Wednesday 20 July 2005

No Show

I was invited to go to the movies with some friends this morning (Wednesday) but when I asked my mum she told me I wasn't allowed! (I'm still in the process of determining what the reasons are)

My history of going to the movies is extremely short. The very first movie I ever saw was (embarrassingly but appropriately titled!) Pokemon - The First Movie. I've seen a few since then, including Lord of the Rings, Looney Tunes (second time I met Diane in three years!), Matrix Reloaded (with Evan, Joanne, Toni, Ryan Lindsey and Matthew) and the most recent was National Treasure with the twins on the last day of last year, but the first movie I'd seen in that year!

At least that's a better record than my dad...the most recent movie he has been to see is Ghandi, and that screened in cinemas in 1982!

Anyway those of you who are going to the movies today (which includes a reunion of two!), have fun, hope it improves things, and let me know how everything turns out! (oh yeah!...and the movie! ;))


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  1. It's called thinking out of the square.
    And if i had more time i woulda cracked that.

    There's my feeble attempt at justifying my actions.

  2. Wait, i wanna scratch the word 'feeble'

    replace that with 'damn good'

    have a nice day :)

  3. Why cant you think up your own catchy wordy phrases instead of theiving mine?

    By the way, you probably couldnt have solved that puzzle even if you and that puzzle and nothing else was locked inside a room for eternity.

    stop stealing my saying and emoticons.
