Monday 31 July 2006

Heaps of Yay

This weekend hasn't been too flash, just the ordinary teach music learn music watch the rugby go to church. I was meant to have a new student yesterday morning but she never showed up for the second weekend in a row! Last weekend they slept in but were adament they'd turn up this weekend. Oh well that made my teaching easier.

On Friday lunch the new principal got lunch for all of us prefects which was cool of him. He's not really bad and can be cool. It'll probably be a while after he asserts his authority on the school and so on and so on.

It was also mufti day on Friday. I was thinking about dressing up in a costume or something like that but maybe next time? I wasn't prepared! I just wore the same clothes I had been wearing all week, couldn't be bothered looking good (because I never do anyway).

We got our camera back from Dick Smith after it got repaired!!! Yay!! Watch out I can take photos again! (No don't! I need people to take photos of!) People have been teasing me all week about whether I'm going to take photos or not and I've had to tell them that the camera is being repaired!

I caught up with Zippo for the first time in a while. Even though she lives right next to me I hardly see her. Yay she got a job! Speaking of neighbours, we just got new neighbours (we have six neighbouring houses!). Today when we got home and came back up the driveway, we saw two girls sitting on the driveway - they're white and they're about...12 years old? So nope not for me.

Congratulations to:

- these two! (I haven't said anything!) Unlike a certain person this is true!
- Diane and Tim on their 6 month anniversary! Go them!
- me (shouldn't really be congratulating myself but anyway) for finding my wallet with my soon-to-be expired and hardly used AA card (tomorrow actually), soon-to-be-outdated coins worth $2.50 and yeah thats about it

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