Monday 27 February 2006

A Thought

On Saturday morning I went to the music school to enrol for my violin classes this year and to discuss my recorder teaching job. It seems as though I'll only have about 7 students this year, which is fewer than last year. Only a few of last year's students will be back despite most of them telling me they would be back! I better ring them and find out.
Afterwards my mum and I were going to the Korean church where the twins go because we saw that there was a fair/gala going on. We discovered that our neighbour's jeep was ahead of us and we all ended up at the same place! So we all checked out the Korean church fair. My mum bought me some noodles while the Zippo's mum bought the little kids she was looking after some satay meat (I think that's what it is). I went over to sit next to them and talk to them while our parents were shopping around. It reminded me why I enjoy hanging out with little kids (not in a sick way!). Once the parents came back I made way for them and sat at another table with this Maori man sitting opposite me. We started talking, and he soon told me he was an intermediate school teacher. He told me how much he enjoyed teaching and that he at least gets school holidays off anyway! Next week will be his 15th wedding anniversary!
Later that day I mowed my other neighbour's lawn. She's into spiritual stuff and when she was discussing star signs with my brothers and me, after I told her I was aquarius she told me people like me like to help others and possible career options involve helping other people such as being a social worker or a doctor or something like that but she thought I might be too generous to be a lawyer! That gives me something to think about...
I also went to the Skycity Starlight Symphony which was really good. This year there was quite a lot of opera than last year, which isn't a bad thing! John Campbell and Carol Hirshfeld MC'd the event, while Simon Dallow and Alison Mau were trying to encourage people to donate to charity a little earlier! The main thing though was that it didn't rain too heavily!

Saturday 25 February 2006

Camp Fun

Yesterday I got back from the AUT prefects camp with our group of 21
'prefects' (as they want to be called now ;) ). So far it's the most
fun I've had in a while!

I know I was meant to get to school before 7.30am for the bus, and I
tried to get there earlier than everyone else, even promising to beat
Jacqueline there! It didn't work out I ended up coming to school the
second Toni! Fortunately our transportation hadn't arrived
yet so we were all waiting outside the gate. The night before I
remembered that we all had to sing at the Powhiri but our group had
nothing planned except for one suggestion that we sing Pokarereana so
the night before I printed off all these little cards of the first
verse and chorus to give to the other students so we'd be able to have
something to sing from at least!

The transport arrived and we got there in two vans. We had to wait
outside the gate before they let us into the marae where they would
welcome us. As part of tradition the girls had to sit in the back
while us guys sat in front. I had to speak so I sat up in front with
Mr Coughlan the deputy principal and Shannon the AUT guy who was going
to look after us for the first day. All the AUT staff members sat
opposite us. A man spoke first in Maori. After that Shannon gave a
little speech in Maori (he was speaking on behalf of us because our
school was supposed to have a Maori speaker but we didn't have one
prepared...they were a little annoyed about that!) Next it was my turn
to speak. I thanked them, then talked about how all of us student
leaders had one thing in common and that was to lead the school
effectively and to motivate and encourage our fellow students to
achieve greater things, that we felt welcomed by the powhiri and that
we would have a lot of fun and enjoy our time at camp. I turned to
look at all the other student leaders, who slooowly got up. I tried to
get them to start singing together with me but in the end just decided
to count 1..2..3.. and then I started singing. Even with cards we
mumbled our way through the song and then we all sat back down. I then
remembere I had to present to them the koha.

We spent the first hour doing a sort of Amazing Race competition
around town, looking for and doing certain things and then taking
photos of them as evidence. We had to go busking and make $2.50,
advertise AUT in some creative way (of course...we stood outside the
AUT building and made the letters AUT with our bodies), take photos
of symbols that represented leadership as well as try find someone
famous and have our photo taken with them (we just used a statue!)

When we got back to the marae we played various team-building games
and then had lunch. After lunch we did some sort of activity where we
had to identify how we thought the public saw us - the unhidden side
of us, the hidden side of us and our 'blind spot', what others thought
of us that we didn't know about. When it came time to share everyone
was so open and honest about it it was amazing!

We then had to decide on what we wanted for the meals coming up for
that day and the next. Once that was sorted Heather the head girl and
I were taken to Foodtown to do the shopping. I can't believe how much
we spent on food! We filled three trolleys with food, with the total
cost of it all amounting to...! That's the largest grocery bill I've
ever seen! Thankfully it was all charged to AUT!

When we got back we had to do an impromptu speech before having
dinner. At that point our dean Mrs Taylor and Mrs Reid the careers
advisor came over to stay the night with us. During dinner one of the
AUT teachers sat at our table with Lindsey, Evan, Jacqueline, Shen,
Hyun, Joon and me. They were asking her who she thought would be a
good match for each of them. I better not mention them here but the
most interesting was who she thought was Hyun's match! It must be so
obvious if she could figure that out after just one day of knowing us!
As for me all she could say was:

"Calum...I don't know about you. You're an open box. I think you're
gonna surprise us all!"

