Monday 10 January 2005

I've nearly done it!

OK I think I might’ve arranged something with someone in order to win this bet I’m having with Zippo (that I can get a girlfriend and last together for at least a week). I won’t name any names yet just in case I make a fool of myself…But if I pull this off, I safe myself from losing $5.00, earn myself the same amount and prove to Zippo that I’m not as useless and hopeless as she thinks I am! I’ll write some more as this develops. This is how one of my conversations with her went one night:
(Calum) “I think I’ve had bad luck with girls ever since you dumped me”
(Zippo) “You’ve never had any luck with girls!”

Crystal once again outdid herself, leaving me on the ground after she struck me in the NOGO zone. I don’t think she realises that for a guy, it hurts! But of course she’s only 8 years old…she’s too young to know, right?

I spent the afternoon mowing the front lawn and so that’s slightly tidied up what has been and still remains (to a certain degree) a suburban junkyard.

Oh by the way…HAPPY BIRTHDAY DIANE! She’s turning 16 today. It’s great to hear that she is happy with her NCEA results because last night she was hyperventilating (or I imagine she was) once she found out results would be in the post today. Everything would turn out right, and like I said, it did!

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