour prayer session in which we had to pray for other people. Actually time went by a lot faster then than during the service!

Congrats to a friend who is now with another friend! Yay!! So that's one less in the single population! I'm not entitled to mention any names but yeah good on them! Hope they last a loooooong time!

I found this website which can scan a picture of your face and let you know which celebrity's face is similar to yours. Hamish's face matched Mike Tyson's, Aonghas's matched Beyonce Knowles (woo go Aonghas) while mine matched...Engelbert Humperdink!!! Yeah you know that guy who sings what the world needs now, is love, sweet love.... I tried with a few other photos and came up also with Ashton Kutcher and Renee Zelleweger...interestingly enough each time I tried Michelle Rodriguez (actress who played Anna-Lucia in Lost) appeared in each set of results :S

Midholiday Assessment

So the first week of the holidays is over, and what have I accomplished? Well not really a great deal. I still haven't worked out how I study best, but after talking to a friend I discovered a way which has kinda worked, and in the last few days managed to revise atoms, photons and nuclei (I think that's it?) like the Conservation Laws and so on, so that's good...until I went through the practice questions and read another book and realised I didn't know that! That raises another do you know when to stop going deeper into a topic/subject? NCEA Level 1 was OK because they basically told you what to study and revise, but in NCEA Level 2 and 3 the achievement standard is a little broader. Take the Level 3 Physics Atoms, Photons and Nuclei assessment. You have to know about 'the electron volt' but just how much about it do you need to know about it? I don't know if that's exactly the best example but yeah.

Anyway I've got to get started on my history assessment! I'm supposed to produce a tourist guide on one of the historical sites we visited in our history trip. I'm probably going to do Rangiriri. Don't ask me what happened there...I forgot...Yes I know I have to catch up on history too!


I've been to that new RateMyTeachers website and some of the comments students have attempted to give teachers (but got rejected) are somewhat amusing. Here are a few:

"couldnt stand him, he couldnt even keep sheep inline"
"Once he wore a turtle neck and his pants are really tight!Perhaps hes missed his calling as a drill sergent because he sure likes his disipline!"
"I have a strong suspicion that mr ***** is actually a british spy.He works for the queen and is paid in crumpets.One time he told us he blew up a harbour with some potassium - ROCK ON *****!!!!!!!!!"
"***** looks like keg and needs to find his own girlfriend - stop trying to steal my woman you desperate old bu&*er."

mr ******* is a mean teacher and doesn't think about anyone other than himself he needs to find a girlfriend instead of trying to get the students they are too young for him!!!! and needs to get rid of his goatie!!!
"mr ***** needs to get his own style and fashion and needs to stop trying to look like hitlor he needs to get to know the whole story before blaming it on the sweetest people eva he needs to know b4 he judges people and needs to go sleep with his mum!!!!!"

Friday 7 July 2006

Good People

Today we went all the way to our favourite yumcha restaurant in South Auckland. The Chinese lady kept persuading us to have more and more dishes till we reached $45 when we told her we had had enough. The food and the tea was good as usual. Good to see a few Europeans dining there too.

After that we went shopping down the main streets of Otahuhu, through all the cheap $2 variety stores. There was this shop that was selling everything at a discount, including clothes and all these other little things. I like those clothes that have those rip-offs of other things, like there was this jumper with m&m on it. Under it says mana Maori which I thought was clever! There were these cheap caps with SOUTHSIDE and EASTSIDE on it. I was thinking of getting one since I couldn't find WESTSIDE but then again I suppose I'd get smashed in Te Atatu for wearing something like that!