That was a lot of help! Anyway after dinner we discussed more about
escalation points etc. After that we had supper and went to bed, and
that's when things got interesting! I had my matris and sleeping bag
beside Joon and Sarena, Amy and Christine. We talked for a little
while about some...interesting...stuff before it was lights out. Joon
managed to take some photos of the girls that mysteriously got deleted
overnight...Amy...! Joon and I had planned on drawing on some people's
faces with a marker I brought, and so we stayed up till 1.30. Joon
crept up to Hyun but got snapped by Mrs Taylor! We decided to try
again at 3am. I couldn't get to sleep so I just sat up watching what
other people got up to, and boy did certain people get up to a lot!
Finally it was 3. I doubt most people were asleep, but Joon was and I
tried waking him but he wouldn't! I was thinking about just drawing on
him instead but...he's my friend how could I? ;)

It was only at 5 when I decided I'd finally try get some sleep but it
wasn't long before the girls came round at 6.30am waking us all up. We
did some tai chi at 7 and then had breakfast. Because I had a shower I
was once again late for breakfast (with everyone waiting for me!) so I
had to do the blessing for the food, short and sweet!

We all then walked down to AUT business school where we would do our
plans for the year. That was kinda boring. We did have a VIP guest
there with National MP Bill English making an appearance. When the AUT
teacher announced that the head girl and head boy were going to
welcome them everyone warned her about me having opposing political
views! But I was nice to him, just this once ;)

He left soon after taking a photo with us, and we finished at midday.
We were taken to the North Shore campus where we had Subway for lunch
and then played some more team-building games.

When it turned 4 it was all over and we returned back to school by
taxi. That's my mammoth post to make up for the last two days! The
camp was really great. It felt really weird coming back home to family
and back to the boring daily routine of going to school come home
going to school come home. I miss everyone already! I got to know a
lot more about them, and now I'm excited about what's to come this
year with this group!

P.S. For those of you who want the photos I can always burn them on a
CD for you or you can check them out at my MSN Space

Wednesday 22 February 2006


OK I shouldn't be relaxing but because it was athletics today at school there were hardly that many students or teachers at school today! I didn't have a teacher for Chinese and history! Add to that my two free periods (I came late to school so I decided I wouldn't bother going to physics in first's optional for me anyway!)

During the first period I had to help some year nine students who forgot to bring their permission forms to go to athletics day by listening to their parents grant them permission over the phone. In my other period I went into Julie's textiles class (she had no teacher) to help her write her letter to the dean asking for a privileges card. After I hung around outside when these year nine's came by, asked me if I was the head boy and then told me they really liked my socks! They then offered me $10 for the pair! Seeing as 6 pairs cost about $3.00 or something like that, I was very tempted to sell them!

Yesterday because class photos were during Chinese period I didn't learn Chinese. Today there were only two students in our class again, Nikki and me. We had a reliever for Chinese but because she thought the Chinese room was the Japanese room she unlocked that room before realising her mistake. Since there were no books we could work from we had to work in that class! Kang a year 12 student came over to hang out with us during his free period, but because he kept answering back to the relieving teacher the teacher made us three all work in silence! Some free period he must have had!

Tomorrow morning I've got to get to school at 7.20am so I don't miss the bus that will take us student leaders to AUT for our leadership camp. I couldn't make it to orchestra on time the other day so things aren't boding well for me, but if I try to make it at 7am, I might just make it on time!

CanWest Gone Too Far

I'm not a Catholic, nor am I Muslim. I do believe in freedom of speech. However I believe in appropriate freedom of speech, in that it is not used to cause offence. The Dominion Post and The Christchurch Press chosing to publish cartoons depicting Mohammad was gratuitous. After seeing how offended many Muslims were overseas, why go ahead with republishing them in New Zealand to cause further offence? If people wanted to check out what the cartoons were all about they could just check it out on the net.

Likewise I do not believe it to be appropriate for CanWest and C4 to broadcast the episode of South Park with Mary menstruating tonight. They know that Catholics find it offensive yet they are continuing to proceed. TV3 agreed not to show the cartoons again after once showing them 'for reporting purposes'. If the screening of this episode of South Park does go ahead I will be interested to see if they decide not to broadcast repeats of the episode.

Bar all those sex abuse scandals, people have walked all over Christians and Catholics for too long now. We have seen Muslims overseas reacting violently to any insult towards their religion. Is it time for Christianity to adopt a more fundamentalist stand?

Contact CanWest:


Rick Friesen's (Manager) phone number: (09) 575 0148

Brent Impey (CEO) Email:

TV3 Telephone: (09) 377 9730

Private Bag 92624
Symonds Street

CanWest International:

Geoffrey Elliot, Vice President, Corporate Affairs, CanWest Global Communications Corp.

