Sunday 9 July 2006

Midholiday Assessment

So the first week of the holidays is over, and what have I accomplished? Well not really a great deal. I still haven't worked out how I study best, but after talking to a friend I discovered a way which has kinda worked, and in the last few days managed to revise atoms, photons and nuclei (I think that's it?) like the Conservation Laws and so on, so that's good...until I went through the practice questions and read another book and realised I didn't know that! That raises another do you know when to stop going deeper into a topic/subject? NCEA Level 1 was OK because they basically told you what to study and revise, but in NCEA Level 2 and 3 the achievement standard is a little broader. Take the Level 3 Physics Atoms, Photons and Nuclei assessment. You have to know about 'the electron volt' but just how much about it do you need to know about it? I don't know if that's exactly the best example but yeah.

Anyway I've got to get started on my history assessment! I'm supposed to produce a tourist guide on one of the historical sites we visited in our history trip. I'm probably going to do Rangiriri. Don't ask me what happened there...I forgot...Yes I know I have to catch up on history too!


I've been to that new RateMyTeachers website and some of the comments students have attempted to give teachers (but got rejected) are somewhat amusing. Here are a few:

"couldnt stand him, he couldnt even keep sheep inline"
"Once he wore a turtle neck and his pants are really tight!Perhaps hes missed his calling as a drill sergent because he sure likes his disipline!"
"I have a strong suspicion that mr ***** is actually a british spy.He works for the queen and is paid in crumpets.One time he told us he blew up a harbour with some potassium - ROCK ON *****!!!!!!!!!"
"***** looks like keg and needs to find his own girlfriend - stop trying to steal my woman you desperate old bu&*er."

mr ******* is a mean teacher and doesn't think about anyone other than himself he needs to find a girlfriend instead of trying to get the students they are too young for him!!!! and needs to get rid of his goatie!!!
"mr ***** needs to get his own style and fashion and needs to stop trying to look like hitlor he needs to get to know the whole story before blaming it on the sweetest people eva he needs to know b4 he judges people and needs to go sleep with his mum!!!!!"

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