Monday 25 July 2005

Roll on the Elections!

The election date has been announced! Bring on the 17th of September!

At the beginning of the year it was looking like it would be a complete Labour walkover, but now National have exposed the fish and chips budget the Labour government dished up this year by hyping up the idea of across the board tax cuts. Now they're in the lead in most major political polls.

For those who do not follow politics much (this will probably bore you more):

Even though National may be in the lead, this will not mean that National will form the next government. Winston Peters could be the major decision-maker, with NZ First on a run in the polls. Whoever he decides to go into coalition with may form the next coalition.

However Labour have more options as to whom they form a coalition with. The Maori Party, United Future, the Greens and NZ First all are possible coalition partners, whereas for National they really only have NZ First or United Future to turn to, with ACT not likely to make it back in after this election.

All the possible scenarios and tactics political parties must use in order to gain favour from the voting public make this election an interesting and edge-of-your-seat one! Too bad we're still too young to vote! If you could, who would you vote for and why?

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