Sunday 9 January 2005

Not too long now...

Even though January’s just started and school doesn’t start till February, time is definitely flying by, and before you know it, February will already be here! I got a reminder of just how soon we will return to school when I received a letter in the mail informing me of which classes I will be attending this year. According to them, I’ll be taking History, Chemistry, Biology, Chinese, English and Accounting. They left off Calculus! This means I’ll probably have to make an appointment with my dean to change it. Since this year I will be wearing the senior uniform (white t-shirt and navy blue shorts) for the first time this year as a year 12 student, I’ll have to attend school for half a day, for a uniform check. Then school will properly start on the 2nd February. This year my class has a different form teacher. We’ve had three different form teachers in three years now! Usually you stay with the same form teacher right throughout your high school years. I haven’t actually checked with anyone else who was in my class last year though, so I hope I wasn’t moved down a class!


Another thing that will be arriving soon in the not too distant future (in fact very soon!) are our NCEA results. I haven’t really been worrying them till my friend Diane asked me if I was nervous about them. It was only then when I realised that they’re coming! To be honest, I’m dreading them because I know my results will be bad. My whole academic and love/social life of 2004 was a tragedy and I’m really not expecting my NCEA results to be any better. All I can do is not to worry about the past and just focus on the present and future. The only thing I’m worrying about is if the past will hinder my present.  


This afternoon a friend of the neighbours (McDougals) came over to fix up their basketball hoop. Previously, the backboard which was made of weatherboard (the soft weet-bix kind of wood) had been all chipped (thanks partially to Aonghas!), and the hoop was dangling. Now that it’s been all fixed, I wonder how long it will last. One thing to take into consideration though is that they don’t even have a basketball… Tonight I played American Football down the driveway with Aonghas and Crystal, when Szelin came out and so we just talked a bit and her dog Pepper ran round our backyard. Once Crystal went home Szelin came over and we watched a bit of the movie ‘Lake Placid’ on television. Thankfully the cow which was used as bait to attract the gigantic crocodile survived! I’ve just finished watching this Chinese movie on VCD about this dog who was always loyal to a woman who could never find the right man, when one day the dog fell into a lake at the same time as this guy who was hunting him down. The power pole fell over in the storm, and the electric shock switched their bodies. Yeah, sounds pretty strange but it was pretty interesting.



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