Tel: (204) 956-2025, Fax:(204) 947-9841


C4 Television:

Tuesday 21 February 2006

Reliving the Past

Last night I chatted to Ruby for the first time since I last saw her at school two years ago! She's the Korean girl who came runner-up in Rutherford Idol in 2004 (but didn't come too close behind first place!). It sounds like she's doing well back in Korea. Hopefully she'll come back to visit sometime soon!

Today we had class photos. This year it was going to be a little different. Our Kaleidoscope form class has been together nearly forever, or at least since year nine! However this year our form class got split up, so a couple students tried to see if we could get a separate kaleidoscope class photo taken, just so that those of us who want a complete set can see how people have grown over the last six years!

Fortunately our dean allowed it, and even jumped in as our 'teacher' for the photo! It was good being as a class together again. I can't wait to see the photo!

Monday 20 February 2006


Happy (Belated) Birthday Szelin and Amy!!

This weekend was kinda interesting. I managed to revive communications with the neighbours. On Saturday night Szelin the younger neighbour came over and talked to us while we were playing basketball outside. She brought over this girl who their family are looking after for a little while. Her mum is kiwi while her father is Asian so she's a Eurasian just like us!

We were later invited to go over to their house to have some birthday cake as it was Szelin's birthday the next day on Sunday. Earlier in the morning at 3am Zippo texted me (I think she drank too much coffee...) and then in the morning she woke me up after chucking stones at my window! At least things are back to normal!

Today was the first day us student leaders wore our formal uniform around school. I already felt hot in first period, but that's probably because I ran to class (I really have to try get to school earlier!). Our new uniform is a white shirt, red tie and navy blue trousers. At interval today I went to see the deputy principal and the twins came with me. The deputy principal was impressed and commended the twins on how well they did their ties. He looked at me and said

"Calum you've got to learn how to do your tie!"

I told him my dad did it for me! After talking to him I walked out of the office and came across the principal who also commented on our new uniforms. He looked at my tie and said

"You've got to learn how to do your tie Calum"

I told him too that my dad did it! I'm going to have to practise tying ties this week!

Saturday 18 February 2006

One Week Down...

One week of school is over. Wow that went fast! School seems a lot more enjoyable this year now I'm not taking English and biology (no offence to those who love it)! The free periods have also given me something to look forward to. Because I did year 13 physics last year, it's only optional for me to attend class, with the teacher even insisting that I don't turn up! If I don't turn up, and throwing in my free period from dropping biology, that only gives me four periods a day! On Thursday it gets even better! Because I only have four Chinese periods a week, I get a study period on Thursday instead which means...only a half day on Thursdays! I probably should use those free periods wisely to do something useful..

At least within the first week we've already organised Valentine's Day (and made a nice little profit..well that's what the day's for!!) I just recently picked up my new student leaders uniform which is just a white shirt (checkered white too) and a red tie. I still have to find some navy blue trousers somewhere before Monday, as that's when the student leaders have decided to start wearing the new uniform. We're going to look a bit weird being the only students in ties and long-sleeved shirts! So hopefully the others turn up in the uniform too so that I'm not the only odd one out!

We've got a student leaders camp at AUT next week. We're the only ones going so it'll be interesting! Hopefully we form some stronger bonds and become better and closer friends!
In other happenings, swimming sports was on today, some guy wore girls swimming shorts, I did a bit of filming down there for ..specific purposes (not perving) and Ben came back to visit!!! Good to see him again!.

Tuesday 14 February 2006

Valentine's Day Not Too Bad!

Valentine's Day wasn't actually too bad today...for being single anyway! Sure I didn't get anything, but that doesn't matter. When you've never gotten anything you don't expect anything, but you do get pleasure out of making other people's lives and their day happy!

After a turbulent start, everyone, even people outside the student leaders group and those against Valentine's Day got right in and helped make the Valentine's Day rose sale and delivery a success! Apparently we made over 160 deliveries, and had over 80 orders just today at interval! This morning I thought we might have a bit of difficulty buying the roses as they might be all sold out so I spent my first two periods (free periods...I wasn't wagging!) looking around shops for more roses. I bought a few more and thank goodness Heather and Ellyce bought a whole bundle of roses! Orders were taken during interval and afterwards Ellyce went out to buy additional roses and then the girls spent lunch writing cards and sorting the roses into form class ready to be delivered.

Originally we had planned to start student radio at lunchtime with a Valentine's Day special, but we discovered the equipment had been taken off a trolley and so we had no way of transporting the equipment. We've decided to start it next week.

Anyway during lunch while I was trying to sort out student radio with Troy Patrick asked me if there was assembly I had to attend and I also stumbled into the music room where I unexpectedly met all the music teachers! I ended up re-signing for cello, viola, string ensemble and orchestra.

After lunch I helped deliver some roses as well as take photos of the whole process (you never know who'll need the photos...maybe for the school magazine I don't know but at least I'm fulfilling one of my New Year's Resolutions ( 1. Take at least five photos a week)!

I ended up forgetting about attending the year 9 assembly to introduce myself while all the other head students had attended it! I'll have to attend the junior assembly on Friday.

