Saturday 22 July 2006

Interesting Week


No Hyun I meant our fish :P Our second to last surviving goldfish died yesterday (six months after the last), leaving the only survivor to be Rydia! When trying to determine the cause, one stood out: our new water filter. We're not too sure if we had put it in a place where it was pumping too much water that it's force killed the fish. Or...the goldfish was just old...

I haven't updated all week mainly because of my HISTORY ASSESSMENT which took me all week to finish and had me end up staying up till 4.30 yesterday morning trying to complete it. I had to do this tourist guide on a NZ historical site.

Anyway this week we met our new principal Mr Moore from Westlake. Sure he's a bit different to Mr Edmeades, and is more strict (tucking in shirts, socks up, please and thank you, blablabla) but that's what our school needs! People have also been criticising him for making the whole school learn the school song Me Hui Hui but it wasn't actually his idea! Anyway I was surprised when he had a meeting with prefects yesterday and he asked if anyone had questions. I said I did, and he said

"Yes Calum?"

I was just like woah cool he knows my name! Yeah! Anyway he's made quite a few changes to the school already within the first week and it'll be interesting to see if there'll be any effects along down the line.

I thought I had completed my physics assignment a week earlier when I finished it before school started, and I was so eager to prove to everyone that I was back on track with physics since I had missed out on attending heaps of classes, until today I realised I had misread the units of the values in the question! I'm always doing stupid things like that.

Last night I went to this church ball in Te Atatu Peninsula where Aonghas and I played french music on the accordion as people walked in for the first hour. It was going well for a while till one of my bass notes got stuck and we had to end up playing three pieces each and then swapping accordions.
We played ten minutes extra (free of charge!) and afterwards went in to enjoy the ball. Aonghas had a partner and all his friends came (a lot of year 11s), whereas for me there were only a couple year 13s, and half of them left halfway through! I caught up with a few old friends like Sam, Andrew and Matthew.
I did a bit of dancing with Yvia and her friends. Yvia taught me some dance moves which I'll try see if I can remember! I was a horrible dancer! Lucky I didn't drop her!
Most of the night though I was a bit of a loner since there weren't that many people I was close to, and what made it worse was them playing songs like LOVE is in the air! There was good food though, like that nice cheese with biscuits, and punch. I also talked a little to Christine who reassured me that having braces would be fine. We're gonna be METAL BUDDIES! (we both wear glasses...well she does occasionally and we'll both have braces!)

Now that history is complete, all I have to do this weekend is get the prefects display for open day sorted, write a report for the Smales Farm thing, complete all my scholarship application forms (from the words of Mrs Taylor: Bring them on Monday Calum, and don't be late like you usually are!"), write a report for Mr Coughlan on our reflection of the first half of the year, a profile of myself for the principal, a speech for open evening and huff help out with this charity event on Sunday to try earn some money for the school!

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