Wednesday 22 February 2006


OK I shouldn't be relaxing but because it was athletics today at school there were hardly that many students or teachers at school today! I didn't have a teacher for Chinese and history! Add to that my two free periods (I came late to school so I decided I wouldn't bother going to physics in first's optional for me anyway!)

During the first period I had to help some year nine students who forgot to bring their permission forms to go to athletics day by listening to their parents grant them permission over the phone. In my other period I went into Julie's textiles class (she had no teacher) to help her write her letter to the dean asking for a privileges card. After I hung around outside when these year nine's came by, asked me if I was the head boy and then told me they really liked my socks! They then offered me $10 for the pair! Seeing as 6 pairs cost about $3.00 or something like that, I was very tempted to sell them!

Yesterday because class photos were during Chinese period I didn't learn Chinese. Today there were only two students in our class again, Nikki and me. We had a reliever for Chinese but because she thought the Chinese room was the Japanese room she unlocked that room before realising her mistake. Since there were no books we could work from we had to work in that class! Kang a year 12 student came over to hang out with us during his free period, but because he kept answering back to the relieving teacher the teacher made us three all work in silence! Some free period he must have had!

Tomorrow morning I've got to get to school at 7.20am so I don't miss the bus that will take us student leaders to AUT for our leadership camp. I couldn't make it to orchestra on time the other day so things aren't boding well for me, but if I try to make it at 7am, I might just make it on time!

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