Saturday 11 February 2006

All Burnt Out

I haven't even been through one week of school and already I'm exhausted after the first day! Yesterday I came into school early in the morning to try film the sun rise over the school. Originally MetService said the sun would rise at 6.45am but my dad started shouting at me while I was in the shower at about 6am telling me the sun had already started to rise! So I rushed down to the school with the camera equipment. The caretaker's dog started barking at me as I walked up the driveway, and that was really scary! (I'm scared of dogs, especially German Shepherds!) I filmed for a while before realising I was in the wrong place and decided to call it off and do it again another day. At least I wasn't late for school! The year nines eventually all made it to school and were welcomed by a powhiri. After that I had to look after a year nine form class on their first day at school. There was supposed to be four other peer support students with me but in the end there was just me and Shen! We tried answering questions and played a name game - Who's coming to Alaska with the teacher. The students had to tell everyone their name and what they were going to bring to Alaska and the teacher would then say whether they would be allowed to come with her to Alaska. After the first round only I could come with Molly (form teacher) and her Moro Bars, bringing along my cauliflower, and Shen with his shoes!

After lunch we weren't really required so I just mucked about at school sorting stuff out.

Today my classes were pretty easy. Most were small classes except for statistics and history. There's only six students in my Chinese class! My study period was a new experience for me. It felt weird not having to go to a class or do anything! Because of my boredom I decided I'd attend Physics class for today. However all the running around I've been doing trying to sort stuff out and get things organised made me really tired by the end of the day that I came home, delivered newspapers and just slept till the news! I might just cruise a little bit in the first week...recuperate a little...

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