Wednesday 27 July 2005

Calum Comments - Wednesday 27 July

Great news for you guys out there:

Shortage of men in Australia and New Zealand!

Maybe that might just be enough to halt the brain drain in New Zealand - a more realistic chance of finding the right girl!

New research shows that

'people who sing while driving tend to concentrate more and fall asleep less than their silent counterparts'

Apparently music is more effective than silence, conversation or talkback radio in achieving an 'optimal state of alertness'.

So whenever you drivers out there feel a bit weary on the road, start singing!

Here is an unusual online petition I found on the net:

A Call for Ninja Assassins as an Alternative to War Petition:

To:  Bush Administration, U.N.

We, the undersigned, request that as an alternative to war on Iraq, a team of elite ninja assassins be employed to take out Saddam Hussein. We feel that this method would result in significantly less American casualties, less innocent Iraqi civilians being slaughtered, less damage to the infrastructure of Iraq, and would preserve much of the oil that would otherwise be ignited by bombings. Also, we believe that ninja assassins are really, really cool.


The Undersigned

Even though this petition is a little dated, 582 names have been received so far!

Need more speed? Get Xtra Broadband!


  1. Lol i read about the shortage of men in new zealand. Apparently its a trend in most parts of the world except the US, india and china. But for india and china, it kinda makes sense why they have more males since they MURDER all their female children.
    But you know what, its good news for us gals. It means there are no more distractions in the form of disgusting men and we can actually build ourselves some high-flying careers. So heres to a new man-free era!

  2. wonder y they murdered them all :P (nah sry im only jk didn't mean it!)

  3. they murdered them all so that when society was more educated scientifically, people wouldn't blame the men for their failure to sire boys. In other words, they didn't want it to be their fault that there were naturally more 'weak' women than 'manly' men!
    ----> see how stupid male logic is?
