Monday 24 July 2006

All for Charity

Today a few of us prefects and some 2007 prefects went to Alexandra Park to help unpack heaps of books and stack them on shelves for this Children's Variety Book Fair. Chen, Zahir and I were working on the same table, rearranging books within the banana boxes they came in. We were working so fast, having done over 5 fully loaded tables of boxes! As we were going along someone (can't remember who) came over and told us were supposed to put the books in different boxes! So we had wasted over an hour rearranging these books! I hope they still give our school some money! (They said they'd give our school some money to buy blazers for prefects next year, don't ask me how that works!) Us guys decided to take a break before correcting our huge mistake, so we crossed the road to the Noodle Box to have a feed while Lindsey, Evan and the girls started to fix the books we had done. I'm so sorry guys!
We had some chips at the place. When we came back though everyone was leaving! That was our hard day's work anyway. It felt good helping out a bit, and it was also good to see others getting stuck in, when on most occasions you get people making excuses for why they can't make it to something outside of school hours or complaining about how they have to spend their time doing stuff..

I found out one of my bestest friends is going to study veterinary science down in Palmerston North earlier than I expected next year, which means I've got to catch up with her in the holidays before she leaves! I haven't seen her in a while so we've got a few things we have to do when we meet again: 1) Bear hug 2) (apple) Pie eating contest 3)...

I also had a bit of a mishap with another of my bestestest buddies when I accidentally forgot to sign out and she thought I was ignoring her but we sorted that out SO SORRY ABOUT THAT!

Later tonight I went over to my cousin Greg's house who was able to print out some stuff for me in colour. Our printer is only black and white and when our new colour printer ran out of black and white ink (and we didn't bother refilling it) the nozzles got clogged and meant we'd have to pay money to buy something extra to unclog it, so it's kinda useless to us now.

We talked a bit about how school has been going and stuff, and we're going to try see if we can get something between Rutherford and Henderson High going! Obviously Rutherford will reign but it'd be good to prove it to him ;)

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