Originally I was invited to go to the movies with some friends who had decided to watch Pirates of the Carribean II in the city (which I've never been to before. I'm still trying to work out why Queen St cinemas are more special and expensive than other cinemas though?) OK to be honest (and plus my parents don't read this anyway) I was going into the city this Monday with Hamish anyway to visit the library and find some music I could transcribe for the accordion for an upcoming concert, and so I thought I'd just go watch the movie with my friends while I'm at the city with whatever money I had left in my wallet and then go to the library, come home as if nothing ...happened...yeah I know sneakysneaky (by my standards anyway thought maybe I should do something different in my life once in a while) My mum wouldn't be too happy with the cost of a movie ticket if I told her. Anyway it got cancelled and instead they're all going to Westcity to watch it now, and I didn't really find out till another friend forwarded the email he got from the person who had changed the plans to I don't really know if I'm meant to go...or not...or if they want me to...doesn't matter anyway.

I was chatting to a couple friends tonight. This girl wanted to know my history with girls...uh huh the 'one day relationship' guy yep and then persisted in finding out who I liked. When I told her I usually only ended up good friends with girls and that there didn't really seem to be anyone to like right now, she tells me

"i reckon that its sadder to have noone to like than to like someone who doesnt like you back"

Yep thats nice! And wow this girl I just chat to for the first time tonight even though I kinda know her...a bit...she was...haaarsh....amongst other things told me not to stalk her, called me a lier and told me I talk too much before she had to go and ended our conversation? Nah probably just a first conversation thing. Just like how it really got me thinking in South Auckland that not all people in that area are thieves, dangerous, Samoan and poor. There was a lady at the counter who had a lot to pay for whereas I only had a couple of plastic flowers for my nana's grave to pay for. She saw this and let me jump ahead of her which was nice of her. It's these little things which make you feel good about other people and remind you that there's good in everyone! Some people just choose who to reveal that side of them to...

Thursday 6 July 2006

Random Stuff

I finally got round to doing some work today, by going to the library for a few hours and doing some hard studying! No TV, no computer, no food, just books and work work work...

What a sad day it is today anyway! Li Mei died on Shortland St (OK I know it looks embarrassing but I only watch it sometimes...honestly!), Anna-Lucia and Libby died on Lost. I feel sorry for Hurley! OK it is just a show it is just a show it is just a show...yeah you can tell I've been wasting my time watching too much TV!

Have I just taken it out of proportion or are more people going for a people of the opposite sex who are 5+ years older than themselves? Oh well suppose that ain't too bad. I think that's about the age gap between my parents. It all evens out when you get older. My parents always tell me MARRY SOMEONE A LOT YOUNGER THAN YOU - that way there's less chance of your wife aging faster than you (does that make any sense at all?)

Monday 3 July 2006

First Day of Holidays

School holidays has gotten off to an unproductive and boring start. It's so hard to get into studying when you're stuck in a cold, messy, foodless house! Szelin (our neighbour) came over yesterday and we showed each other ball photos. Lucky her she found herself a boyfriend at her school ball! (yet another casualty..)  I also traded photos with a few other people. It turns out I didn't appear in many of other people's ball photos..oh well.. anyway other people had some good photos! Yeah it's a bit sad that the ball's all over. At least there's the year 13 dinner to look forward to I hope! Hopefully the juniors are able to have a social too and then I might be able to weasel my way in through my links with the Junior Council!

While I do have the extra time at home though I've been learning the finer points to life, like how to light a fireplace properly, and eating fruit. Actually I tried getting the fireplace going tonight and probably wasted ten matches before my mum came over and got it going with one.

Saturday 1 July 2006

Farewells + School Ball

Today started off with two shortened periods of school. I didn't go to chemistry in first period because I had to help set up equipment for Mr Edmeades' farewell assembly. Next period I had Chinese, in which we were supposed to be doing our Chinese speech, BUT she let us do it on the first Monday back of next term (thanks Bronwen, Nikki and Shiu Tai for persuading her to!)

Finally at 11am we had Mr Edmeades' Student Farewell assembly in the sports hall. It was amazing to see all the teachers lined up along the walls with the whole school sitting on the ground (or the ones that came to school anyway!). Heather, the other head students, prefects and I sat on the left side of the podium while Mr Edmeades, his children and grand-children sat on the other side of the podium. We started off with the choir performing. I felt bad because I was supposed to be in the choir and there was only one guy in the choir singing, while I was sitting up on the platform. So I just sang from where I was. Don't think anyone heard me anyway...