In the end all the roses got delivered (I hope!) I ordered two roses on the day, one for Ellyce for all the work she did! I originally wanted to give one each to Jacqueline, Amy, Sarena and Estee for sticking by when things weren't looking too good, when I was desperate and for EVERYTHING they did from making the roses look nice to cutting the cards to writing the cards, but they kinda told me not to waste my money but I will repay them somehow and I WILL make sure Ellyce gets the $6 she initially spent on sample roses back!

I also gave a rose to Phoebe. When interval was nearly over and the girls were about to take the list away I was kinda tossing up whether to give her one, if she would think I was some sorta sick guy or something or if she would be embarrassed simply because the rose was from Calum (you can tell I've never done this before!). In the end I thought what the heck! I'll just give her one! I'm seventh form anyway and I don't want to think back when I'm 50 years old at how I was too frigid to give any girl a rose! Anyway I got a text from her thanking me for the roses so hopefully she doesn't think of me as a freak, but if she's happy then I'm happy! So that's one thing I can tick off my list of things I've done in my life - given a rose to a girl on Valentine's Day!

Of course I couldn't forget all those single people out there! I gave out my single people lollies to all those who were single (and those I considered single for a day). I hope my 'Single People Service' helped some of those single people get through the day! Once again I must remind everyone:
And this is what the enrichment teacher Mrs Russell said to my friend when I offered her a single people lolly today:
"I'm going to find Calum the perfect woman for him...BEFORE the ball!"

Happy Valentine's Day!!

15% of US women buy themselves roses on Valentine's Day

Finally we've made it to that day...

Skip to the part that applies to you:

>>To happily married couples:


I wish you all the best today! I'm glad you all have that found someone special who makes you happy! Make sure you let them know how much you love them! Just don't do it in this way!

Dear Bertha,

I lack the bravery and endurance requisite to face you with my feelings, so I am writing this letter to you in the hopes that you can read it. I remember the first time I saw you. I don't know if I was attracted to you because of your radiant personality, your sunny disposition, or your gravitational pull. All I know is that once I got close to you, as much as I wanted to, I couldn't leave. And I think back to some of the trials and tribulations in our relationship. Like that time you tried on that thong bikini you said you would look terrible in. I'm truly impressed by the bravery it took to even try it in light of how right you were. And I know it makes you uncomfortable that I sometimes hang out with your ex, but your cousin and I hardly ever discuss you and when we do, it is always positive. Every day while I am working in the sewage treatment plant, all I can think of is you. When I found that ring I gave to you floating through, I knew it must have been divine intervention that had kept us together so long. When I talk to my friends about you, they all agree, you're 'a whole lot of woman.' I couldn't have said it better myself.

With what I think is probably love,


(By the way if you go to Rutherford College, please your missus for only $1.50 by buying a rose and getting it delivered to her! ;) )

>>To single people out there like me:


For some reason we need a day for people to express their love to their significant other. As if they don't have the whole year to do it! If you truly love someone, you should show your love constantly throughout the year, not just pile it all on and try to make up ground on Valentine's Day! Pffft we're better off with this over-commercialised day celebrating some saint who died in the end anyway!

We shall overcome single people! Here's a quick survival guide to Valentine's Day:

ClamWEB's V-Day 12-Step Program for non-daters

Here's a quick guide to surviving Feb. 14 without ripping your hair out - or other people's hair, for that matter!

  1. Wear black, and lots of it.

  2. If someone else in the office has received flowers, chocolate, singing telegrams, and other forms of dating expressions, glare at them. Snarling and grunting optional.

  3. Same goes for anyone wearing excessive amounts of red. Especially if they are wearing heart-shaped items like pins.

  4. Later in the day, eat the chocolate, run the flowers through a food processor, and beat the cr@p out of the singing telegram people. (Most people will thank you for this, anyway).

  5. For the rest of the day, labor over the effect all that chocolate is gonna have on your waistline.

  6. Return home and destroy at least one item given to you by an ex. Feel guilty. Call the ex. Make up story about having a hot date.

  7. Watch TV. Turn off TV after noticing every channel is airing a clone of "While You Were Sleeping," "Titanic," or, worse yet, a "Friends" Valentine's Day.

  8. Realize how lame not having a hot date is. Head to bar.

  9. Plot massive torture of anyone who shows up at the bar with a date. Slow torture if the couple is in anything above semi-formal dress.

  10. Massive quantities of alcohol. Beergoggling. Wake up next to someone - male or female - with way too much facial hair.

  11. Remember (and regret) this incident for the next 364 days. Complain about never having a good V-Day.

  12. Wait until some bizarre calendar date Hallmark has labeled "Sweetest Day." Rinse, lather, repeat to get in practice for next V-Day.

Note: If "Titanic" is on, it can be therapeutic. But only if you only watch the part where Leonardo DiCaprio sinks like a big, wet, adorable, lead anvil to the bottom of the North Atlantic! Same goes for the end of "Romeo + Juliet."


