Monday 4 July 2005

Calum Comments Monday 4 July 2005 - Boo for Booze!

With the ball coming up, there will always be the usual after-ball parties obviously after the ball. What usually features as a big part of after-ball parties is alcohol. Now this is something I stand strongly against. I have therefore generously typed up this extra long post on the main reasons why I�m against alcohol and am open to discussion and debate with those who disagree with me (I�m sure many of you, especially you younger ones will be!)


While we have many completely fine and good-tasting non-alcoholic drinks out there such as juice, milk and water, I really do not see the need for alcoholic drinks, especially when it has adverse effects on the health and mentality of people. Why is something that is just as/if not more dangerous than already banned substances still legal to consume?


The facts are:

Short term effects

         Alcohol is a powerful drug and it affects the body and brain straight away. About five minutes after starting drinking, alcohol has reached every part of the body.

         Alcohol dries out (dehydrates) the body and lowers blood sugar levels.

         Alcohol dulls the brain. Although this may feel stimulating at first, it feels worse later on because alcohol is a 'downer' (or depressant) drug.

         Alcohol affects judgment. Research shows that the more convinced drinkers are that they can perform tasks well when drunk, the worse they really do.

         In large doses alcohol causes loss of coordination and slowing of movement, and can even lead to coma and death.

         Mixing alcohol with other drugs is extremely dangerous. This includes prescription and 'over-the-counter' (OTC) drugs such as sleeping pills, cough medicines or antihistamines, as well as illicit drugs such as cannabis, ecstasy, cocaine or heroin.

Long term effects

Too much drinking can cause:

  • stomach disorders like ulcers and gastritis
  • cancer of the mouth, throat and gullet
  • liver cirrhosis
  • brain damage
  • sexual difficulties
  • high blood pressure
  • problems with the nervous system like pain in the legs and arms.

For men, regular heavy drinking will:

  • shrink your genitals
  • lower your sperm count
  • make you lose body hair.

For women, regular heavy drinking will:

  • damage an unborn child
  • increase your risk of breast cancer
  • make you less fertile
  • make your periods irregular.

Now I hope that scares some of you, especially those of you guys who are conscious of your down-below bits!

Alcohol is undoubtedly a drug, and unfortunately a legal one. As a result of some of those effects, alcohol features a lot in death statistics.

  • In 1997 alcohol was a contributing factor in 27.1 percent of fatal road traffic crashes and 17.4 percent of casualties involving motor vehicle-related injuries in NZ
  • In the US alcohol kills over 100,000 people a year and among drugs, is second only to tobacco as a cause of premature deaths in the US and is the third leading actual cause of death overall.

Alcohol-related illnesses do not occur only in heavy drinkers. Even those who have had �one too many� once or twice can succumb to illnesses. People who also consistently consume alcohol �in moderation� are still at risk.

Also according to the World Health Organisation: anyone who drinks today is potentially tomorrow�s heavy drinker.  If you have "a genetic tendency toward alcoholism," then the chances of becoming a heavy drinker are increased. Despite this though, people without any apparent family history of alcohol problems can become alcoholics.


Most people also use the French as an example of why alcohol benefits our health; that because the French drink so much, they live longer. The alcohol use trends for 24 nations in Europe and North America were compared, it was found that on average, from 1950 to 1985, western nations nearly doubled their per capita alcohol consumption. The median percentage increase was between 70 and 82 percent. Although nearly every country increased their alcohol consumption, there was one country which bucked the trend. France. In that 35-year period the average French citizen decreased his or her use of alcohol by 23 percent.

"The decline in alcohol consumption in France was almost certainly in part due to national measures to reduce consumption because of concern about the health-related outcomes associated with the highest national per capita consumption."


 While France worked on decreasing their alcohol consumption, Americans continued to believe the whole �French alcohol is good for you� myth and continued to increase their consumption. The reason behind good health in French people can be linked with their dietary intake, rather than their alcohol consumption.


Unfortunately we have all these young na�ve teenage drinkers and boozers who think alcohol is safe and so they consume it in high amounts. Just wait a few years down the track when they become a burden on the health system with their liver diseases and other alcohol-related illnesses.