Heather and I gave our speeches. Fortunately I didn't say UMM too often. I had watched the tape of my speech on Friday night and realised I said it too much! Today was a lot better.

The Kapa Haka group then sang the school song as well as a surprise second song. For some reason the school song always gives me the good chills! We really got to teach the rest of the school how to sing it! We then gave Mr Edmeades his presents, and then Hyun had the last say, which I thought was probably the best line of the day:

"When I say school stand, could you please stand while Mr Edmeades and his family leave the sports hall. School Stand. " (something along those lines!)

After school I just waited with Phoebe talking to her for a little while till her dad came to pick her up. Too bad she had to work and couldn't come to the ball with the rest of us! At least she had him to keep him company...;);)

THE BALL - Well I had no idea what I was going to wear, so as soon as I got home I looked through my dad's wardrobe for his suits, and found this criss-cross brown one that looked kinda old enough to be 1920s. I also found this Maozedong hat which looked good enough to be one of those old fuddyduddy hats that I could wear with. Now all I needed was a mustache and a pipe. I went to WestCity to check out all the cheap variety shops for them but I couldn't find any! I came across Mrs Taylor (my dean) who had just gotten her hair done. I got back home, got a bit of a hair trim while Aonghas cut some spare carpet from the garage, darkened it with vivid and made a mustache for me.

I had to get to Crowne Plaza Hotel early as Heather and I being the head students had to collect tickets and welcome everyone as they arrived. I managed to come earlier than anyone else for once!!! So we stood at the top of the stairs greeting everyone. Eventually everyone arrived and we were free to go and take photographs and mix with other people. Steven found me and kinda hung with me for the first half till dinner when there weren't enough chairs for us to sit next to each other (no we weren't partners by the way!) so I sat at the same table as Alex, Nick, Esther, Esther's friend, Christine, Estee, Sarena, Amy, Ellyce and Jonathan while the twins sat with their Korean friends at another table.

We did some dancing, had great food for dinner and dessert, and took a lot of photos (I'll put some up here some time soon). Heather and I ended up having to give a very short speech to thank everyone for coming so I just thanked them for coming and wearing good clothes, and then Heather thanked Mr and Mrs Edmeades for coming and called for the people who were going to award prizes to come up on stage. I didn't win anything, but congratulations to Jonathan who got Ball King, Steven who got Ball Prince, Kirsty who got Ball Queen, Michaela who got Ball Princess and Toni and her partner for Best Dressed Couple!

It was weird going without a partner this year after going with a girl last year. To be honest it did feel a bit lonely at times, especially when they had the slow dances and there was only just me and the wooden man (decoration) dancing together...nah us single people danced together. Go Hyun for dancing with Gwen!!!!!!!! (sorry just really happy Hyun had some good stuff happen to him at a ball after what happened last year...) So yeah Joon and I didn't have anyone to dance with. We were fast coming to the last dance and I really didn't want to go away not having danced with anyone so I just shouted out if anyone was desperate and lonely enough to dance with me and Sarena ended up dancing with me while Amy danced with Joon for a little while.

But apart from not having partners the night was still good fun and was a a great opportunity to hang out with friends in a different way to usual. I'm definitely getting a new camera after this ball. The flash on my camera took AGES to load each time and people had to hold their poses for so long I told them they could relax while I waited for the camera to get ready! Grrr....I've got a Casio camera at the moment and I've tried playing around with all the settings etcetc. read up about how each of the different setting affect certain things but still this camera won't take good photos in rooms with artificial light!  This was the same with our previous Kodak camera, and I'm sure Kodak cameras these days are a lot better than the models they had back then when we bought ours, but does anyone know which brand produces the best digital cameras? I've heard Canon are probably the best but I don't know. I'll probably have to do a bit more researching over these holidays...