Saturday 3 December 2005

All Over!

I left the exam room at 5pm and that was it for me for this year! No more NCEA exams for me! Chinese wasn't too bad. I'm not too good at listening and so I probably stuffed up that paper. This time round I wasn't the only person left in the room at the end but Julie (a friend from my Chinese class) and I were last to leave while everyone left before us.
The scary thing is when I was sitting outside the exam room before the exam with some other people, my dean walked past calling out to me telling me that she was expecting all excellences! She's going to be disappointed!
Anyway our computer upgrade saga continues...We bought a new motherboard but not after we bought a new power supply for the computer as we were told we needed a more powerful power supply. So now our computer has a new graphics card, motherboard and power supply. The next thing is putting it all together and getting it to work! We could probably create another computer out of our spare motherboard and power supply but that would cost more money...

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