Friday 3 February 2006

Calum Looks Into: Virgins

One of my friends reminded me that I was approaching the midpoint of becoming a 40 year old virgin, so to begin my series of cheering single people up in the leadup to Valentines Day I thought I'd start this month off by trying to cheer those up who are depressed at not having lost their virginity already whatever their age is!

According to the latest 2005 Durex Global Sex Survey the average age to lose your virginity in New Zealand is at 16.4 years of age. Now when using me as an example, that would have meant I was supposed to lose my virginity at 0000 on the 14th April 2005 (don't ask me how I calculated that!) I'm confident I lost nothing that night. Funnily enough that day I got accused of having a sexual relationship with my mum!

Now don't fret if you're past 16.4 years old and haven't done the deed like me! The world average for losing your virginity is 17.3 years old. That would mean...I will be losing my virginity at approximately 2.24pm on the 8th March. That's during school time so I don't know about that...

If you're a lot older than 17.3 years old, and still depressed that you haven't gotten anywhere, then don't worry because you're in good company! Some of the world's academics are likely to have died as virgins including:

Nikola Tesla (1856-1943), Died age 87
He was an eccentric inventor who invented such devices as the AC generators that power most of the world. However his personal life wasn't too great though. He tried to avoid physical contact, even avoiding shaking people's hands to escape injuring his own! A woman who became fond of Tesla tried kissing him but he recoiled in terror. It is highly likely he died a virgin

Sir Isaac Newton (1642-1727), Died age 85
Newton didn't have any personal relationships till sometime in the middle of his life, and even so it is unlikely he took it any further. Most likely a life celibate

Paul Erdos (1913-1996), Died age 83
Erdos was single throughout his life, preferring to devote his life to his mathematical studies, which included publishing over 1,400 academic papers. He told reporters that as a child he "could not stand physical pleasure."

So all you single depressed virgins, don't worry! You'll get there some day, and even if it's when you're over 40-years-old, at least you accomplished something Sir Isaac Newton couldn't!

World's Oldest Virgins, from a webpage I lost sorry!)

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