Rather than put ourselves at risk by consuming such a dangerous drug, it is far better not to touch the stuff in the first place. It is not hard to resist, and there are many more healthy and non-alcoholic alternatives.


Right now we should push for the drinking age to return to 21 as the first step. Yes so they say education is necessary to change our drinking culture, but we can�t just sit there and expect that to solve all problems.


Secondly, the Sale of Liquor Act must be amended. Unfortunately it gives parents and legal guardians the right to supply their underage kids with alcohol. I�ve heard that students must get their parents to sign a note stating that they take responsibility of their children in order to attend after-ball parties. How will parents/legal guardians take responsibility of their kids when they are not present? Even when they are, what if they are also under the influence of alcohol? Too many parents are being irresponsible and are letting their underage kids drink and get drunk, which I�m sure was not what the Act set out to achieve.


Prohibiting alcohol outright is also a possibility. Many will look back to when it was prohibited in America many many years ago and claim it to be a huge failure. However, according to a textbook on this issue edited by Drs. Last and Wallace:


"The commonly held view of Prohibition in the United States is that it was a failure, but there are major limitations to this view, since during Prohibition, health and social problems associated with alcohol use certainly were reduced dramatically."


I haven�t covered most arguments for alcohol consumption, but I�ve put the issue out there for debate and discussion (must be the longest ever post I�ve typed!). Feel free to comment and agree/disagree!


(References: Statistics NZ, Health Scotland, eCureMeLife)


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  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. I agree with all the effects of alcohol, long term and short term. However calum, the only real non-alcoholic drink sold in supermarkets which is actually GOOD for you, is water. Juice has too many preservatives in it and is not exactly 'healthy', milk is a whole different issue. In actual fact, humans should NOT be drinking milk beyond the age of 2 or until they stop breast feeding. Milk is fatty and contains a lot of muccus which usually acts as a catalyst for your common cold. Like everything that's pasturized, milk is just a whole bunch of dead bacteria, which isn't really benefiting you in any way. And if people say 'oh buy trim milk instead!' well they'd pretty much be drinking whitened water.
    So what do people do in places like northern russia, england and especially canada, where, in some parts, temperatures drop below -50 degrees celcius? They cannot possibly use too much electricity, its too bloody expensive- their only alternative is drinking to keep warm. Not EVERYBODY drinks to get drunk, there are several positive uses of alcohol. Red wine is high in iron and that contributes to your haemoglobin.
    Drinking can be addictive if the person is stupid enough to allow it to control their lives. And if parents want to supply their underage children with alcohol and not supervise them - thats bad parenting, but you cannot generalize. I don't really mind by how much they raise the drinking age, but the more they raise it, the more underage drinkers will want to get their hands on it - it's just the way things work. So there's a trade-off - do we want to keep statistics at what they are right now, or have stats for underage alcohol consumption go straight through the roof?

  3. There hasn't been any scientific research to prove claims that drinking milk causes more mucus to form in the back of your throat, unless of course you are allergic to milk. ( If water is the only good drink for you, does it matter then if people drink whitened water? Is it as dangerous as drinking alcohol?

    If red wine is supposedly healthy for you, and let's say we're attributing it to the alcohol content in it, why then doesn't beer and spirits provide the same health benefits? This is because the health benefits are not in the alcohol but are in the grapes. If this is so, why not just eat grapes or drink grape juice?

    If any of you claim not to drink to get drunk, but for the taste or something else, you will be glad to hear that Australian researchers are using a different type of yeast in the fermentation process which produces less alcohol but maintains the same taste.

    Hopefully this will one day eradicate any trace of alcohol from our drinks. Surely none of you mind will you? Unless you want the experience and risk of getting drunk to continue to exist, in which case brings us back to the argument of drinking to get drunk...and people do not exactly think nor act straight when they get drunk. You only have to watch Police Ten 7 to realise that!

  4. yeah you would say that joon...until the next driver that approaches you from the opposite direction is drunk and crosses the centre line; or you're walking down the street and some drunkard attacks you for no reason at all (which is a likely reason for attacking someone when you're drunk).

