Tuesday 6 December 2005

And it's supposed to be the Holidays...

Today was book return day at school so we only had to turn up, return our books and get our sheet signed off before getting our yearbook. I managed to give out most of my Christmas cards (or holiday cards to be PC!). After that the student leaders group had a meeting to discuss the structure and the initial plan for at least the first week of next year. I'm put in charge of the Junior Students Group, which could possibly be one of the hardest to figure out, as there have been so many various forms of a 'junior student group' in the past few years, none which have been too effective because the group never had a purpose. I'll have to come up with something over the holidays.
We were lucky enough to be given free Subway (the first time I've actually had something from Subway apart from a small cookie I bought two years ago!), and then Heather and I were told that we have to give a speech at the junior prize-giving this Friday about...anything, or what we're passionate about, or who we are...really I have no idea what we're supposed to talk about!
My biggest fear coming into the job as headboy is that you have everyone looking at you expecting to do heaps of things for them and when either you don't make it obvious that you've done something for the students or you don't do anything at all for them, you get slated for it and people seem to (I don't know if they actually do) turn against you and put you down and lose faith in you. Next year rather than the head students doing everything while the student leaders lie back and relax, each person in the student leaders group will be in charge of a certain area, and so hopefully things will get done. I just hope I don't screw up the Junior students group!
This lady from church asked my brothers and me to perform some music at their Christmas concert, and is expecting us to be able to play it for her this Sunday, but the only problem is we don't have any Christmas music for an accordion trio which means I'll have to arrange some music! (By the way just to do my part for being a novice Christian, God and Jesus are really cool people, or spirits, or guys/girls whatever they are!)
This Friday I'll be performing with the Auckland Symphony Orchestra for a free Christmas concert at 7.30pm in the Auckland Town Hall just in case anyone has a Friday night to waste! This means I have to attend rehearsals on Thursday and Friday night.
I also applied for this job, and tonight I attended a little presentation about what would be involved, and if I decide to go for the job, I have to auditon for it next Tuesday which would require me to plan all this stuff and do a little performance and demonstration :S
I just want to RELAX for once!

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