Thursday 22 June 2006

Sing Along

It's been a very busy few days lately. On Monday we had a half day, and because our string quartet rehearsal was during lunch (which we no longer had) we weren't too sure if we were going to have rehearsal. According to our string quartet teacher it was always on and never cancelled and we were selfish for thinking otherwise and making our own arrangements home. Her fuse blew and she had a go at all of us. So straight after school we were going to have string quartet rehearsal instead. Fortunately for me I had to go to an extra Chinese class to work on my Chinese speech assessment, so I got out of the first hour of string quartet. The twins and Aonghas were unlucky. Apparently she unleashed her fury at Joon.

Anyway yesterday I got the first half of the day off school because I got to go to The Big Sing Choral Festival to perform as part of our school choir. Our choir actually sounded good this year! We sang three songs, and then afterwards watched a few other songs. I asked my mum to come and record us on video so the school could have a copy and we could also put it on the student website. I told her to come at 10am though when the performance actually started at 9.30am! Thank goodness her bus arrived on time and she made it. UNFORTUNATELY we didn't know the tape was locked and she didn't manage to record any of our performance! Something always goes wrong when we try recording things!

We performed again tonight at the Gala Concert which was really fun. About 20 schools out of 50 that performed in the festival got chosen to perform, including us, and we were the only West Auckland school so thats even better! A few of the girls in our choir managed to get some numbers from guys from other schools, and we got big cheers from the other school choirs. I also came across Stephanie, this girl who plays the accordion and is like Aonghas's number 1 rival!

I've been working on my Chinese speech throughout this week, and after wasting most of my Chinese periods, I had to get working, and ended up writing a 5 minute speech when the minimum is only 2 minutes! What's worse is that half of it doesn't make sense, and my Chinese teacher says she's not allowed to check it! Luckily I managed to find Phoebe who was able to help check it for me.

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