    Local councils and police have to waste time and resources dealing with these people who choose to drink and get drunk. Just look at how alcohol-free zones have to be designated, and police have to watch and patrol them, and prison cells become occupied (even if it's only an overnight stay) by drunken people when more serious criminals could have been locked up in their place.

  5. Geez...I really dont understand why you're so uptight about alcohol.

  6. its finally a current issue people are willing to discuss and debate unlike the others i've posted! lol

  7. whitened water isn't close to being remotely as dangerous as alcohol, but seriously calum, would you want to be drinking whitened water at a party? be realistic here...nobody wants to be at a social gathering with a glass of milk or juice in their hand ( both of which are NOT good for you..unless its fresh juice) And i doubt i'd want to have a glass of water in my hand all night either.
    I don't understand what your main point of arguement is - do u want alcohol completely banned altogether or do u just want to up the drinking age? Cause if you up the drinking age, we're gonna have a lot more underage drinkers out there. And if you ban alcohol...yea well let's just all freeze to death this winter shall we!

  8. i can assure you we all will not freeze this winter in auckland at least unless you shut yourself in a freezer ;)

    Now i will probably be lambusted for the following extremist statement I'm about to make, but just take it for the sake of argument and having a good debate!
    Preferably I would like all alcohol to be banned (and as mentioned in the post about the effects of the complete alcohol ban in America), but because the majority, or certainly a lot of people consume alcohol and are unlikely to change their ways willingly (and remember the majority are not always right!) I would like to see the drinking age increased at least! Preferably to 55+, but 21's a good start!

    You are saying that the number of underage drinkers will increase if the drinking age is raised, but what has happened ever since it was lowered? We have seen more underage drinkers! According to the Ministry of Justice publication Young People and Alcohol: Some Statistics to 2002 on Possible Effects of Lowering the Drinking Age by Barb Lash, ever since the drinking age was lowered, Police reported experiencing an increasing number of drunken underage drinkers in public places.

    We may not be able to do anything about those already hooked on alcohol now, but the youngsters who haven't touched the stuff yet will hopefully find it harder to get access to the stuff. Of course it all depends on parents, other people, policing, etc etc, so there are a lot of factors involved that also need to be worked on. We have a serious problem with our drinking culture in NZ and something really needs to be done.

    However in America, the National Highway Traffic Safety Association (NHTSA) estimates that 'increasing the minimum age for drinking alcohol has reduced traffic fatalities involving drivers 18-to-20-years-old by 13 percent and saved an estimated 22,798 lives since 1975, including 906 in 2003. (Driving Skills for Life)

    Certainly raising the drinking age alone will not reduce the number of underage drinkers, and so hopefully with education (not that kids listen to anything taught to them unless we drive the message right through their heads) people will be more aware of the risks of drinking alcohol, just like it has been done with smoking.

    As I've mentioned before, hopefully this new research which will lower the alcohol content in alcoholic drinks will reduce the chances of people getting drunk.

    I admit I was at a party (my cousin's 21st) where alcohol was consumed (but not by me of course, nor any of my other underage cousins!). All I consumed was water and juice. I'm certain I had just as much fun as those who were drunk. Why do people need to rely on alcohol to have a good time? What happens when people become too dependent on alcohol?

    NB I understand that this may seem as though I'm one of those crazy extremist lunatics, but I do understand that each and every person out there has the freedom to do what they want, so the point of this debate to debate! I'm sorry if I've offended any alcohol-consumers whom I know some of you guys out there are, but I won't judge you for it! And those of you who are my friends will still be my friends! But yeah sorry I'm not criticising anyone who does drink alcohol either...only the alcohol ;)

  9. I dont agree with banning alcohol completely, but i do agree on raising the legal drinking age.

    Although, not 55....

  10. lol you say your criticizing the alcohol, but by generalizing and saying that people drink to get drunk your insulting the people who are extra careful with the amounts they drink and when and where they drink. I have met so many people who drink in moderation and are aware that they have to drive home later on. Saying that everybody who consumes alcohol, regardless of how much, is a huge threat to society is like a slap in the face to these people. They enjoy their drink, but they know when to stop.
    And nobody said you have to be drunk at a party to have fun lol drinking one glass of wine does NOT get you drunk calum :P but obviously you wouldn't know since you havent tried it...

