Sunday 9 July 2006

Happy Days...for Some

I spent nearly half the day at church today, since they asked us to stay for this half hour prayer session in which we had to pray for other people. Actually time went by a lot faster then than during the service!

Congrats to a friend who is now with another friend! Yay!! So that's one less in the single population! I'm not entitled to mention any names but yeah good on them! Hope they last a loooooong time!

I found this website which can scan a picture of your face and let you know which celebrity's face is similar to yours. Hamish's face matched Mike Tyson's, Aonghas's matched Beyonce Knowles (woo go Aonghas) while mine matched...Engelbert Humperdink!!! Yeah you know that guy who sings what the world needs now, is love, sweet love.... I tried with a few other photos and came up also with Ashton Kutcher and Renee Zelleweger...interestingly enough each time I tried Michelle Rodriguez (actress who played Anna-Lucia in Lost) appeared in each set of results :S

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