Thursday 20 January 2005

Thank Goodness for Clean Air

I really should post to this blog a lot earlier in the day! Anyway today we went to a Chinese Restaurant in South Auckland for Yum Cha to kinda celebrate my birthday, which isn't actually till Friday. The restaurant which we usually go to is pretty cheap, with the only downside being that it's hygiene rating isn't too great. Last time we dined there it was an E (A is the best), and people all around us were smoking. Today however, it was a D, and now that the legislation that bans smoking in bars and public places has come into force, there was actually fresh air in the building! Now that was really great. After that we went into a nearby computer shop to pick up a few bits and pieces to upgrade our computer.

Tonight after watching the movie 'One True Thing' (I think that's what its called?), it made me really realise how important my parents are to me. This movie was about a girl who wasn't that close to her mother, until when she was dying of cancer. Yeah it sounds like any regular movie but it was pretty touching.

Anyway the debate over whether the death penalty should be reintroduced in New Zealand is pretty interesting with Marton mayor now calling for it to be reintroduced. Its interesting to note that New Zealand did have the death penalty right up till 1989 for treason (crimes against the state such as acts of terrorism and things like that). I understand how most people say that if we put a death warrant on these criminals, we'll be no better than them, but there are some points supporting the death penalty. Many judges are restricted in what they can dish out to these criminals because of how much the taxpayer will have to fork out to look after them in prison, and prison overcrowding is becoming a problem. In fact a few days ago a riot nearly broke out in one of New Zealand's prisons when a few inmates
got drunk from drinking homemade brew that had been smuggled in. The death penalty would certainly be a way of washing our hands of these bad people. You may say that an innocent man/woman may be sentenced to death, but what if someone was jailed for an offence? Once the parole board lets him free and then he reoffends, what then?

Labour's John Tamihere has hinted that tax-cuts could be on the agenda if Labour makes it back into parliament for a third term. This will definitely help the taxpayer. With so many taxes these days being introduced, and the normal citizen having to pay this and that, it would most likely come as a relief to many. Jim Anderton also strongly supports the idea of tax cuts, but for companies. Let's just hope that all this talk is not a lot of hot air.

Watch movie trailers online with the Xtra Broadband Channel !

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