Sunday 18 December 2005

False Alarm

This morning we had to get out of bed and rush to the hospital, as my dad had been contacted by the hospital. He was informed that our nana's condition had deteriorated and that she might not last long. Gathered around our nana were her three children, my dad, my uncle and my aunty, their spouses, her sister great Aunt Margaret and her husband great Aunt Rob, and about eleven of her grand children (it's amazing how it takes something like this to bring all the family together! Us grandchildren should spend more time together!) We all held hands for a prayer before anyone was allowed to come up to our nana to say any last words to her.
There were definitely a lot of sniffing and tears. I was trying as hard as I could to keep it all in but thinking about my brothers' and my relationship with my nana made me feel really guilty inside that we hadn't spent as much time as we should've with her and that we hadn't been better grandchildren to her. So I led my brothers over to our nana and thanked her for always being there for us and supporting us, and apologising for not spending much time with her.
I thought those would be my last words to my nana, but as it turned out, the doctor came in to check on her and realised that she may have been a little dopey because of all the drugs she was on. My cousins and I all went to McDonald's for breakfast, and we ended up staying at hospital till one in the afternoon when we had to go to church to practise for the Christmas service next week. We returned to the hospital soon after and stayed there till 10.
Hospital is definitely not the most exciting place to be when nothing happens but then again you don't really want anything to happen. Late at night after visiting hours when the hospital was dark and we were sitting around our nana, suddenly an alarm went off and a red light outside a room started to flash. All these nurses went rushing down the hallway to the room! It turned out to be another false alarm.
My nana's always been a strong woman and she seems to be holding out but we're not too sure just how long she can hold on for. It would be great for her to enjoy one last Christmas together with all of the family.

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