Our day comes soon:

>>SINGLES AWARENESS DAY - 15th February<<

Mark it in your diary!

Monday 13 February 2006

Valentine's Day Saved!

...OK maybe partially! At least we got a greater response for the roses we were selling (or promising to order and deliver anyway!) at lunch today! Originally at interval Jacqueline, the twins and I stood there all by ourselves outside the staffroom.

No one wanted any roses! It was looking as if things would continue to be the same throughout lunch. I had a headstudents meeting I had to attend but every so often a staff member would pop into the deputy principal's office where we were having the meeting and asking where the roses were being sold. We had put in the notices that they'd be sold outside the staffroom but because the road leading to the staffroom had been partially blocked due to construction, the girls decided to sell roses beside the tuckshop. I ended up having to leave the meeting to urgently revive the rose-selling and as soon as everything started to get rolling I went back into the meeting.

When I came out though things seemed to have picked up!

Toni, Heather and Joanne (fellow Valentine's Day haters) even pitched in to help attract more customers! In the end I lost all shame and just went out there advertising the 24" roses with leaves for $1.50 each to everyone who went by. Judging by what people said we should get more people at interval tomorrow morning. Let's hope they show up!

The student radio Heather and I had been trying to set up hit a bump, in that we had to wait on the music teacher to get back to us on what music equipment to use. After assembly (in which us head-students were given our badges) I talked to Mr Mataia one of the senior PE teachers about using the PE department equipment and he gave the all clear which means we'll hopefully be able to start up tomorrow! Jacqueline and Troy will start it off appropriately with their slow jam/RnB/love music for Valentine's Day!

Lantern Festival

I went with my family to the Lantern Festival at Albert Park in the city last night. Originally we were going to go in on Saturday night, and apparently heaps of people went that night, but because we had a church Lunar New Year dinner (in other words free feed) we decided we'd go on Sunday night. We went into the city really early because our dad had to go to work so we thought we might as well go with him.

After spending some time in the library while my brother looked for some books he needed, we went back to the Lantern Festival. At first the weather wasn't looking too good, with me having to shelter under a Buddhist tent at one stage! While I was there the kind Buddha people gave me some free books and a couple of Cd's on meditation and how to create a new life.

Fortunately the weather cleared up and we checked out all the lanterns, food stalls and shops. I'd say there was a bit more than last year. Some of last year's lanterns were back as well as some new ones like farm animals and vegetables hanging from trees. There was a craft stand with three artists offering their services - one who could sculpt people's heads out of clay, a guy who could cut out your silhouette and another guy who could make toffee lollies into various shapes.

There were two stages with performances. The main stage had some traditional dances and singers, as well as...Pansy Wong screaming into the microphone announcing the winners of the school lantern competition! The other stage had karaoke, offering people the chance to sing in front of heaps of strangers. I was thinking of giving it a go! But...maybe next year... While I was watching some other guy trying to sing I was tapped on the shoulder and turned around to see Sarena and her brother! Wow he's tall!

She was with her family I think. She couldn't stay for the fireworks at 10pm though which was a shame because the fireworks were really good! A lot better than the Sky City birthday fireworks! However when one firework shot into the crowd and there was a slight pause in fireworks being set off, it looked like what happened a couple years ago (fireworks shooting into the crowd and hitting someone) was happening all over again! Fortunately the fireworks kept on rolling and finished off what was a really good night!

Saturday 11 February 2006

All Burnt Out

I haven't even been through one week of school and already I'm exhausted after the first day! Yesterday I came into school early in the morning to try film the sun rise over the school. Originally MetService said the sun would rise at 6.45am but my dad started shouting at me while I was in the shower at about 6am telling me the sun had already started to rise! So I rushed down to the school with the camera equipment. The caretaker's dog started barking at me as I walked up the driveway, and that was really scary! (I'm scared of dogs, especially German Shepherds!) I filmed for a while before realising I was in the wrong place and decided to call it off and do it again another day. At least I wasn't late for school! The year nines eventually all made it to school and were welcomed by a powhiri. After that I had to look after a year nine form class on their first day at school. There was supposed to be four other peer support students with me but in the end there was just me and Shen! We tried answering questions and played a name game - Who's coming to Alaska with the teacher. The students had to tell everyone their name and what they were going to bring to Alaska and the teacher would then say whether they would be allowed to come with her to Alaska. After the first round only I could come with Molly (form teacher) and her Moro Bars, bringing along my cauliflower, and Shen with his shoes!

After lunch we weren't really required so I just mucked about at school sorting stuff out.

Today my classes were pretty easy. Most were small classes except for statistics and history. There's only six students in my Chinese class! My study period was a new experience for me. It felt weird not having to go to a class or do anything! Because of my boredom I decided I'd attend Physics class for today. However all the running around I've been doing trying to sort stuff out and get things organised made me really tired by the end of the day that I came home, delivered newspapers and just slept till the news! I might just cruise a little bit in the first week...recuperate a little...

