Thursday 27 July 2006

The Pain

Yesterday was a really hectic day. Not only was it the school's open evening, but I had to get my braces! There was a meeting for all tour guides during first period yesterday morning. Luckily I had a free 1st period so I wasn't missing out on anything. After the meeting was over I then met the principal with Heather to get our speeches double-checked. After that we both worked on the prefects display, and ended up working right through the next two periods!

My appointment at Middlemore Hospital to get my braces on was at 1pm and I was going to leave school at 12 but because I had to get some stuff sorted for open day at home, the deputy principal changed my leaving pass so I could leave half an hour early which was good...meant I could miss the chemistry quiz! :D

I got home, had some time to eat and burn a DVD before having to rush off to hospital. Even though I arrived late, there was a bit of a hold-up because of a newborn baby. Eventually it was my turn and I sat in the dentist's chair while the dental surgeon (this Chinese man) did all sorts of things with all these gadgets (one was called a 'gun') that went whiizzzzzzzz and sssssssssssssissssssss... He told me to close my eyes while he attached the stuff and put these things in my mouth to keep it open. It was entertaining listening him talk to his staff though.

"Could you pass me the *(&*&( Diane?"
"My name's Denise"
"Oh sorry about that! I'm sure I called you Denise in the morning though didn't I?"
"Yip you did. Don't worry, I've been called heaps of things. My nickname's Deedee."

and later on...

"I'm not wearing my glasses"
"That's a bit of worry!"

I ended up choosing navy blue braces with the help of the dentist who told me that most guys chose that colour.

After an hour it was all done. I was given some wax to put on my teeth if it got a little dry and told to take my time to brush and not to eat lollies. I asked about ice-cream and soft drinks and they said it should be OK as long as I don't have too much.

I managed to get home half an hour before open day, grab my stuff and go on to school. When I got to school I was given a really large group to take around (I think about 15 people/5 families?) and it was a little difficult as some families were slower than others, and I kept having to hold the group up to wait for one to catch up, or run between rooms making sure they all knew where they were going. Interestingly three of the parents I showed around were ex-students (including one former head-girl!) who said not much had changed at our school since they had been there! Then they saw a teacher through a window:

"Oh my gosh!!! Mr Bradley!!!!"

My group was cut in half when some had to leave for the intermediate school choir festival, and after an hour I finished one tour! Since I couldn't eat with my braces, I went straight on with my next tour, but only got half way through that before having to go back to the hall for the principal's address and Heather and my speech to the parents. I was afraid we'd have to speak to an empty hall, but remarkably it was near-full! The speeches went well with the principal having a lot to say! Afterwards I went to get my dinner, which I couldn't eat, so I grabbed what I could so I could take home to feed my family :D

Overall the open evening went well with a good turnout!

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