Thursday 15 June 2006

*Cough Cough*

Most of today was ordinary for me. I've got a Chinese speech assessment on where I have to first write up the Chinese speech in class. I was sitting right at the back of the class supposed to be working on it but kinda fell asleep a little bit...I do that a lot these days don't I? I need to get to sleep earlier!

Us head students (except Joanne) went to Bruce McLaren Intermediate School last night to promote our school alongside other West Auckland high schools. I'd have to say we were probably one of the best looking schools there, even with our makeshift blazers (me wearing my dad's, while Hyun and Patrick wearing the twin's ball jackets).

I met my cousin Graeme promoting his high school Henderson High, and we had a little joke about each other's school. I was going to get a photo of him with me but the camera battery died on me!

A staff member from each school had to give a little 5 minute speech about their school before the exploring resumed. Towards the end when all the people started leaving I thought I'd have a look at the other school stands. Green Bay...Kelston Boys...hmm Kelston Girls... Surprisingly the deputy head girl asked me if my name was Calum! I said it was and she said she had heard about me from Kat and Ayesha (who goes to and who went to Kelston Girls respectively). I started talking to Aneesha (I think that's her name) and the two other girls Melissa and Antonio (or some other name like that) about all this stuff like their ball and guys blablabla when they saw Hyun walk by, and we all know what everyone thinks about Joon and his ball partner last year don't we? So they started interrogating Hyun on why he isn't going to the ball this year. He wouldn't tell me the REAL reason (must be something really embarrassing if he doesn't want to tell!) but he was prepared to tell the girls, so I let him to it. Afterwards when he left I sneaked back to the girls to see if I could try get them to tell me. They whispered 'I think he likes..." and asked me for my number and they'd talk to me more some later as they had to go.

So yeah that was interesting...apparently Hyun didn't tell them the REAL reason, but we'll see what they got out of him...


  1. my namez spelt aneesya lol..but den gain i did spell ur name wrng in my entry 2.i will gve u a txt dis wkend n tell u wat he said ae lol..l8rz

  2. itz aneesya lol..n dnt wori i spelt ur name wrng 2 haha..nwyz i wil gve u a txt dis wkend n tel u wat hppnd ae lol..l8rz