Wednesday 8 February 2006

A Helping Hand

Yay the deputy principal agreed to let us go ahead with our plan to sell roses on Valentine's Day! I don't know how successful it will be but at least we won't lose any money if no one decides to spread the love!

I was sitting in the head of Kaleidoscope (enrichrment programme) Mrs Russell's office waiting while Aonghas worked with his friend on a powerpoint presentation for the teacher, when Mrs Russell came in. She talked to me for a while about some stuff, and when she had to make a few phone calls I decided to make a few notes about the whole Valentine's Day rose sale thing. Mrs Russell saw the title 'VALENTINE'S DAY ROSES FOR SALE' and asked me what it was all about. I told her and she remarked

"Oh...I thought you were going to give someone a rose on Valentine's Day...have you ever had a girlfriend Calum? "

I told her I had one once but it lasted for only 18 hours. She asked me who it was and I just said my neighbour. She then got up and declared

"It is my sole purpose this year Calum to get you a girlfriend!"

I told her that one of my New Year's resolutions was to go to the ball with the girl and she was like

"Oh wow you have six months to do that!"

She then turned to my brother and his friend and asked them if they knew any girls who would make a good girlfriend for me! Ai ya!!

Tuesday 7 February 2006

First Day Back

Today I went into school for a half day to get my timetable, pay bills (which I didn't do) and get my ID photo taken. I went in a little early with Heather to get a few things sorted out. Heather and I decided to come in at 10.30am, but of course I have a problem with arriving on time so I told my family I had to get to school by 10am. All my family ended up pushing me to hurry up this morning! I finally managed to get to 10.20! It worked! I was on time!

We managed to sort a few things out regarding Junior Council and a few other things. School actually started at 12.45pm. I was a bit unsure about all of us being in different form classes. I originally thought we'd be sorted in alphabetical order according to our surnames, but it turns out we were sorted according to the subjects we took. This mean all the students with their subjects focusing on commerce were lumped into one form class (apparently nearly all Asians!), science in one class, English in one class, arts in one, and students not taking all academic subjects i.e. gateway in another class. I was put in Dr Singh's (biology teacher) class, the science based class. I didn't mind as I first thought I wouldn't have to attend form class on most days anyway. However later when I asked the dean, I was told I have to attend form class at least twice a week! This only gives me two form periods to do whatever I want to do, as there is no form period on Wednesdays!

I have to go back into school tomorrow morning for a one hour training session for peer support the following day. School starts properly for me on Friday.

Monday 6 February 2006

More TV!

Today we were trying to watch CCTV on Triangle TV, and because Triangle is on UHF, the picture we got was a bit fuzzy. We have had to put up with fuzzy UHF channels such as Prime, Maori TV (not that we've ever watched it), Juice and Triangle TV for years now, that we decided we'd had enough and that it's time to move into the 20th century and get a UHF aerial! We still have to buy some wire before we can get it working but hopefully we'll be able to have more clear TV channels by tomorrow!

The lack of progress being made with free-to-air digital/satellite television is a bit of a shame. Some of us can't afford to pay for Sky and it would be great to have a wider range free-to-air TV channels! Of course we could get satellite but there's hardly much on offer apart from TV ONE, TV2, Maori, DW TV, Nasa TV (exciting!) and CCTV, plus a few Christian and ethnic channels. If the National government several years ago hadn't made TVNZ sell its shares in Sky TV, TVNZ would be in a lot stronger position today than it is right now. With Sky's purchase of Prime, most delayed sports rights will be kept by Sky, and Sky will have even greater power than it has now. The government seems to be continuously delaying progress with free-to-air TV, but apparently TVNZ are planning to make recommendations to the government within the next one or two months. It is heartening though to hear that TVNZ will be streaming the Commonweatlh Games live on the internet though, like they did with the ASB Classic earlier this year.

Let's hope something gets done about free-to-air digital television in this country THIS year! (Oh yeah and its time to regulate Telecom!!! We want cheaper broadband!!)

Calum Looks Into: Rejection

Continuing on with my series is a look at rejection to help those people who have faced rejection feel better as we approach that awful awful day! I don't really have any good advice to give...but here are the

Top 10 Rejection Lines

Given By Women (and what they actually mean):

10. I think of you as a brother. (You remind me of that inbred banjo-playing geek in "Deliverance.")

9. There's a slight difference in our ages. (You are one jurassic geezer.)

8. I'm not attracted to you in 'that' way. (You are the ugliest dork I've ever laid eyes upon.)

7. My life is too complicated right now. (I don't want you spending the whole night or else you may hear phone calls from all the other guys I'm seeing.)

6. I've got a boyfriend (who's really my male cat and a half gallon of Ben and Jerry's).

5. I don't date men where I work. (Hey, bud, I wouldn't even date you if you were in the same 'solar system', much less the same building.)

