Tuesday 27 June 2006

Temple Trip

Today I went with all the Chinese students at our school to the Fo Guang Shan Temple in Howick. It's this really big flash Buddhist Temple that kinda looks like one of those buildings in Ancient China. I was the camera guy there so I wasn't put in any of the three groups and was given a lot more freedom to go wherever I wanted and do more than the students!

Everyone started off with Tai Chi, following the monk lady outside in the courtyard, followed by meditation. We did meditation in this little room with a shrine up in front. This tape was playing while we sat there in the dark room:

'Relax your brain......breathe in, breathe out.....relax your eyes.....breathe in, breathe out.......'

After that we did some walking meditation (walking around waving your arms) before watching this movie called Fluke, about this guy who dies in a car crash and returns to the world as a dog and starts to remember what his former life was like.

We then had lunch which was probably the best part of the day - rice, pasta, vegetables and spring rolls! And I mean full-sized spring rolls! I haven't had those in aaages! We had to eat everything we were given, and were allowed seconds and thirds which was great!

After lunch we got to have a tour around the temple where the lady just talked and talked and talked, while promoting the temple to us. Finally we discussed the movie we watched, before we left to return to school.

I forgot all about going on this Chinese trip and was planning on buying my ball ticket today! Today also happened to be the last day to buy ball tickets! My dean fortunately said she'd save a ticket for me tomorrow! Once that's sorted I've got to get the clothes I'll be wearing for the ball sorted, but I might just leave that to ball day Friday, since I've got more important things like my Chinese speech assessment to sort out!

Random but...I seem to get this feeling I must be the most boring person to chat to on MSN...how some people just kinda say a few words to me and nothing else (you know like those human auto-responders 'oh yip' 'oh yip' 'oh yip' 'oh yip'), and some people just chat to me whenever they need something from me...lol oh well...anyway


Has anyone else seen the latest issue of the free English newspaper for the Chinese community IBALL? I would've thought there would be thousands of important Asian-related issues to feature in their newspaper, but guess what they have on their frontpage as one of their main headlines?


They also feature a news article about an 18-year-old woman who was tricked into sleeping with a medium when he told her that he could transfer some powers that would help her underperforming boyfriend through to her by having sex with her. However after a few 'limp experiences' the couple smelled a rat...

They must be really desperate for some news...either that or people to read their news...

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