  11. Not only is it a threat to society but to their personal health.

    What is it about alcohol that people enjoy apart from being able to get drunk? Is it the taste? If it is, would it matter if alcohol was absent? I don't know because I don't drink it :P

  12. calum im going to have to disagree, in america prohibition was a complete failure as it paved the way for the mafia and other organisations where they made a lot of money illegily smuggling alcohol and with that their power grew which has resulted in a problem that still exists today. people who use alcohol arent always just trying to get drunk, its not something that you can say that you dont like just because you read about, its impossibile to do that because you dont have first hand information, you are relying on other peoples facts and accounts. - lindsey -

  13. I have to agree that prohibition of alcohol in America didn't exactly work, but it did have some partial success.
    There were less arrests for drunken behaviour, and medical statistics recorded showed that there were less cases of alcohol-related diseases/illnesses. Consumption of alcohol also declined. Unfortunately as Lindsey said people became unhappy and yeah.

    But surely the way forward is to reduce the alcohol content in these drinks till its minimal.

  14. I'm sorry to hear about your experience (if it was) with people under the influence of alcohol, but this really is what alcohol can make people do. I'm not saying all, but those who get drunk.

    Even if alcohol is not completely banned, allowing it to be used for medicinal purposes, this does not mean that alcohol needs to be sold at supermarkets, restaurants or pubs though. If it is needed for medicinal purposes why not restrict it to being available from a doctor with a prescription?

    Wine too has a higher alcohol content than beer, that is why something must be done now to reduce that level. Besides, I'm sure steak tastes good on its own without the wine ;)

    I'm sure I've told some of you this already but if you're at a party, boil your alcoholic drink first! The alcohol will evaporate (it has a lower boiling point than water) and you will be fine!

  15. to get beer it is fermented which creates the alcohol within it but also gives it the taste, thats why beers good, the taste...4 most ppl. i enjoy drinking but i make sure that i always have a safe way home before i drink. and when i finaly get my licence and can drive myself then im not going 2 b stupid enough 2 keep the keys. and will giv them 2 sum1 else 2 look after. most people find a cold beer or a glass of wine refreshing after work or on the weekends. if u tried alcohol calum with an unbiased opinion and gave yourself the time to see if it could grow on u u mite enjoy the taste aswell and if u drank with moderation then mayb u could enjoy the slight good feeling that small amounts of alcohol can give u. and if your gona believe all the statistics u read then id stop eating almost evrything because everything increaes the risk of geting at least some kind of illness. and dont b mean 2 milk! its the best thing ever!

  16. Calum, aside from arguments for the opposite, your views on alcohol are quite well founded.

    To Ayesha- In saying that you wouldnt want to be seen holding a glass of whitened water, fruit juice ( freshly squeezed ot full of preservatives), or water at a party, are you also saying that you would rather be seen holding an alcoholic drink? And if this is true, does this not say that you are drinking to impress others or due to peer pressure? How is THAT healthy?

    And lindsey, to say that beer is good because of the taste? shame on you! you know very well that if beer was a non alcoholic beverage you would defintitely not rate it so highly. And, if this is true, and you do just enjoy the taste, why not drink non-alcoholic beer? Same taste with non of that nasty alcohol content ;-).

    I know that this is unlikely to sway most of you hardened "social drinkers" in the making, so at least try and be safe when youre drinking over the ball weekend and the holidays... for everyones sake ( including the owner of e-thing, hehe).

  17. i can honestly say that i had no idea that thers such thing as non-alcoholic beer

  18. this is probably inappropriate but someone mentioned this joke to me which might have some (excuse the pun) substance to it and is something to think about:

    Why did God create alcohol?

    So that ugly people could have sex

  19. calum thts so mean!

    but if ur gonna argue could u shorten it... i gave up reading half way :(

  20. it looks lik ur all riting books

  21. hey sry yeah thats a bit mean! i shud retract that joke it wasn't supposed to imply that (I think) all alcoholics are ugly or desperate for some action, as I'm sure you guys out there aren't!

  22. just watch out for those pot bellies though ;)
