Thursday 6 July 2006

Random Stuff

I finally got round to doing some work today, by going to the library for a few hours and doing some hard studying! No TV, no computer, no food, just books and work work work...

What a sad day it is today anyway! Li Mei died on Shortland St (OK I know it looks embarrassing but I only watch it sometimes...honestly!), Anna-Lucia and Libby died on Lost. I feel sorry for Hurley! OK it is just a show it is just a show it is just a show...yeah you can tell I've been wasting my time watching too much TV!

Have I just taken it out of proportion or are more people going for a people of the opposite sex who are 5+ years older than themselves? Oh well suppose that ain't too bad. I think that's about the age gap between my parents. It all evens out when you get older. My parents always tell me MARRY SOMEONE A LOT YOUNGER THAN YOU - that way there's less chance of your wife aging faster than you (does that make any sense at all?)


  1. so when r u gonna go for a girl 5+ years younger than u Calum?
    its the new latest trend!

  2. Mel says: hehe yea.. when are you going to start going for girls 5+ years younger.. lol i've never heard a parent tell their children to go for someone younger before... that's a first lol.
