Monday 20 February 2006


Happy (Belated) Birthday Szelin and Amy!!

This weekend was kinda interesting. I managed to revive communications with the neighbours. On Saturday night Szelin the younger neighbour came over and talked to us while we were playing basketball outside. She brought over this girl who their family are looking after for a little while. Her mum is kiwi while her father is Asian so she's a Eurasian just like us!

We were later invited to go over to their house to have some birthday cake as it was Szelin's birthday the next day on Sunday. Earlier in the morning at 3am Zippo texted me (I think she drank too much coffee...) and then in the morning she woke me up after chucking stones at my window! At least things are back to normal!

Today was the first day us student leaders wore our formal uniform around school. I already felt hot in first period, but that's probably because I ran to class (I really have to try get to school earlier!). Our new uniform is a white shirt, red tie and navy blue trousers. At interval today I went to see the deputy principal and the twins came with me. The deputy principal was impressed and commended the twins on how well they did their ties. He looked at me and said

"Calum you've got to learn how to do your tie!"

I told him my dad did it for me! After talking to him I walked out of the office and came across the principal who also commented on our new uniforms. He looked at my tie and said

"You've got to learn how to do your tie Calum"

I told him too that my dad did it! I'm going to have to practise tying ties this week!

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