Friday 14 January 2005

Not Quite to Plan

Today turned out to be a pretty busy day. All morning my brothers and I practised our accordions for our performance in front of our nana’s arthritis club. I performed Khaki Boys March and Preludio, as well as a duet Prelude and Fugue with Aonghas and a trio French Visit with both Aonghas and Hamish. My solos didn’t go too well with me making mistakes in both performances and I stopped midway through my duet. Fortunately Aonghas continued and I conveniently rejoined him later on in the piece. Our trio was probably the best piece we played. A few French women thoroughly enjoyed that piece! We also came across a woman who was one of the exam supervisors at my school last year! I’ll have to look out for her this year.


I’m now going out ;) with Phoebe, and announced this to Zippo. Well…I didn’t mention Phoebe’s name but she guessed it because she assumed that Phoebe would repay the favour and be my fake boyfriend. So…she changed the rules! Phoebe now has to come over to my house to meet Szepo, and then we have to do boyfriend/girlfriend things together before I win the bet! She even insisted that I kiss Phoebe! I don’t know how Phoebe would feel about this but it’s starting to bring back memories of what happened at Zippo’s birthday party last year, so I’m a bit hesitant.

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