4. It's not you, it's me. (It's not me, it's you.)

3. I'm concentrating on my career. (Even something as boring and unfulfilling as my job is better than dating you.)

2. I'm celibate. (I've sworn off only the men like you.)

...and the number 1 rejection line given by women (and what it actually means)

1. Let's be friends. (I want you to stay around so I can tell you in excruciating detail about all the other men I meet. It's that male perspective thing)

And now from a male perspective...

Top 10 Rejections Given By Men (and what they actually mean):

10. I think of you as a sister. (You're ugly.)

9. There's a slight difference in our ages. (You're ugly.)

8. I'm not attracted to you in 'that' way. (You're ugly.)

7. My life is too complicated right now. (You're ugly.)

6. I've got a girlfriend. (You're ugly.)

5. I don't date women where I work. (You're ugly.)

4. It's not you, it's me. (You're ugly.)

3. I'm concentrating on my career. (You're ugly.)

2. I'm celibate. (You're ugly.)

...and the number 1 rejection line given by men (and what it actually means)

1. Let's be friends. (You're unbelievably ugly.)

That wasn't serious only just a bit of humour I hope if you were rejected in one of those ways that you don't feel too bad because I'm sure they didn't mean what is said above!

Once again here are some famous rejections to have happened:
  • As a teenager she was not too popular and this was enough to convince her that she was unattractive. However, now she is a top fashion model and is considered one of the most beautiful women in the world - Claudia Schiffer!
  • Beethoven was considered 'hopeless' at composing by his music teacher
  • 'What will they send me next!' said Edmund Hillary's gym instructor of the puny school boy now known as the man who conquered Mount Everest.
  • Albert Einstein's parents feared he was sub-normal.
  • People were invited to attend what was considered a historic moment, the Wright Brothers' attempt at flying their machine. Only five people turned up

All these people overcame initial rejection and went on to succeed. If you try and try and try again, you will succeed! (or if you don't, just hide any evidence proving you tried!) Hope that makes some people feel slightly better!

(If you need serious advice check out!)

Happy Waitangi Day!


Let's all celebrate this day of protests and racial division! Who can remember Dr Don Brash being pelted with mud last year at Waitangi? To refresh some minds is a photo capturing that event :D As much as some people would like it to, it's unlikely to happen again with all the pandering Dr Brash has been doing lately!

Today is also Pay a Compliment Day so remember to say something nice to your friends!


Wow what a weekend! After a period of inactivity, my record of rejections/dumpings has climbed one to 3.5/4

I met this girl a few years ago, and I started to like her. Even though she lived somewhere else and I hardly saw her, I only kept in touch with her by chatting to her on MSN and weirdly enough I still continued to like her. She ended up having various boyfriends, including one she lasted over eight months with while I continued to like her hoping one day I'd be together with her. Finally she was single again and we were starting to get closer together again. It was all going great till she just recently got another boyfriend! She told me:

" There isn't a future for us that is more than friends. There might be a slight chance but its nothing to get your hopes up for"

I asked her how long it had been like this to her and she replied:

"Just when I hooked up with *** [boyfriend]. There's still a chance in the future. But don't wait for me. If the time is right it will happen. "

OK maybe not exactly proper rejection but anyway that's it with me and another girl! For some reason I feel better now that there's closure and I'm not still hoping! Or maybe it's just because I read 'God's Remedy for Rejection' lol nah I didn't get too far into that book before falling asleep! We're still good friends though and I'm kinda moving on now.

Anyway I talked to Zippo for the first time in a while on Saturday! I thought we might be able to restore communication between each other and rebuild friendship or something. I ended up putting my foot in it when I saw her with her sister in Whitcoulls looking at some stamps. I thought I'd have a little fun by sneaking up behind them and scaring them. Zippo ended up dropping what she was holding and started shrieking before cursing at me! I think I blew it again...

Friday 3 February 2006

Calum Looks Into: Virgins

One of my friends reminded me that I was approaching the midpoint of becoming a 40 year old virgin, so to begin my series of cheering single people up in the leadup to Valentines Day I thought I'd start this month off by trying to cheer those up who are depressed at not having lost their virginity already whatever their age is!

According to the latest 2005 Durex Global Sex Survey the average age to lose your virginity in New Zealand is at 16.4 years of age. Now when using me as an example, that would have meant I was supposed to lose my virginity at 0000 on the 14th April 2005 (don't ask me how I calculated that!) I'm confident I lost nothing that night. Funnily enough that day I got accused of having a sexual relationship with my mum!

Now don't fret if you're past 16.4 years old and haven't done the deed like me! The world average for losing your virginity is 17.3 years old. That would mean...I will be losing my virginity at approximately 2.24pm on the 8th March. That's during school time so I don't know about that...

