Friday 7 July 2006

Good People

Today we went all the way to our favourite yumcha restaurant in South Auckland. The Chinese lady kept persuading us to have more and more dishes till we reached $45 when we told her we had had enough. The food and the tea was good as usual. Good to see a few Europeans dining there too.

After that we went shopping down the main streets of Otahuhu, through all the cheap $2 variety stores. There was this shop that was selling everything at a discount, including clothes and all these other little things. I like those clothes that have those rip-offs of other things, like there was this jumper with m&m on it. Under it says mana Maori which I thought was clever! There were these cheap caps with SOUTHSIDE and EASTSIDE on it. I was thinking of getting one since I couldn't find WESTSIDE but then again I suppose I'd get smashed in Te Atatu for wearing something like that!

Originally I was invited to go to the movies with some friends who had decided to watch Pirates of the Carribean II in the city (which I've never been to before. I'm still trying to work out why Queen St cinemas are more special and expensive than other cinemas though?) OK to be honest (and plus my parents don't read this anyway) I was going into the city this Monday with Hamish anyway to visit the library and find some music I could transcribe for the accordion for an upcoming concert, and so I thought I'd just go watch the movie with my friends while I'm at the city with whatever money I had left in my wallet and then go to the library, come home as if nothing ...happened...yeah I know sneakysneaky (by my standards anyway thought maybe I should do something different in my life once in a while) My mum wouldn't be too happy with the cost of a movie ticket if I told her. Anyway it got cancelled and instead they're all going to Westcity to watch it now, and I didn't really find out till another friend forwarded the email he got from the person who had changed the plans to I don't really know if I'm meant to go...or not...or if they want me to...doesn't matter anyway.

I was chatting to a couple friends tonight. This girl wanted to know my history with girls...uh huh the 'one day relationship' guy yep and then persisted in finding out who I liked. When I told her I usually only ended up good friends with girls and that there didn't really seem to be anyone to like right now, she tells me

"i reckon that its sadder to have noone to like than to like someone who doesnt like you back"

Yep thats nice! And wow this girl I just chat to for the first time tonight even though I kinda know her...a bit...she was...haaarsh....amongst other things told me not to stalk her, called me a lier and told me I talk too much before she had to go and ended our conversation? Nah probably just a first conversation thing. Just like how it really got me thinking in South Auckland that not all people in that area are thieves, dangerous, Samoan and poor. There was a lady at the counter who had a lot to pay for whereas I only had a couple of plastic flowers for my nana's grave to pay for. She saw this and let me jump ahead of her which was nice of her. It's these little things which make you feel good about other people and remind you that there's good in everyone! Some people just choose who to reveal that side of them to...

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