If you're a lot older than 17.3 years old, and still depressed that you haven't gotten anywhere, then don't worry because you're in good company! Some of the world's academics are likely to have died as virgins including:

Nikola Tesla (1856-1943), Died age 87
He was an eccentric inventor who invented such devices as the AC generators that power most of the world. However his personal life wasn't too great though. He tried to avoid physical contact, even avoiding shaking people's hands to escape injuring his own! A woman who became fond of Tesla tried kissing him but he recoiled in terror. It is highly likely he died a virgin

Sir Isaac Newton (1642-1727), Died age 85
Newton didn't have any personal relationships till sometime in the middle of his life, and even so it is unlikely he took it any further. Most likely a life celibate

Paul Erdos (1913-1996), Died age 83
Erdos was single throughout his life, preferring to devote his life to his mathematical studies, which included publishing over 1,400 academic papers. He told reporters that as a child he "could not stand physical pleasure."

So all you single depressed virgins, don't worry! You'll get there some day, and even if it's when you're over 40-years-old, at least you accomplished something Sir Isaac Newton couldn't!

World's Oldest Virgins, from a webpage I lost sorry!)

Oh Yay...February

Even though the year has only just begun, it feels like we're already well into the year! It's already February, which isn't a great month to start the year off starts again...Chen's birthday... (nah I'm teasing Chen! Your birthday really is worth celebrating! Just wait and see!)...and worst of all that horrid Valentine's Day!

One of my good friends who I admit I did like found herself a boyfriend yet again yesterday *sniff sniff* so sad! What perfect timing to happen in February! Anyway I've moved on anyway so congrats to her, may they last long and be happy together! As for all you other single people, don't worry Calum's here for you this month;) and Ieading up to the day and to start a new year full of intriguing and inquisitive posts on the Democratic Republic of Calum (just had to add a little bit of self-promotion!), I'll put up a few posts throughout the month to hopefully make a few of those single people out there feel a little better and make it through the day!

Single people unite together and we shall overcome this month!

Thursday 2 February 2006


I went back to school today for the Student Leaders meeting as well as to sort out my options for school this year (I couldn't decide yesterday!) The main problem faced by the student leaders was what the formal uniform would be! The guys weren't too fussed (bar some) but the main problem seemed to be with the girls, who couldn't decide what they liked! Anyway in the end the guys have chosen to wear a white shirt and a red tie with navy blue trousers, while the girls...I think the head students have chosen the long-sleaved blouse with the skirt. The student leaders have overcome their first hurdle!
Originally I was supposed to go down to the uniform shop with the guys after the meeting but I had to go sort out my options. When I saw how long the line was I decided I'd go to the shop first but the guys had gone already so I was going to walk. I walked a little while but I started melting! So I decided to just walk back to school and wait in line for the dean under shelter in the hall! I ended up waiting in line for longer than half an hour at least! When I finally got to the dean we talked about options and so on and finally came to decide that I'd take Stats, biology, chemistry, history, Chinese and physics during my free period.
I had been talking with the English teachers about English and media studies today, and when they asked me what I had been thinking of doing at varsity I said I had been thinking about journalism until my parents dissuaded me from pursuing it. Miss Wood the media studies teacher commented:
"Calum I was a journalist but then I became a teacher. That must say something!"

Wednesday 1 February 2006

Back at School

Today I went back in to school to confirm the subjects I will be
studying this year. It was really cool seeing everyone back at school
again after so long, especially the yr 12s who were in their new
senior uniforms which made them look all grown up! I even managed to
talk quite a bit to Phoebe which was cool because I haven't really
talked to her much in person lately! I also caught up with all my
other good old pals as well as managing to talk to a few people I
don't often say much. That's something I've been meaning to do for a
while - get to know and talk more to a few more people I don't know
too well! Actually that should be one of my New Years resolutions!

Heather introduced me to this new girl to our school who attended
correspondence school since primary and I talked to her a bit while
waiting for my parents to pick me up afterwards. Now thinking about
it. I probably should have introduced myself properly to her and found
out her name!

This year I've decided to study stats, biology, chemistry, Chinese and
maybe redo calculus and physics during my free period. My only problem
is I don't know whether to take history or English! Originally there
was a clash between chemistry and history, and so I had been planning
to take English and even went as far as to begin reading Pride and
Prejudice during the holidays! (I haven't gotten that far so far
though...) I also asked a few of my friends who had taken both what
they recommended, and they all suggested that I take English rather
than history because it had more 'prestige' and was slightly easier!
However if I decide to take English, it will clash with stats and
Chinese, but if I just take history I won't have any problem, so I
don't really know whether to try see if I can somehow study English or
just go along with history!

I've got my free period at the same time as headgirl Heather, so
that'll be good if we need to work on something together. Sarena
originally had her free period in the same option line as us but then
decided to take physics!

I was standing in line waiting to see the dean about my options when I
got a txt from Aonghas telling me if I didn't hurry up I would miss
out on yum cha! So I just decided to come back tomorrow and left. One
piece of advice though: don't have yum cha in hot weather, especially
when you're eating hot food and drinking hot tea! Despite the fans
being on above us, it was boiling hot at the restaurant! It was
surprising though (and really good!) to see that the restaurant has
lifted it's hygiene rating from D to B!